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Fiction Series
- Sam Farrell
Lila the Werewolf (1969) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: Farrell and Lila the Werewolf (1969)
- Translation: Farrell e Lila, o lobisomem [Portuguese] (1971)
- Variant: Lila the Werewolf (1978) [as by Peter Beagle]
Translation: Die Werwölfin?Die Werwoelfin[German] (1980)
- Translation: Leila die Werwölfin [German] (1997)
- Translation: Leila, die Werwölfin [German] (1999)
- Translation: Lila le loup-garou [French] (2002)
The Folk of the Air (1986)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Das Volk der Lüfte [German] (1988)
Julie's Unicorn (1997) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: La licorne de Julie [French] (2002)
- Spook (2008) [SF]
Lila the Werewolf (1969) [SF]
also appeared as:
- The Essential Peter S. Beagle
- 1 Lila the Werewolf and Other Stories (2023) [C]
- 2 Oakland Dragon Blues and Other Stories (2023) [C]
- The Last Unicorn
The Last Unicorn (1968)
also appeared as:
- Translation: De Laatste Eenhoorn [Dutch] (1973)
- Translation: Das letzte Einhorn [German] (1975)
Translation: Ultima licornă?Ultima licorna[Romanian] (1977) [as by Peter Beagle]
- Variant: The Last Unicorn (1978) [as by Peter Beagle]
Translation: Ostatni jednorożec?Ostatni jednorozec[Polish] (1995)
- Translation: La dernière licorne [French] (1999)
Two Hearts (2005) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Zwei Herzen [German] (2009)
The Last Unicorn: The Lost Version (2007) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Last Unicorn: The Lost Journey (2007)
- Das letzte Einhorn und Zwei Herzen [German] (2009) [O]
- The Woman Who Married the Man in the Moon (2011) [SF]
- The Green-Eyed Boy (2016) [SF]
- Schmendrick Alone (2017) [SF]
Sooz (2023) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Sooz [German] (2023)
The Way Home (2023) [C]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Weg nach Hause [German] (2023)
The Last Unicorn (1968)
also appeared as:
- World of The Innkeeper's Song
The Innkeeper's Song (1993)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Es kamen drei Damen im Abendrot [German] (1995)
The Magician of Karakosk (1996) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le magicien de Karakosk [French] (2000)
- Translation: O mago de Karakosk [Portuguese] (2007)
The Last Song of Sirit Byar (1996) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: La dernière ballade de Sirit Byar?La derniere ballade de Sirit Byar[French] (1998)
Translation: La dernière chanson de Sirit Byar?La derniere chanson de Sirit Byar[French] (2000)
Giant Bones (1997) [C]
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Magician of Karakosk and Other Stories (1999)
Translation: La dernière chanson de Sirit Byar?La derniere chanson de Sirit Byar[French] (2000)
- Translation: Le magicien de Karakosk [French] (2000)
The Tragical Historie of the Jiril's Players (1997) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: L'histoire tragique des comédiens du Jiril?L'histoire tragique des comediens du Jiril[French] (2000)
Choushi-wai's Story (1997) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Le récit de Choushi-wai?Le recit de Choushi-wai[French] (2000)
Giant Bones (1997) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Les os géants?Les os geants[French] (2000)
Lal and Soukyan (1997) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Lal et Soukyan [French] (2000)
- Quarry (2004) [SF]
- Chandail (2006) [SF]
- Barrens Dance (2007) [SF]
- What Tune the Enchantress Plays (2008) [SF]
- Return: An Innkeeper's World Story (2010) [SF]
- Great-Grandmother in the Cellar (2012) [SF]
The Innkeeper's Song (1993)
also appeared as:
A Fine and Private Place (1960)
also appeared as:
- Translation: He, Rebeck [German] (1962)
- Variant: A Fine and Private Place (1978) [as by Peter Beagle]
The Unicorn Sonata (1996)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Sonate des Einhorns [German] (1997)
Tamsin (1999)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Das Zauberhaus [German] (2004)
- Summerlong (2016)
- I'm Afraid You've Got Dragons (2024)
- Das indische Nashorn [German] (1997)
The Rhinoceros Who Quoted Nietzsche and Other Odd Acquaintances (1997)
also appeared as:
Translation: Le rhinocéros qui citait Nietzsche?Le rhinoceros qui citait Nietzsche[French] (2002)
- The Line Between (2006)
