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Fiction Series
- Dust Devil
- Circle Dance (2005) [SF]
There's a Hole in the City (2005) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ein Loch in der Stadt [German] (2007)
- Dust Devil on a Quiet Street (2006) [SF]
King of the Big Night Hours (2007) [SF]
only appeared as:
- Variant: King of the Big Night Hours (2007) [as by Rick Bowes]
- Variant: The King of the Big Night Hours (2017)
- I Like Writing but Hate Being a Writer (2008) [ES]
- Aka St. Mark's Place (2008) [SF]
- The Office of Doom (2009) [SF]
I Needs Must Part, the Policeman Said (2009) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Trebuie să plec, a spus polițistul?Trebuie sa plec, a spus politistul[Romanian] (2012)
- Waiting for the Phone to Ring (2010) [SF]
- The Margay's Children (2010) [SF]
- Pining to Be Human (2010) [SF]
- Knickerbocker Holiday (2010) [SF]
- Venues (2010) [SF]
- Hoffmann, Godzilla and Me (2011) [SF]
- Dust Devil on a Quiet Street (2013)
- Files of the Time Rangers
- In the House of the Man in the Moon (1997) [SF]
- Diana in the Spring (1998) [SF]
- From the Files of the Time Rangers (2000) [SF]
- Straight to My Lover's Heart (2001) [SF]
- The Quicksilver Kid (2001) [SF]
- The Ferryman's Wife (2001) [SF]
- Days Red and Green (2001) [SF]
- The Mask of the Rex (2002) [SF]
- Godfather Death (2002) [SF]
- From the Files of the Time Rangers (2005)
- Kevin Grierson
- On Death and the Deuce (1992) [SF] [also as by Rick Bowes]
- The Judges of the Secret Court (1993) [SF]
- A Beggar at the Bridge (1993) [SF]
- The Shadow and the Gunman (1994) [SF]
I Died, Sir, in Flame, Sir (1994) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Zginąłem, mój Panie, w płomieniach?Zginalem, moj Panie, w plomieniach[Polish] (1997)
- Fountains in Summer (1995) [SF]
- At Darlington's (1995) [SF]
- Drink and the Devil (1997) [SF]
- Streetcar Dreams (1997) [SF]
- So Many Miles to the Heart of a Child (1998) [SF]
- Minions of the Moon (1999)
- Grierson at the Pain Clinic (2012) [SF]
- Warchild (Bowes)
- 1 Warchild (1986)
- 2 Goblin Market (1988)
- Feral Cell (1987)
- Transfigured Night and Other Stories (2001)
- Streetcar Dreams and Other Midnight Fancies (2006)
- The Queen, the Cambion, and Seven Others (2013)
- If Angels Fight (2013)
- My Life in Speculative Fiction (2001)
- Sleep Walking Now and Then (2014)
- Mr. Brain
- Mr. Brain and the Island of Lost Socks (2002) with Ezra Pines
- Mr. Brain and the Voting Booth from Outer Space (2004) with Ezra Pines
- Someday I Shall Rise and Go (1993)
- Transfigured Night (1995)
- A Huntsman Passing By (1999)
- My Life in Speculative Fiction (2001)
- Jacket Jackson (2006) with Mark Rich
- City of Chimeras (2006)
- The Wand's Boy (2007)
- A Tale for the Short Days (2007)
- If Angels Fight (2008)
- The Cinnamon Cavalier (2008)
- The Bear Dresser's Secret (2009)
- His Only Nose (2011)
- A Song to the Moon (2011)
- Mortal Bait (2011)
- On the Slide (2011)
- Sir Morgravain Speaks of Night Dragons and Other Things (2011)
- The Progress of Solstice and Chance (2011)
- Blood Yesterday, Blood Tomorrow (2011)
- A Member of the Wedding of Heaven and Hell (2012)
- The Queen and the Cambion (2012)
- Reality Girl (2012)
- Savage Design (2012)
- Seven Smiles and Seven Frowns (2012)
- The Lady of Wands (2013)
- The Witch's House (2013)
- Seven Days of Poe (2013)
- Tears of Laughter, Tears of Grief (2013)
- Whips and Wands (2013)
- Tales That Fairies Tell (2013)
- Sleep Walking Now and Then (2014)
- Anyone with a Care for Their Image (2015)
- Time Is a Twisting Snake (2015)
- Doll Court (2015)
- Oh, How the Ghost of You Clings (2015)
- Rascal Saturday (2015)
- The Duchess and the Ghost (2015)
- Lunching with the Sphinxes (2016)
- The Season of the Raptors (2017)
- Dirty Old Town (2017)
- The Name Unspoken (2017)
- Some Kind of Wonderland (2017)
- Icarus Rising (2019)
- In the Eyes of Jack Saul (2020)
- Life and Property (2001)
- Afterword: The Mosaic Novel (2005)
- On From the Files of the Time Rangers (2007)
- Introduction (East of the Sun and West of Fort Smith) (2008) [only as by Rick Bowes]
- Kage Baker: An Appreciation (2010) [only as by Rick Bowes]
- A Secret History of Small Books (2013)
- Floor Games (1999) by H. G. Wells
- Author Spotlight: Richard Bowes (2012) by Robyn Lupo
- Interview: Richard Bowes (2012) by Christopher Barzak
- Author Spotlight: Richard Bowes (2015) by Jill Seidenstein
- Author Spotlight: Richard Bowes (2016) by Erika Holt
Non-Genre Titles
Short Fiction
- Stories I Tell to Friends (2014)
- Fordham Court (2015)