Note: There are other authors with the same name: Paul Doherty (I)
- Author: Paul Doherty Author Record # 24232
- Birthplace: Boston, Massachusetts, USA
- Birthdate: 7 July 1948
- Deathdate: 17 August 2017
- Language: English
- Webpages:,,
- Author Tags: science fiction (2), Activism (1), climate change (1), SF (1)
Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
Short Fiction
- Cold Comfort (2016) with Pat Murphy
- Science (F&SF)
- The Science of Invisibility (1997) with Pat Murphy
- Watch the Skies! (1997) with Pat Murphy
- Gravity for the Adventurous (1998) with Pat Murphy
- Messing with Your Mind (1998) with Pat Murphy
- Close Encounters of the Gravitational Kind (1998) with Pat Murphy
- Twisted Thinking (1999) with Pat Murphy
- Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall (1999) with Pat Murphy
- The Shadow Knows (1999) with Pat Murphy
- Bicycling at the Speed of Light (1999) with Pat Murphy
- Nightfall Revisited (2000) with Pat Murphy
- General Relativity at Home (2000) with Pat Murphy
- Playing with Fire (2000) with Pat Murphy
- Death Rays and Other Experiments to Try at Home (2001) with Pat Murphy
- Explore Your World (2001) with Pat Murphy
- Under Pressure (2001) with Pat Murphy
- What Are the Odds? (2002) with Pat Murphy
- Monster Weather (2002) with Pat Murphy
- The Egg and the Eye and the Edge (2003) with Pat Murphy
- Big Wave Surfing (2003) with Pat Murphy
- Hot and Bothered (2004) with Pat Murphy
- A Visit to Mars (2004) with Pat Murphy
- Much Ado About Nothing (2005) with Pat Murphy
- Glimpsing Titan (2005) with Pat Murphy
- Weirder Than You Think (2006) with Pat Murphy
- Happy Birthday, Ben Franklin (2006) with Pat Murphy
- Think Small (2007) with Pat Murphy
- Visit the Metaverse and Change Your Mind (2007) with Pat Murphy
- Time for Some Change (2008) with Pat Murphy
- Rocks in Space (2008) with Pat Murphy
- A Lighter Look At Science (2009) with Pat Murphy
- Seeing Red (2009) with Pat Murphy
- The Wild Blue Yonder (2010) with Pat Murphy
- How Low Can You Go? (2010) with Pat Murphy
- Seeking Glorious Transits (2011) with Pat Murphy
- Pattern Recognition, Randomness, and Roshambo (2011) with Pat Murphy
- Amazing Science Stories (2012) with Pat Murphy
- Quicksand and Ketchup (2012) with Pat Murphy
- The Great Atmospheric Escape (2013) with Pat Murphy
- Aliens Inside You (2013) with Pat Murphy
- Rover the Superdog (2014) with Pat Murphy
- The Hole in Reality (2014) with Pat Murphy
- Falling into the Unknowable (2015) with Pat Murphy
- Traveling Through Time (2015) with Pat Murphy
- Welcome to Pleistocene Park (2016) with Pat Murphy
- Our Super Cool Solar System (2016) with Pat Murphy
- Brainless Robots Stroll the Beach (2017) with Pat Murphy
- Robots in Your Pants (2017) with Pat Murphy
- Robots on the Road (2017) with Pat Murphy
- With the Best of Intentions (2017) with Pat Murphy
- Vanishing Act (2017) with Pat Murphy
- Science: Asking Questions (2018) with Pat Murphy