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Publication: Subterranean, Issue #4

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  • Publication: Subterranean, Issue #4Publication Record # 289315 (View All Issues) (View Issue Grid)
  • Editor: John Scalzi
  • Date: 2006-00-00
  • Publisher: Subterranean Press
  • Price:
    $6.00?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
  • Pages: 92
  • Format:
    quarto?8.5" by 11" magazine, usually saddle-stapled, instead of side-stapled or glued
  • Type: MAGAZINE
  • Cover: Subterranean, Issue #4 by Bob Eggleton
  • Webpages:
  • Notes: John Scalzi is the guest editor for this issue only, published by William Schafer. This issue is available from John Scalzi's Website in PDF Format. Interior artwork is by the same person signature reads "B. Eggleton 2006" hence attribution. Added Note: The review for 'Dirty Job' credits the author as Chris Moore, but the publication was released as by Christopher Moore. This review has been entered under the corrected name to avoid creating an unnecessary pseudonym. The review for 'The Strange Adventures of Ranger Girl' mis-titles the work, which is properly titled as 'The Strange Adventures of Rangergirl'. The Review for 'Freaks: Alive on the Inside' incorrectly leaves off the ending '!' from the title.
Cover art supplied by ISFDB on this Web page
Editor Title: Subterranean - 2006 • [Subterranean] • (2006) • edited by John Scalzi

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