- Strange Roads (2008)
- We Never Talk About My Brother (2009)
- Mirror Kingdoms: The Best of Peter S. Beagle (2010)
- Sleight of Hand (2011)
- The Overneath (2017)
- The First Last Unicorn and Other Beginnings (unpublished)
- The Fantasy Worlds of Peter Beagle (1978) [O] [also as by Peter Beagle]
- A Fine and Private Place / The Last Unicorn (1991) [O]
- Peter S. Beagle's Immortal Unicorn
- Peter S. Beagle's Immortal Unicorn (1995) with Janet Berliner and Martin H. Greenberg [only as by Peter S. Beagle and Janet Berliner]
- Peter S. Beagle's Immortal Unicorn: Volume 1 (1998) with Janet Berliner and Martin H. Greenberg [only as by Peter S. Beagle and Janet Berliner]
- Peter S. Beagle's Immortal Unicorn: Volume 2 (1999) with Janet Berliner and Martin H. Greenberg [only as by Peter S. Beagle and Janet Berliner]
- The New Voices of
- 1 The New Voices of Fantasy (2017) with Jacob Weisman
- The Secret History of Fantasy (2010)
- The Urban Fantasy Anthology (2011) with Joe R. Lansdale
- The Karkadann Triangle (2018) with Patricia A. McKillip
- The Unicorn Anthology (2019) with Jacob Weisman
- Lila the Werewolf (1974)
- J. R. R. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings" (1979) with Chris Conkling
- A Dance for Emilia (2000)
- The Last Unicorn: The Lost Version (2007)
- Two Hearts (2007)
- Return: An Innkeeper's World Story (2010)
- The Story of Kao Yu (2016)
In Calabria (2017)
also appeared as:
- Translation: In Kalabrien [German] (2018)
- The Last Unicorn: The Lost Journey (2018)
- I See by My Outfit (1965)
- Barsoom
- The Ape-Man of Mars (2012)
- Telephone Call (1957)
- My Daughter's Name Is Sarah (1959)
Come Lady Death (1963)
also appeared as:
- Translation: A chegada de Lady Morte [Portuguese] (1970)
Translation: Милости просим, леди Смерть?Milosti procim, ledi Smert'[Russian] (1971) [as byПитер Сойер Бигл?Piter Soyer Bigl]
Peter Soyer Beagle - Variant: Come, Lady Death (1978) [as by Peter Beagle]
- Translation: Welkom, Vrouwe Dood [Dutch] (1981)
- Translation: Eine Ballnacht für den Tod [German] (1982)
- Variant: Come, Lady Death (1988)
- Translation: Komm, Lady Tod [German] (1997)
- Translation: Venite, Lady Morte [Italian] (2001)
- Translation: Entrez, lady Death [French] (2002)
- Sia (excerpt) (1977)
- J. R. R. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings" (1979) with Chris Conkling
- The Last Unicorn (excerpt) (1987)
- The Naga (1992) also appeared as:
- A Fine & Private Place (excerpt) (1992)
Professor Gottesman and the Indian Rhinoceros (1995)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Professor Gottesman und das Indische Nashorn [German] (1997)
Translation: Le professeur Gottesman et le rhinocéros indien?Le professeur Gottesman et le rhinoceros indien[French] (2002)
Pieśń oberżysty (extract)?Piesn oberzysty (extract)[Polish] (1996)
A Dance for Emilia (2000)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Une danse pour Emilia [French] (2002)
- Mr. Sigerson (2004) [also as by Peter Beagle]
- Gordon, the Self-Made Cat (2005) [also as by Peter Beagle]
- Salt Wine (2006)
- El Regalo (2006)
- Four Fables (2006)
- The Fable of the Moth (2006)
- The Fable of the Octopus (2006)
- The Fable of the Ostrich (2006)
- The Fable of the Tyrannosaurus Rex (2006)
- We Never Talk About My Brother (2007)
The Last and Only or, Mr. Moscowitz Becomes French (2007)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Last and Only, or Mr. Moskowitz Becomes French (2008)
- Variant: The Last and Only, or, Mr. Moscowitz Becomes French (2008)
- Variant: The Last and Only; or, Mr. Moscowitz Becomes French (2023)
- King Pelles the Sure (2008)
- Uncle Chaim and Aunt Rifke and the Angel (2008)
The Tale of Junko and Sayuri (2008)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Tale of Junko and Sayiri (2008)
- Variant: The Tale of Junko and Sayuri (2008) [as by Peter Beagle]
- The Rabbi's Hobby (2008)
- By Moonlight (2009)
- The Stickball Witch (2009)
- Vanishing (2009)
- Up the Down Beanstalk: A Wife Remembers (2009)
- Sleight of Hand (2009)
- Oakland Dragon Blues (2009)
- La Lune T'Attend (2010)
- Dirae (2010)
- The Rock in the Park (2010)
- The Children of the Shark God (2010)
- Trinity County, CA (2010) also appeared as:
- Kaskia (2010)
- The Best Worst Monster (2011)
- The Bridge Partner (2011)
- The Way It Works Out and All (2011)
- Underbridge (2011)
- Music, When Soft Voices Die (2011)
