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Fiction Series
- Parable of the Sower / Earthseed
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Parable of the Sower (1993)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La parabole du semeur [French] (1995)
Translation: Die Parabel vom Sämann?Die Parabel vom Saemann[German] (1999)
- Translation: La parabola del seminatore [Italian] (2000)
Translation: Przypowieść o siewcy?Przypowiesc o siewcy[Polish] (2000)
Translation: Pilda semănătorului?Pilda semanatorului[Romanian] (2015)
- Variant: The Parable of the Sower (2016)
Translation: A parábola do semeador?A parabola do semeador[Portuguese] (2018)
- Translation: เมล็ดฝันวันสิ้นโลก [Thai] (2018) [as by อ็อกเทเวีย อี.บัตเลอร์]
Translation: La parábola del sembrador?La parabola del sembrador[Spanish] (2019)
Translation: Liknelsen om sĺdden?Liknelsen om saodden[Swedish] (2019)
Liknelsen om sadden -
Translation: 播种者寓言?Bōzhňng zhě yůyán[Chinese] (2020) [as by奥克塔维娅·E.巴特勒?Ŕo kč tǎ wéi yŕ·E. Bātč lēi]
Translation: La parábola del sembrador?La parabola del sembrador[Spanish] (2021)
Translation: Podobenství o rozsévači?Podobenstvi o rozsevaci[Czech] (2021) [as byOctavia E. Butlerová?Octavia E. Butlerova]
Translation: A magvető példázata?A magveto peldazata[Hungarian] (2021)
A magvetooe peeldaazata -
Translation: مثل الزارع?Mithl alzaarie[Arabic] (2021) [as byأوكتافيا بتلر?'uwktafya Bitlar]
Translation: Die Parabel vom Sämann?Die Parabel vom Saemann[German] (2023)
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Parable of the Talents (1998)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La parabole des talents [French] (2001)
- Variant: The Parable of the Talents (2016)
Translation: A parábola dos talentos?A parabola dos talentos[Portuguese] (2019)
- Translation: Die Parabel der Talente [German] (2024)
- from The Parable of the Sower (1993) [SF]
- Parable of the Talents (epilogue) (1998) [SF]
The Parable of the Sower / The Parable of the Talents (2016) [O/1,2]
also appeared as:
- Variant: Earthseed: Parable of the Sower and Parable of the Talents (2017) [O/1-2]
- Variant: Parable of the Sower / Parable of the Talents (2019) [O]
- Octavia E. Butler's Parable of the Sower: A Graphic Novel Adaption (2020) [graphic format] with Damian Duffy
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Parable of the Sower (1993)
also appeared as:
- Patternist
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Wild Seed (1980)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Wilde Saat [German] (1984)
- Variant: Wild Seed (1990) [as by Octavia Butler]
- Translation: Seme selvaggio [Italian] (1991)
Translation: Дикое племя?Dikoe plemya[Russian] (2010) [as byОктавия Батлер?Oktaviya Batler]
- Translation: Semente originária [Portuguese] (2021)
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Mind of My Mind (1977)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Mind of My Mind (1977) [as by Octavia Butler]
- Translation: Le motif [French] (1980)
- Translation: Der Seelenplan [German] (1983)
- Translation: La nuova stirpe [Italian] (1993)
- Translation: Elos da Mente [Portuguese] (2022)
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Clay's Ark (1984)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Clay's Ark (1984) [as by Octavia Butler]
- Translation: Humains, plus qu'humains [French] (1985) [as by Octavia Butler]
Translation: Клэев ковчег?Kleev kovcheg[Russian] (2010) [as byОктавия Батлер?Oktaviya Batler]
- Translation: Arca de Clay [Portuguese] (2023)
- Serializations:
- Translation: Incidente nel deserto (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1985)
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Survivor (1978)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La survivante [French] (1980)
- Translation: Alanna [German] (1984)
- Translation: Sopravvissuta [Italian] (1994)
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Patternmaster (1976)
also appeared as:
