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Title: Ribbon in the Sky

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Title: Ribbon in the Sky Title Record # 55718
Author: Murray Leinster
Date: 1957-06-00
Length: novelette
Series: Med Service
Language: English
Synopsis: Thanks to a small human error, a med-service man on a routine trip is diverted to a forgotten colony on an icy planet. It's just as well: the inhabitants need some fast treatment for an advanced Crusoe condition.
User Rating: 6.00 (1 vote) Your vote: Not cast VOTE
Current Tags: space doctor (2), quarantine (1), science fiction (1) Add Tags

Other Titles

Year Language Title
1966Translated by Hubert Strassl
German Das Band am Himmel
1968Translated by Birgit Reß-Bohusch
German Die Schleife im Raum
1970Translated by Bodo Baumann
German Planet der Angst
1975Translated by Eurico da Fonseca
Portuguese Uma fita no céu
1979 Italian Il nastro nel cielo


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Title Date Author/Editor Publisher/Pub. Series ISBN/Catalog ID Price Pages Format Type Cover Artist Verif
Astounding Science Fiction, June 1957 1957-06-00 ed. John W. Campbell, Jr. Street & Smith Publications, Inc.  
$0.35?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
digest?Digest-size magazine, including both standard digest size, at about 7" by 4.5", and also large digest, such as recent issues of Asimov's, which are about 8.25" by 5.125".
mag H. R. Van Dongen Checkmark
Astounding Science Fiction, October 1957 1957-10-00 ed. John W. Campbell, Jr. Atlas Publishing and Distribution Co. Ltd  
1/9?Prior to decimilisation (1968-1971), UK books were priced in shillings, or shillings and pence, where 20 shillings equals one pound and 12 old pence equals one shilling. Shillings were indicated with a variety of suffixes, e.g. 3s, 3', 3", 3/ all mean 3 shillings. Any number after that is additional pence, usually 6 (half a shilling) but sometimes 3 or 9 (a quarter of a shilling or three-quarters of a shilling).
digest?Digest-size magazine, including both standard digest size, at about 7" by 4.5", and also large digest, such as recent issues of Asimov's, which are about 8.25" by 5.125".
mag Van Dongen Checkmark
Great Science Fiction About Doctors 1963-04-00 ed. Groff Conklin, Noah D. Fabricant, M.D. Collier Books AS 518
$0.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
anth Checkmark
Great Science Fiction About Doctors 1965-00-00 ed. Groff Conklin, Noah D. Fabricant, M.D. Collier Books 01895
$0.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
anth Don Punchatz  
Great Science Fiction About Doctors 1966-00-00 ed. Groff Conklin, Noah D. Fabricant, M.D. Collier Books 01895
$0.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
anth Don Punchatz Checkmark
Der Weltraumarzt greift ein 1966-07-29 Murray Leinster Moewig (Terra #468) 468
DM 0.80?DM: German (Deutsche) mark. ISO code: DEM in 1948-1999
digest?Digest-size magazine, including both standard digest size, at about 7" by 4.5", and also large digest, such as recent issues of Asimov's, which are about 8.25" by 5.125".
coll Karl Stephan Checkmark
S.O.S. from Three Worlds 1967-00-00 Murray Leinster Ace Books G-647
$0.50?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
coll Jack Gaughan Checkmark
Drei Welten funken SOS 1968-12-20 Murray Leinster Moewig (Terra Nova #36) TN036
DM 0.80?DM: German (Deutsche) mark. ISO code: DEM in 1948-1999
digest?Digest-size magazine, including both standard digest size, at about 7" by 4.5", and also large digest, such as recent issues of Asimov's, which are about 8.25" by 5.125".
coll Karl Stephan Checkmark
Great Science Fiction About Doctors 1970-00-00 ed. Groff Conklin, Noah D. Fabricant, M.D. Collier Books 01895
$0.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
anth Don Ivan Punchatz Checkmark
Science-Fiction-Stories 3 1970-00-03 ed. Walter Spiegl Ullstein (Ullstein 2000 #3 (2782)) 2782
DM 2.80?DM: German (Deutsche) mark. ISO code: DEM in 1948-1999
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
anth Paul Lehr Checkmark
Três mundos e um médico 1975-06-00 Murray Leinster Livros do Brasil (Argonauta #216)     196
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
coll Lima de Freitas  
S.O.S. da tre mondi 1979-05-00 Murray Leinster Libra Editrice (Slan. Il Meglio della Fantascienza #45) 45
Lit 4,000?Lit: Italian lira. ISO code: ITL in 1861-1999
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
coll Allison  
The Med Series 1983-05-00 Murray Leinster Ace Science Fiction Books 0-441-52360-9
$2.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
coll James Warhola Checkmark
Quarantine World 1992-07-00 Murray Leinster Carroll & Graf (Masters of Science Fiction (Carroll & Graf)) 0-88184-844-1
$4.50?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
coll Peter Goodfellow Checkmark
Med Ship 2002-08-00 Murray Leinster Baen Books 0-7434-3555-9
$7.99?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
coll Bob Eggleton Checkmark
Med Ship 2003-10-00 Murray Leinster Baen Books / SFBC 0-7394-3755-0 / 58792
$10.99?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
coll Bob Eggleton Checkmark
Med Ship 2004-01-19 Murray Leinster Baen Books (Baen Free Library) 0-7434-3555-9
$0.00?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
ebook?Used for all electronic formats, including but not limited to EPUB, eReader, HTML, iBook, Mobipocket, and PDF.
coll Bob Eggleton  
The 1634: The Baltic War Disk 2007-05-00 uncredited Baen Books (Baen CD-ROM Library #13)  
$0.00?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
other?The publication format is non-standard. The details are usually provided publication notes.
omni Checkmark
The 1634: The Baltic War Disk 2007-05-00 uncredited Baen Books (Baen CD-ROM Library #13)  
$0.00?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
other?The publication format is non-standard. The details are usually provided publication notes.
omni Checkmark
The 1635: The Eastern Front Disk 2010-10-00 uncredited Baen Books (Baen CD-ROM Library #23)  
$0.00?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
other?The publication format is non-standard. The details are usually provided publication notes.
omni Checkmark
Med Ship 2013-12-09 Murray Leinster Baen Books 978-1-61824-343-0
$6.99?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
ebook?Used for all electronic formats, including but not limited to EPUB, eReader, HTML, iBook, Mobipocket, and PDF.
coll Bob Eggleton  
The Med Series 2019-08-20 Murray Leinster Gateway / Orion 978-1-4732-2732-3
$2.99?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
ebook?Used for all electronic formats, including but not limited to EPUB, eReader, HTML, iBook, Mobipocket, and PDF.
Ribbon in the Sky 2023-04-24 Murray Leinster Project Gutenberg 70638
$0.00?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
ebook?Used for all electronic formats, including but not limited to EPUB, eReader, HTML, iBook, Mobipocket, and PDF.
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