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Fiction Series
- Kefahuchi Tract Trilogy
- 1
Light (2002)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'ombre du Shrander [French] (2004)
- Translation: Valo [Finnish] (2004)
- Translation: Licht [German] (2004)
- Serializations:
- Translation: Luce dell'universo (Complete Novel) [Italian] (2006)
- 2
Nova Swing (2006)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Nova [German] (2007)
- Translation: Nova Swing [Finnish] (2008)
- Serializations:
- Translation: Nova Swing (Complete Novel) [Italian] (2010)
- 3
Empty Space (2012)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Tyhjyys [Finnish] (2014)
- 1
Light (2002)
also appeared as:
- Tag, the Cat
- 1
The Wild Road (1997)
Jane Johnson
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Wild Road (1997) [as by Gabriel King]
- Translation: Auf geheimen Pfaden [German] (1999) [as by Gabriel King]
- 2
The Golden Cat (1998)
Jane Johnson
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Golden Cat (1998) [as by Gabriel King]
- Translation: Die Goldene Katze [German] (2001) [as by Gabriel King]
- 3 The Knot Garden (2000) with Jane Johnson [only as by Gabriel King]
- 4 Nonesuch (2002) with Jane Johnson [only as by Gabriel King]
- The Wild Road (excerpt) (1998) [SF] with Jane Johnson [only as by Gabriel King]
- 1
The Wild Road (1997)
Jane Johnson
only appeared as:
- Viriconium
- 1
The Pastel City (1971)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Pastell-Stadt [German] (1973)
- Translation: La cité pastel [French] (1985)
- Translation: Pastelni grad [Serbian] (1989) [as by M. Džon Harison]
- Serializations:
- Translation: La città del lontanissimo futuro (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1979)
- 2
A Storm of Wings (1980)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Das Rauschen dunkler Schwingen [German] (1984)
- Translation: Le signe des locustes [French] (1986)
- 3
In Viriconium (1982)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Floating Gods (1983)
Translation: Die Götter der Pastell-Stadt?Die Goetter der Pastell-Stadt[German] (1985)
- Translation: Les dieux incertains [French] (1986)
- 4 Viriconium Nights (1984) [C]
The Lamia and Lord Cromis (1971) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Lamia & Lord Cromis (2000)
- Translation: tegeus-Cromis et la Lamie [French] (2003)
Lamia Mutable (1972) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Bringer with the Window (1972)
Translation: Метаморфозы Ламии?Metamorfozy Lamii[Russian] (1994) [as byМ. Гонт Гаррисон?M. Gont Garrison]
- Events Witnessed from a City (1975) [SF]
- Viriconium Knights (1981) [SF]
- Strange Great Sins (1983) [SF]
The Lords of Misrule (1984) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: Lords of Misrule (1984)
- In Viriconium (1984) [SF]
The Luck in the Head (1984) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: La tête porte-bonheur?La tete porte-bonheur[French] (2003)
- Translation: Norocul din cap [Romanian] (2008)
A Young Man's Journey to Viriconium (1985) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: A Young Man's Journey to London (2002)
- Translation: Voyage d'un jeune homme à Viriconium [French] (2003)
The Dancer from the Dance (1985) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: La danse de l'insecte [French] (2003)
- Viriconium (1988) [O/3,4]
- Viriconium (2000) [O/1-4]
- Les dieux incertains [French] (2003) [O]
- Viriconium: Intégrale [French] (2015) [O]
- 1
The Pastel City (1971)
also appeared as:
The Committed Men (1971)
also appeared as:
Translation: Idealisten der Hölle?Idealisten der Hoelle[German] (1982) [as by M. J. Harrison]
The Centauri Device (1974)
also appeared as:
Translation: In meiner Hand — die Erde?In meiner Hand - die Erde[German] (1981)
Translation: La mécanique du centaure?La mecanique du centaure[French] (2003)
- Translation: Die Centauri-Maschine [German] (2006)
The Course of the Heart (1992)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Eilisen mystinen sydän [Finnish] (2005)
