Author:Henry Austin

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This is an ISFDB Bibliographic Comments page for the author (or artist or editor) Henry Austin. This page may be used for bibliographic comments or extended notes about the author, or discussion on how to the author's works are to be recorded . The link above leads to the ISFDB summary record for Henry Austin. Please use Bio:Henry Austin for a biographical sketch of this person. To discuss what should go on this page, use the talk page. For more on this and other header templates, see Header templates.

Henry Austin illustrated numerous books by Jules Verne for UK publisher Ward, Lock & Co., a search of WorldCat library records shows.

Few Ward, Lock editions of Verne are catalogued by the Library of Congress and its records of those works do not credit the illustrations (nor reliably note them).

One edition from another publisher is Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (J. Nisbet, Boy's holiday library, 1900) OCLC: 222190817. Probably that is a reprint of Ward, Lock, 1899 LCCN 62-56483

As of 2016-07-27 there are two Ward, Lock publications of Jules Verne in the database of which one credits interior illustrations by Austin.

LC does not identify Austin (LCCN for this Henry Austin not found 2016-07-27) and the undifferentiated name Henry Austin at WorldCat covers works by multiple people