Translation: Le maître du réseau?Le maitre du reseau[French] (1977) [as by Octavia Butler]
- Translation: De Patroonmeester [Dutch] (1980)
- Translation: Als der Seelenmeister starb [German] (1982)
- Variant: Patternmaster (2021) [as by Octavia Butler]
- Seed to Harvest (2007) [O/1,2,4,5]
- Clay's Ark (excerpt) (2021) [SF]
- Wild Seed (excerpt) (2021) [SF]
- Adulthood Rites (excerpt) (2022) [SF]
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Wild Seed (1980)
also appeared as:
- Xenogenesis / Lilith's Brood
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Dawn (1987)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Dawn (1988) [as by Octavia Butler]
- Translation: Amanecer [Spanish] (1989)
- Translation: Aamunkoitto [Finnish] (1990)
- Translation: Dämmerung [German] (1991)
Translation: Úsvit?Usvit[Czech] (1997) [as byOctavia E. Butlerová?Octavia E. Butlerova]
- Translation: Madrugada [Portuguese] (2000)
Translation: Рассвет?Rassvet[Russian] (2001) [as byО. Батлер?O. Batler]
Translation: Зора?Zora[Bulgarian] (2013) [as byОктавия Е. Бътлър?Oktaviya E. Batlar]
- Translation: Despertar [Portuguese] (2018)
- Translation: Hajnal [Hungarian] (2019)
- Translation: Alba [Catalan] (2019)
- Serializations:
- Translation: Ultima genesi (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1987) [as by Octavia Butler]
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Adulthood Rites (1988)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Adulthood Rites (1989) [as by Octavia Butler]
- Translation: Rituale [German] (1991)
- Translation: Ritos da maioridade [Portuguese] (2001)
Translation: Ритуали на съзряването?Rituali na sazryavaneto[Bulgarian] (2014) [as byОктавия Е. Бътлър?Oktaviya E. Batlar]
- Translation: Ritos de passagem [Portuguese] (2019)
- Translation: Ritos de madurez [Spanish] (2021)
- Serializations:
- Translation: Ritorno alla terra (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1988) [as by Octavia Butler]
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Imago (1989)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Imago (1990) [as by Octavia Butler]
- Translation: Imago [German] (1991)
- Translation: Imago [Portuguese] (2021)
- Translation: Imago [Spanish] (2021)
- from Imago (1989) [SF]
Xenogenesis (1989) [O/1-3]
also appeared as:
- Variant: Lilith's Brood: The Complete Xenogenesis Trilogy (unknown) [O/1,2,3] [as by Octavia Butler]
- Translation: Die Genhändler [German] (1999) [O/1-3]
- Variant: Lilith's Brood (2000) [O/1,2,3]
- Translation: La estirpe de Lilith [Spanish] (2021) [O/1-3]
- Translation: Xenogenesis [German] (2024) [O/1-3]
- Imago (excerpt) (2022) [SF]
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Dawn (1987)
also appeared as:
Kindred (1979)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Vom gleichen Blut [German] (1983)
- Translation: Kindred - Verbunden [German] (2016)
- Translation: Parentesco [Spanish] (2018)
Translation: Kindred: laços de sangue?Kindred: lacos de sangue[Portuguese] (2019)
- Translation: Legami di sangue [Italian] (2020)
- Serializations:
- Translation: Legami di sangue (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1994) [as by Octavia Butler]
Fledgling (2005)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Novice [French] (2008)
- Translation: La luce del sole [Italian] (2013)
Translation: Yavru Kuş?Yavru Kus[Turkish] (2013) [as by Octavia Butler]
Yavru Kush
- Kindred: A Graphic Novel Adaptation (2017) [graphic format] with Damian Duffy
Bloodchild and Other Stories (1995)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Bloodchild and Other Stories, Second Edition (2005)
- Translation: Filhos de sangue e outras histórias [Portuguese] (2020)
- Translation: La sera, il giorno e la notte [Italian] (2021)
- Unexpected Stories (2014)
- Parable of the Sower / Parable of the Talents / Kindred (1999) [O/3N]
- Octavia E. Butler: Kindred, Fledgling, Collected Stories (2021) [O]
Wild Seed / Clay's Ark / Lord Kelvin's Machine (unpublished) [O]
