Bio:E. Rew Bixby

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This is an ISFDB biography page for E. Rew Bixby. It is intended to contain a relatively brief, neutrally-written, biographical sketch of E. Rew Bixby. Bibliographic comments and notes about the work of E. Rew Bixby should be placed on Author:E. Rew Bixby.

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Born in Brooklyn, E. Rew Bixby spent his early years in Grinnell, Iowa. Later, the family moved to Nashville where Rew finished high school. He attended Vanderbilt University earning a degree in English literature. He then followed his parents to Los Angeles where he met and married Katherine in 1942. During WWII, he served in the Army Signal Corps. After discharge, Rew partnered with friends to establish a technical publishing company for the aeronautical industry. This successful venture was sold in the 1950s. He then worked for ITT-Gilfillin as technical editor, then worked several years for Litton Industries. After his wife died in 1992, he moved to Seal Beach Leisure World.[1]

1. ^ The bio above is almost certainly the bio for this author, although that assumption is based on the unusualness of the name. The data in this bio comes from the Nov. 2006 Annual Report of the Long Beach Memorial Medical Center Miller Children's Hospital, and is available online at Long Beach Medical Center.