Signs of Life (1997)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Elonmerkit [Finnish] (2007)
- The Sunken Land Begins to Rise Again (2020)
- By Gas Mask and Fire Hydrant (unpublished)
- The Machine in Shaft Ten and Other Stories (1975)
- The Ice Monkey and Other Stories (1983)
- Travel Arrangements (2000)
- Things That Never Happen (2002)
- You Should Come with Me Now (2017)
- Settling the World: Selected Stories 1970-2020 (2020)
- Anima (2005) [O]
- The Luck in the Head (1991)
- Getting Out of There (2013)
- 'Doe Lea' (2019)
- English Heritage (2021)
- Parietal Games: Critical Writings by and on M. John Harrison (2005) with Mark Bould and Michelle Reid
- Wish I Was Here (2023)
- Jerry Cornelius
- 21 The Adventures of Jerry Cornelius: The English Assassin (1980) [graphic format] with Michael Moorcock
- The Ash Circus (1969)
- The Nash Circuit (1969)
- The Flesh Circle (1971)
- Marina (1966) [only as by John Harrison]
- The Macbeth Expiation (1968)
- Visions of Monad (1968)
Green Five Renegade (1969)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le renégat [French] (1975)
London Melancholy (1969)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Londres melancolia [Portuguese] (1970)
- Translation: Stadt im Nebel [German] (1970)
- Translation: Londres-Mélancolie [French] (1974)
- The Nostalgia Story (1970)
- The Bait Principle (1970)
- The Floating Nun (Excerpt from The Committed Men) (1970)
- Guilty! (1971)
- Ring of Pain (1971)
- The Causeway (1971)
- The Machine in Shaft Ten (1972) [also as by Joyce Churchill]
- Coming from Behind (1973)
- 'The Wolf That Follows' (1974)
- The Centauri Device (1974)
- Running Down (1975)
Settling the World (1975)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'autoroute de dieu [French] (1979)
- Translation: Friede auf Erden [German] (1983)
- Translation: Friede auf Erden [German] (2001)
- The Orgasm Band (1975)
- The Incalling (1978)
- The Ice Monkey (1980)
- The Sudden Embodiment Of Benedict Paucemanly (1980)
Egnaro (1981)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Egnaro [German] (1986)
The New Rays (1982)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Uudet säteet [Finnish] (1993)
- The Quarry (1983)
- Old Women (1984)
Small Heirlooms (1987)
also appeared as:
Translation: Kleines Erbstück?Kleines Erbstueck[German] (1990)
The Great God Pan (1988)
also appeared as:
- Translation: De Grote God Pan [Dutch] (1989)
Translation: Der große Gott Pan?Der grosse Gott Pan[German] (1989)
- Translation: Le grand dieu Pan [French] (1990)
- Translation: Suuri jumala Pan [Finnish] (1992)
- The Gift (1988)
- The Horse of Iron and How We Can Know It and Be Changed by It Forever (1989) also appeared as:
- GIFCO (1992) also appeared as:
Anima (1992)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Anima [Serbian] (1995)
- Review of _The Water People_ (Joe Simpson) (1992)
- The Dead (1992) with Simon Ings
- The Adventures of Jerry Cornelius (Parts 9 & 10) (1993) with Mal Dean and Richard Glyn Jones and Michael Moorcock [only as by Mal Dean and M. John Harrison and R. Glyn Jones and Michael Moorcock]
- Isobel Avens Returns to Stepney in the Spring (1994)
- Empty (1995)
- Seven Guesses of the Heart (1996)
- The Rio Brain (1996) with Simon Ings
- I Did It (1996)
- The East (1996)
- Black Houses (1998)
- Science & The Arts (1999)
- Suicide Coast (1999)
- The Neon Heart Murders (2000)
- Entertaining Angels Unawares (2002)
- Cicisbeo (2003)
Tourism (2004)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Tourists (2004)
- Translation: Turism [Romanian] (2008) [as by Michael John Harrison]
- From Climbers (2006)
- Two Extracts from a New Book (2006)
- The Good Detective (2007)
Keep Smiling with Great Minutes (2008)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Keep Smiling (with Great Minutes) (2017)
- Places You Didn't Think to Look for Yourself (2008)
- Name This City (2009)
- The Walls (2011)
- Anti-Promethean (2011)
- In Autotelia (2012)
- Elf Land: The Lost Palaces (2012)
- Recovering the Rites (2012)
- In the Crime Quarter (2012)
- Lost & Found (2012)
- A Web (2012)
- I've Left You My Kettle and Some Money (2013)
