- Author: Murray Leinster
Author Record # 257
- Legal Name: Jenkins, William Fitzgerald
- Birthplace: Norfolk, Virginia, USA
- Birthdate: 16 June 1896
- Deathdate: 8 June 1975
- Language: English
- Webpages: encyclopediavirginia.org, Gutenberg, IMDB, librivox.org, manybooks.net, SFE, stevenhsilver.com, Wikipedia-EN
- Used These Alternate Names:
William Fitzgerald, Will F. Jenkins, Will Jenkins, William Fitzgerald Jenkins, William F. Jenkins, Murray Leinsteiner, M. Leinster, Murry Leinster, ,
Note: According to SFE: "The similarities in background from one late novel to another were sufficiently numerous for these books to make up one loose series – but through sameness, not through any articulated central conceit."
- Author Tags:
science fiction (44), Librivox (25), NESFA Core Reading List (11), space doctor (11), first contact (8), science (7), X Minus 1 (6), aliens (5), Dimension X (4), interstellar travel (3), time travel (3), giant insects (3), space opera (2), brain parasites (2), thriller (2), war (2), alternate worlds (2), adventure (2), future (2), jungle adventure (2) and 119 additional tags. View all tags for Murray Leinster