James P. Blaylock
only appeared as:
Translation: Фантастические романы?Fantasticheskie romany[Russian] (2010) [O] [as byОктавия Батлер?Oktaviya BatlerandДжеймс Блэйлок?Dzheyms Bleylok]
- The Evening and the Morning and the Night (1991)
Bloodchild (2014)
also appeared as:
Translation: Дитя крови?Ditya krovi[Russian] (1989) [as byОктавия Батлер?Oktaviya Batler]
Crossover (1971)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Crossover (1971) [as by Octavia Estelle Butler]
- Translation: Atalho [Portuguese] (2020)
- Translation: Deviazioni [Italian] (2021)
Near of Kin (1979)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Nahe Verwandte [German] (1981)
- Translation: Parentes próximos [Portuguese] (2020)
- Translation: Una specie di famiglia [Italian] (2021)
Speech Sounds (1983)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Talljud [Swedish] (1985) [as by Octavia Butler]
- Translation: Der süße Klang des Wortes [German] (1987)
- Translation: O Dom da Palavra [Portuguese] (1991)
- Variant: Speech Sounds (1995) [as by Octavia Butler]
- Translation: Sons da fala [Portuguese] (2019)
- Translation: Sons da fala [Portuguese] (2020)
- Translation: Fonemi [Italian] (2021)
Bloodchild (1984)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Bloodchild (1984) [as by Octavia Butler]
- Translation: Blutsbrut [German] (1985)
Translation: 血をわけた子供?Chi o Waketa Kodomo[Japanese] (1986) [as byオクテイヴィア・E・バトラー?Okutivia E. Batoraa]
Okutivia E. Batorā - Translation: Blutsbande [German] (1986)
- Translation: Dijete krvi [Croatian] (1986)
- Translation: Figlio di sangue [Italian] (1987)
Translation: Дитя крови?Ditya krovi[Russian] (1989) [as byОктавия Батлер?Oktaviya Batler]
Translation: Мы все — одна семья...?My vse - odna sem'ya...[Russian] (1992) [as byО. Батлер?O. Batler]
- Translation: Os Hospedeiros [Portuguese] (1992)
- Translation: Bloedkind [Dutch] (2006) [as by Octavia Butler]
Translation: Мы все — одна семья...?My vse - odna sem'ya...[Russian] (2016) [as byОктавия Батлер?Oktaviya Batler]
- Translation: Filhos de sangue [Portuguese] (2020)
- Translation: Figlio di sangue [Italian] (2021)
The Evening and the Morning and the Night (1987)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le soir et le matin et la nuit [French] (1989)
- Translation: Der Abend, der Morgen und die Nacht [German] (2000)
- Variant: The Evening, the Morning, and the Night (2015) [as by Octavia Butler]
- Translation: O entardecer, a manhă e a noite [Portuguese] (2020)
- Translation: La sera, il giorno e la notte [Italian] (2021)
- Translation: A tarde e a manhă e a noite [Portuguese] (2023)
- Amnesty (2003) also appeared as:
The Book of Martha (2003)
also appeared as:
- Translation: O livro de Martha [Portuguese] (2020)
- Translation: Il libro di Martha [Italian] (2021)
- A Necessary Being (2014)
- Childfinder (2014)
- Lost Races of Science Fiction (1980) [also as by Octavia Butler]
- Future Forum (Future Life, March 1980) (1980) with Poul Anderson and Jeffrey M. Elliot and James P. Hogan and Richard A. Lupoff and Larry Niven and John Varley and Jack Williamson and Robert Anton Wilson [only as by Poul Anderson and Octavia E. Butler and Jeffrey Elliot and James P. Hogan and Richard A. Lupoff and Larry Niven and John Varley and Jack Williamson and Robert Anton Wilson]
- Future Forum (Future Life, November 1980) (1980) with Jeffrey M. Elliot and Richard A. Lupoff and Mack Reynolds and John Shirley and Ted White and George Zebrowski [only as by Octavia E. Butler and Jeffrey Elliot and Richard A. Lupoff and Mack Reynolds and John Shirley and Ted White and George Zebrowski]
- untitled (The Faces of Science Fiction) (1984)
The Nominees for the 1988 Nebula Awards (1988)
Greg Bear
David Brin
Pat Cadigan
Avram Davidson
Paul Di Filippo
George Alec Effinger
John M. Ford
Lisa Goldstein
Ursula K. Le Guin
Bruce McAllister
Pat Murphy
Keith Roberts
Kim Stanley Robinson
Geoff Ryman
Susan Shwartz
Robert Silverberg
Bruce Sterling
Lawrence Watt-Evans
Kate Wilhelm