- Last Transmission from the Deep Halls (2013)
- Rockets of the Western Suburbs (2013)
Cave and Julia (2013)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Cave & Julia (2013)
- Explaining the Undiscovered Continent (2013)
- Cries (2013)
- Awake Early (2013)
- Getting Out of There (2013)
- Jackdaw Bingo (2013)
- Royal Estate (2013)
- Psychoarcheology (2014)
- Earth Advengers (2014)
- Back to the Island (2014)
- Animals (2014)
- Alternate World (2015)
- Babies from Sand (2016)
- A Bad Dream (2017)
- Dog People (2017)
- Imaginary Reviews (2017)
- Jack of Mercy's (2017)
- Self-Storage (2017)
- Studio (2017)
- The Crisis (2017)
- The Old Fox (2017)
- The Theory Cadre (2017)
- Under the Ginger Moon (2017)
- Yummie (2017)
"Doe Lea" (2019)
also appeared as:
- Variant: 'Doe Lea' (2019)
- Colonising the Future (2019)
- Land Locked (2020)
- English Heritage (2021)
- Not All Men (unknown)
- Nova Swing (excerpt) (unknown)
- Read This
- The Profession of Science Fiction
- 40
The Profession of Fiction (1989)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Profession : fiction [French] (2005)
- 40
The Profession of Fiction (1989)
also appeared as:
- The Impotence of Being Stagg (1968) with Robert Meadley [only as by M. John Harrison and R. G. Meadley]
- A Devil of a Job (1968)
- The Angle of Attack (1968)
- The Anthology Bag (1969)
- Trouble at t'White House (1969)
- Mr Throd and the Wise Old Crocodile (1969)
- The Cannon Kings (1969)
- Twilight Crucifixion of the Beastly Black Sheep (1969)
- The Boy from Vietnam (1969)
- Paperbag (1969) [also as by Joyce Churchill]
- Come Alive - You're in the William Sansom Generation (1969)
- The Answer Is Chicago (1969)
- The Tangreese Gimmick (1969)
- Pot Pourri (1969)
- Big Brother Is Twenty-One (1970) [also as by Joyce Churchill]
- The Chalk Won't Stay on the Biscuits: A Dialogue by M. John Harrison (1970)
- The Wireless School (1970)
- Broaden Your Horizons (1970)
- Sawdust and Dead Reads (1970)
- A Literature of Comfort (1971)
- By Tennyson Out of Disney (1971)
- The Black Glak (1972)
- The Problem of Sympathy (1972)
- Afterword (Lamia Mutable) (1972)
- Filling Us Up (1973)
- To the Stars and Beyond on the Fabulous Anti-Syntax Drive (1973)
- Absorbing the Miraculous (1974)
- Coming to Life (1975)
- Sweet Analytics (1975)
- Introduction (334) (1976)
- Notes from the Ivory Basement (1979)
- Science Fiction Book Reviews (1979)
Introduction (The Golden Barge) (1979)
also appeared as:
Translation: Einführung (Die goldene Barke)?Einfuehrung (Die goldene Barke)[German] (1982)
Author's Note (The Floating Gods) (1982)
also appeared as:
Translation: Vorbemerkung des Verfassers (Die Götter der Pastell-Stadt)?Vorbemerkung des Verfassers (Die Goetter der Pastell-Stadt)[German] (1985)
- Translation: Note de l'auteur (Les dieux incertains) [French] (1986)
- Author's Note (Viriconium Nights) (1984)
- Letter (Foundation #33) (1985)
- Breakthrough (1987)
- The Rape of hte Possible (1987)
- Review of _Touching the Void_ (Joe Simpson) (1989)
- Review of _Black Dogs_ (Ian McEwan) (1992)
- Review of _Where Does the Kissing End?_ (Kate Pullinger ) (1992)
- Review of _Hands On_ (Andrew Rosenheim) (1993)
- Review of _Crazy in Alabama_ (Mark Childress) (1993)
- Review of _Against the Wall_ (Simon Yates) (1996)
- Review of _The Story of My Disappearance_ (Paul Watkins) (1997)
- Polluted Peak (1997)
- Review of _A Man in Full_ (Tom Wolfe) (1998)
- Introduction (The Vaccinator) (1999)
- Introduction (The Chrysalids) (2000)
- What Might It Be to Live in Viriconium? (2001)
- Review of _The Bat tattoo_ (Russell Hoban) (2002)
- Author's Introduction (Things That Never Happen) (2002)
- Introduction (The Tain) (2002)
- Tolkien Is Not an Issue (2003)
- Review of _Seven Tales of Sex and Death_ (Patricia Duncker) (2003)
- Review of _China_ (Alan Wall) (2003)
- Review of _The North of England Home Service_ (Gordon Burn) (2003)
- Why I Write Space Opera (2003)
- Review of _Thursbitch_ (Alan Gardner) (2003)
- Review of _Her Name Was Lola_ (Russell Hoban) (2003)
- Review of _These Foolish Things_ (Deborah Moggach) (2004)