- Olfert Dapper's Day (2012)
- The Queen Who Could Not Walk (2013)
- The Story of Kao Yu (2016)
In Calabria (2017)
also appeared as:
- Translation: In Kalabrien [German] (2018)
- My Son Heydari and the Karkadann (2017)
- The Very Nasty Aquarium (2017)
- Except on Saturdays (2020)
- The Weremouse of Millicent Bradley Middle School (2023)
- Marty and the Messenger (2023)
- Mr. McCaslin (2023)
- Tarzan Swings by Barsoom (2023)
- The Fifth Season (2023)
- The Mantichora (2023)
- Stable of Dragons (1960)
- The Unicorn Tapestries (1981)
- The Innkeeper's Song (1993)
- My Last Heroes (1965)
- Tolkien's Magic Ring (1966)
- D.H. Lawrence in Taos (1969)
- Introduction (The Hobbit) (1973) [only as by Peter Beagle]
- Introduction (The Two Towers) (1973)
- Introduction (The Lord of the Rings) (1973) [also as by Peter Beagle]
- Edgar Pangborn: An Appreciation (1976) [only as by Peter Beagle]
- Introduction (The Fantasy Worlds of Peter Beagle) (1978) [also as by Peter Beagle]
The Self-Made Werewolf (1978)
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Self-Made Werewolf (1978) [as by Peter Beagle]
- Variant: The Self=Made Werewolf (1980) [as by Peter Beagle]
- Foreword (The Best of Avram Davidson) (1979) [only as by Peter Beagle]
- Author's Note (The Unicorn Tapestries) (1981)
- Afterword (A Mirror for Observers) (1983)
- Books: Authors in Search of a Universe (1987)
- Preface (Adventures in Unhistory) (1993)
- Avram (1993)
- Foreword (Peter S. Beagle's Immortal Unicorn) (1995)
- Beagle's Comforting Clam Chowder (1996)
- Beagle's Legendary Minestrone (1996)
- Beagle's My-God-You-Mean-They're-Coming-for-Lunch? Zucchini Soup (1996)
Foreword (Giant Bones) (1997)
also appeared as:
Translation: Avant-propos (La dernière chanson de Sirit Byar)?Avant-propos (La derniere chanson de Sirit Byar)[French] (2000)
- Learning a Trade (1997)
- Pittsburgh Stories (1997)
- Pittsburgh Stories (A Recollection) (1997)
- The Poor People's Campaign (1997)
- Introduction: Jack Cady's Ghosts (The Night We Buried Road Dog) (1998)
- Avram (The Boss in the Wall) (1998)
- Introduction: Manatee Gal, Won't You Come Out Tonight (1998)
- Introduction: Ogre in the Vly (1998)
- Robert Nathan, 1894-1985 (1998)
- Introduction (The Charwoman's Shadow) (1999)
- Avram and G-d (2000)
- Foreword (The Treasury of the Fantastic: Romanticism to Early Twentieth Century Literature) (2001)
- Afterword: The Fabric of Outfit (2002)
- Introduction: Jack Limekiller (Limekiller!) (2003)
- Introduction to "My Daughter's Name Is Sarah" (2003)
- Preface: On Looking Back (The Rhinoceros Who Quoted Nietzsche and Other Odd Acquaintances) (2003)
- Introduction (The Line Between) (2006)
- Introduction (The Last Unicorn) (2007)
- Afterword (The Last Unicorn: The Lost Version) (2007)
- Introduction (Mirror Kingdoms: The Best of Peter S. Beagle) (2010)
- Introduction (The Secret History of Fantasy) (2010)
- Foreword: Theodore Sturgeon and The Last Unicorn (2010)
- Introduction (The Urban Fantasy Anthology) (2011)
- Foreword (The Wisdom of the Shire) (2012)
- Introduction (At the Edge of Waking) (2012)
Introduction (Phoebe and Her Unicorn: A Heavenly Nostrils Chronicle) (2014)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Himmlische Nüstern [German] (2015)
- Dear Pat: Afterword (2016)
- Back Then (2017)
- Afterword (The Last Unicorn: The Lost Journey) (2018)
- Introduction (The Unicorn Anthology) (2019)
- Foreword (The Butterfly Kid) (2019)
- Peter S. Beagle: Juggler on a Tightrope (1993) by uncredited
- An Interview with Peter Beagle (1994) by Darrell Schweitzer
- A Conversation with Peter S. Beagle (2006) by Matthew Cheney
- A Conversation with Peter S. Beagle (2007) by Freff
- Peter S. Beagle: My Private Places (2007) by Peter S. Beagle
- InterGalactic Interview with Peter S. Beagle (2007) by Edmund R. Schubert
- Peter S. Beagle: His Life and Work (2009) by Stephen Euin Cobb
- Peter S. Beagle: Insight and Advice for Writers (2009) by Stephen Euin Cobb
- Author Spotlight: Peter S. Beagle (2011) by T. J. McIntyre
- Author Spotlight: Peter S. Beagle (2012) by Robyn Lupo
- Interview: Peter S. Beagle (2014) by Anjali Sachdeva
- The Galaxy's Edge Interview: Joy Ward Interviews Peter S. Beagle (2016) by Joy Ward
- Jazz Music and Greek Myths: A Conversation with Peter S. Beagle (2016) by Chris Urie
Non-Genre Titles
- The California Feeling (1969)
- Dr. Watson's Song (2018)