Author:John Norman

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This is an ISFDB Bibliographic Comments page for the author (or artist or editor) John Norman. This page may be used for bibliographic comments or extended notes about the author, or discussion on how to the author's works are to be recorded . The link above leads to the ISFDB summary record for John Norman. Please use Bio:John Norman for a biographical sketch of this person. To discuss what should go on this page, use the talk page. For more on this and other header templates, see Header templates.

Gor Book Revisions

Editions since 2001 have included numerous changes compared to earlier editions. Analysis done by Simon of Tabor.

Word counts of editions
No. Title Original
1 Tarnsman of Gor 67,904 67,901 -3 0.00
2 Outlaw of Gor 73,294 73,337 43 0.06
3 Priest-Kings of Gor 107,274 107,276 2 0.00
4 Nomads of Gor 128,141 129,268 1,127 0.88
5 Assassin of Gor 140,684 140,711 27 0.02
6 Raiders of Gor 111,193 112,954 1,761 1.58
7 Captive of Gor 123,336 144,948 21,612 17.53
8 Hunters of Gor 119,746 122,071 2,325 1.94
9 Marauders of Gor 114,389 115,257 868 0.76
10 Tribesmen of Gor 143,087 164,491 21,404 14.96
11 Slave Girl of Gor 190,638 210,936 20,298 10.65
12 Beasts of Gor 168,053 175,245 7,192 4.28
13 Explorers of Gor 172,370 181,697 9,327 5.41
14 Fighting Slave of Gor 133,265 143,735 10,470 7.86
15 Rogue of Gor 103,074 111,293 8,219 7.98
16 Guardsman of Gor 105,840 129,319 23,479 22.19
17 Savages of Gor 117,931 130,218 12,287 10.42
18 Blood Brothers of Gor 173,772 183,909 10,137 5.84
19 Kajira of Gor 162,573 184,039 21,466 13.21
20 Players of Gor 146,141 159,682 13,541 9.27
21 Mercenaries of Gor 140,691 165,247 24,556 17.46
22 Dancer of Gor 198,606 204,575 5,969 3.01
23 Renegades of Gor 153,331 179,768 26,437 17.24
24 Vagabonds of Gor 170,518 177,333 6,815 4.00
25 Magicians of Gor 189,955 207,801 17,846 9.40
26 Witness of Gor 284,207 284,207 0 0.00
Total 3,740,013 4,007,218 267,205 7.14