Walter Jon Williams
Connie Willis
Gene Wolfe
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Nominees (1988)
Positive Obsession (1989)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Obsessăo positiva [Portuguese] (2020)
- Translation: Ossessione positiva [Italian] (2021)
- First Word (Omni, August 1993) (1993)
Furor Scribendi (1993)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Furor scribendi [Portuguese] (2020)
- Translation: Furor scribendi [Italian] (2021)
- About the Author (Mind of My Mind) (1994)
- The Monophobic Response (1995)
- About the Author (Patternmaster) (1995)
Preface (Bloodchild and Other Stories) (1995)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Prefácio (Filhos de sangue e outras histórias) [Portuguese] (2020)
- Translation: Prefazione (La sera, il giorno e la notte) [Italian] (2021)
- Afterword (Bloodchild) (1996) [also as by Octavia Butler]
- Afterword (Crossover) (1996)
- Afterword (Furor Scribendi) (1996)
- Afterword (Near of Kin) (1996)
- Afterword (Positive Obsession) (1996)
- Afterword (Speech Sounds) (1996)
- Afterword (The Evening and the Morning and the Night) (1996)
- About the Author (Lilith's Brood) (2000)
- Reading Group Guide (Parable of the Sower) (2007)
- Childfinder Afterword (2020)
- Interview with Octavia Butler (1979) by Jeffrey M. Elliot
- Sci-Fi Visions: An Interview with Octavia Butler (1980) by Rosalie G. Harrison
- Black Scholar Interview with Octavia Butler: Black Women and the Science Fiction Genre (1986) by Frances M. Beal
- Interview: Octavia Butler (1988) by Julee Johnson-Tate and A. E. Ubelhor
- Entretien avec Octavia E. Butler [French] (1988) by Pascal J. Thomas
- Octavia E. Butler: SF in the Age of Anxiety (1988) by uncredited
- An Interview with Octavia E. Butler (1990) by Larry McCaffery and Jim McMenamin
- An Interview with Octavia E. Butler (1991) by Randall Kenan
- PW Interviews Octavia E. Butler (1993) by Lisa See
- An Interview with Octavia E. Butler (1994) by Nancy V. Hayes
- Sci-Fi Tales from Octavia E. Butler (1994) by H. Jerome Jackson
- Octavia E. Butler Mouths Off! (1996) by Jan Berrien Berends and Tasha Kelly
- SFC Interview: A Conversation with Octavia E. Butler (1996) by Allison Stein Best
- "We Keep Playing the Same Record" (1996) by Stephen W. Potts
- An Interview with Octavia E. Butler (1997) by Charles Rowell
- Congratulations! You've Just Won $295,000: An Interview with Octavia Butler (1997) by Joan Fry
- An Interview with Octavia E. Butler (1997) by Steven Piziks
- Octavia Butler (1998) by Mike McGonigal
- Octavia Butler and Samuel R. Delany / MIT Cultural Studies Project (1998) by uncredited (co-interviewed with Samuel R. Delany)
- Possible Futures (1999) by Cecilia Tan
- Nebula Award Nominee Octavia Butler Is Expanding the Universe of Science-Fiction Readers (2000) by Janet Burkitt
- Octavia Butler (2000) by Juan Williams
- Octavia E. Butler: Persistence (2000) by uncredited
- "Radio Imagination": Octavia Butler on the Poetics of Narrative Embodiment (2001) by AnaLouise Keating and Marilyn Mehaffy
- Schreiben ist ein Akt der Hoffnung [German] (2001) by Usch Kiausch
- Essay on Racism (2001) by Scott Simon
- Big Thinker (2001) by Susan Stamberg
- Watching the Story Happen (2003) by Darrell Schweitzer
- A Conversation with Octavia Butler (2004) by Nicholas A. DiChario
- "I've Always Been an Outsider" (2004) by Joshunda Sanders
- Octavia Butler's Kindred Turns Twenty-Five (2004) by Allison Keyes
- Interview: Octavia E. Butler (2004) by John C. Snider
- A Conversation with Octavia E. Butler (2004) by Nisi Shawl
- Science Fiction Writer Octavia Butler on Race, Global Warming and Religion (2005) by Juan Gonzalez and Amy Goodman
- The Lit Interview: Octavia Butler (2006) by Daniel Burton-Rose
- Interviewing the Oracle (2006) by Kazembe Balagun
- Interview with Octavia Butler (2009) by Jelani Cobb
- "There Isn't Anything I Can't Do in Science Fiction" (2023) by Terry Gross
- The Last Interview (2023)
Jen Chau Fontán?Jen Chau Fontan