- Review of _Brother and Sister_ (Joanna Trollope) (2004)
- Review of _Firewall_ (Henning Mankell) (2004)
- Review of _Siren Song_ (Robert Edric) (2004)
- Review of _The Ninth Life of Louis Drax_ (Liz Jensen) (2004)
- Review of _The Quarry_ (Damon Galgut) (2004)
- Vorwort (Die Triffids) [German] (2012)
- Psychoarchaeology (2014)
- The Adventures of Jerry Cornelius (Parts 5 & 6) (1993) with Richard Glyn Jones [only as by M. John Harrison and R. Glyn Jones]
- The Adventures of Jerry Cornelius (Parts 7 & 8) (1993) with Mal Dean and Richard Glyn Jones and Michael Moorcock [only as by Mal Dean and M. John Harrison and R. Glyn Jones and Michael Moorcock]
- The Einstein Intersection (1968) by Samuel R. Delany
- Bug Jack Barron (1968) by Norman Spinrad
- Solar Lottery (1968) by Philip K. Dick (co-reviewed with Robert Meadley) [only as by M. John Harrison and R. G. Meadley]
- Black Easter (1968) by James Blish
- Camp Concentration (1968) by Thomas M. Disch [only as by Joyce Churchill]
- Jesus Christs (1968) by A. J. Langguth
- Nova (1968) by Samuel R. Delany
- Picnic on Paradise (1968) by Joanna Russ
- The Final Programme (1968) by Michael Moorcock [only as by Joyce Churchill]
- The Last Unicorn (1968) by Peter Beagle
- The Reproductive System (1968) by John Sladek
- Restoree (1969) by Anne McCaffrey
- The Ticket That Exploded (1969) by William Burroughs
- Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (1969) by Philip K. Dick
- Alph (1973) by Charles Eric Maine
- Ipomoea (1973) by John Rackham
- Mirror Image (1973) by Michael G. Coney
- Pstalemate (1973) by Lester del Rey
- The Universe Makers (1973) by Donald A. Wollheim
- Excalibur (1975) by Sanders Anne Laubenthal
- Getting Into Death (1975) by Thomas M. Disch
- Masque of a Savage Mandarin (1975) by Philip Robinson
- The Chalk Giants (1975) by Keith Roberts
- The New Apocrypha (1975) by John Sladek
- The Sheep Look Up (1975) by John Brunner
- To Ride Pegasus (1975) by Anne McCaffrey
- Port of Saints (1981) by William S. Burroughs
- Kiteworld (1985) by Keith Roberts
- O-Zone (1987) by Paul Theroux
- The Folk of the Air (1987) by Peter S. Beagle
- Escape from Kathmandu (1990) by Kim Stanley Robinson
- The Paradise Motel (1990) by Eric McCormack
- Heathern (1990) by Jack Womack
- War Fever (1990) by J. G. Ballard
- Time's Arrow (1991) by Martin Amis
- The Last Voyage of Somebody the Sailor (1991) by John Barth
- Storming the Reality Studio: A Casebook of Cyberpunk and Postmodern Science Fiction (1992) by Larry McCaffery
- The New Gothic (1992) by Bradford Morrow and Patrick McGrath
- Halo (1993) by Tom Maddox
- Dr. Haggard's Disease (1993) by Patrick McGrath
- Virtual Light (1993) by William Gibson
- Great Apes (1997) by Will Self
- Timequake (1997) by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.
- Toward the End of Time (1998) by John Updike
- Super-Cannes (2000) by J. G. Ballard
- Redemption Ark (2002) by Alastair Reynolds
- The Birthday of the World (2003) by Ursula K. Le Guin
- Natural History (2003) by Justina Robson
- Dr Mukti and Other Tales of Woe (2004) by Will Self
- The Coma (2004) by Alex Garland
- New and Other Worlds (1979) by Andrew Caesar
- The Last Rebel: An Interview with M. John Harrison (1981) by Christopher Fowler
- The Condition of Falling (1984) by Andrew Darlington
- M. John Harrison (1986) by Paul Kincaid
- A Young Man's Journey from Viriconium (1986) by Paul Kincaid
- On the Edge: The Last Holmfirth Interview with M. John Harrison (1993) by Christopher J. Fowler
- A Detective Fiction of the Heart (1993) by Christopher J. Fowler
- The Committed Man (1997) by Nicholas Royle
- Gabriel King - Feliduo (1998) by Elizabeth Counihan (co-interviewed with Jane Johnson)
- M. John Harrison Interview (1998) by David Kendall
- Vital Signs: M John Harrison interviewed (2002) by David Mathew
- Old, Mean and Misanthropic (2002) by Mark Bould
- Interview: M. John Harrison (2003) by Cheryl Morgan
- M. John Harrison: No Escape (2003) by M. John Harrison
- M. John Harrison: The Hyperobject in the Shadows (2020) by Andy Hedgecock
Non-Genre Titles
- Climbers (1989)
- Baa Baa Blocksheep (1968)