Author:Anne Parrish

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This is an ISFDB Bibliographic Comments page for the author (or artist or editor) Anne Parrish. This page may be used for bibliographic comments or extended notes about the author, or discussion on how to the author's works are to be recorded . The link above leads to the ISFDB summary record for Anne Parrish. Please use Bio:Anne Parrish for a biographical sketch of this person. To discuss what should go on this page, use the talk page. For more on this and other header templates, see Header templates.

Sister of Dillwyn Parrish 229248, cousin of Maxfield Parrish 21111.

Anne Parrish is more famous as a writer, Dillwyn as an artist/illustrator, and some sources identify Anne as the sole writer or Dillwyn as the sole illustrator of one or more of their co-created books (3?). For three books, all in the database as of 2016-06-01, they are jointly credited as co-writers and co-illustrators. John P. Reid, Collecting Delaware Books, provides some review of their joint work, with examples of the illustrations.

Reid also identifies and explains some mistakes concerning the Parrish siblings, both bibliographical and biographical. For instance, Anne is sometimes credited with works by their mother as Anne Parrish.

  • "Anne Parrish", Collecting Delaware Books ( --on Dillwyn and other Parrishes too