Author:Charlotte Boyett-Compo

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This is an ISFDB Bibliographic Comments page for the author (or artist or editor) Charlotte Boyett-Compo. This page may be used for bibliographic comments or extended notes about the author, or discussion on how to the author's works are to be recorded . The link above leads to the ISFDB summary record for Charlotte Boyett-Compo. Please use Bio:Charlotte Boyett-Compo for a biographical sketch of this person. To discuss what should go on this page, use the talk page. For more on this and other header templates, see Header templates.

Charlotte Boyett-Compo is the author of the sword & sorcery WindLegends novels.

Charlee, as she is known to her fans, was born in Sarasota, Florida on June 20, 1948 and adopted at birth by Floyd and Vivian Boyett. She grew up in Colquitt, Georgia and Albany, Georgia and graduated from Albany High School in 1966. Married 40 years to her high school sweetheart, Tom, she is the mother of two grown sons, Pete and Mike, and the proud grandmother of Preston Alexander and Victoria Ashley.

She lives in the Midwest where she writes and maintains her own webpage [1] .

Her books are award-winning speculative fiction that range in genres from dark fantasy, horror, SF/Futuristic, dark romance, mystery/thriller to post-apocolyptic vampire western. There are ten novels in the WindLegends Saga series: Windkeeper, Windseeker, Windweeper, Windhealer, Windreaper, Winddreamer, Windbeliever, Winddeceiver, Windretriever and the soon to be released Windsleeper.

She is the creator of the DemonWind series of novels which include BloodWind[2], DarkWind [3], and EvilWind[4]. Her creations, the Reapers, are her signature and the novels have garnered high praise from readers and reviewers alike.

The Western Wind series of novels which began with WyndRiver Sinner[5] is fast becoming the most popular among her readers. The second and third books in the series are: Reaper's Revenge [6] and Prime Reaper [7].

Her other novels in several other series include:
In the Teeth of the Wind [9]
In the Heart of the Wind [10]
Shadowlord [11]
Taken by the Wind]
In the Wind's Eye[12]
DesertWind [13]
Phantom of the Wind[14]
Shades of the Wind[15]
Desire's Sirocco[16]
Longing's Levant[17]
Ardor's Leveche[18]
Rapture's Etesian[19]
Pleasure's Foehn[20]
Hunger's Harmattan[21]
Journey of the Wind[22]
Lucien's Khamsin[23]
Prisoner of the Wind[24]
Passion's Mistral[26]
BlackWind: Sean and Bronwyn[27]
BlackWind2: Viraiden and Bronwyn[28]

Her short stories include:
Spring Wind[29]
Summer Wind[30]
Autumn Wind[31]
Winter Wind[32]
The Windsday Club[34]
Secrets of the Wind[35]
Hunger for the Wind [36]
Memories of the Wind[37]
Wind in the Pines[38]
The Winds of Change[39]

The use of wind in all her titles in one fashion or another is a tribute to her being born under the Gemini zodiac sign, representative of the air.

Charlee writes for Ellora's Cave, Cerridwen Press, New Concepts Publishing and Samhain Publishing and is currently at work on her 55th novel.
