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Fiction Series
- Black Current
- 1
The Book of the River (1984)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Das Buch vom Fluss [German] (1987)
- Translation: O livro do rio [Portuguese] (1990)
- Serializations:
- Translation: Il libro del fiume (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1986)
- Translation: Knjiga Reke (Part 1 of 4) [Serbian] (1989) [as by Jan Votson]
- Translation: Knjiga Reke (Part 2 of 4) [Serbian] (1989) [as by Jan Votson]
- Translation: Knjiga Reke (Part 3 of 4) [Serbian] (1989) [as by Jan Votson]
- Translation: Knjiga Reke (Part 4 of 4) [Serbian] (1989) [as by Jan Votson]
- 2
The Book of the Stars (1984)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Das Buch von den Sternen [German] (1987)
- Serializations:
- Translation: Il libro delle stelle (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1988)
- 3
The Book of Being (1985)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Das Buch vom Sein [German] (1987)
- Serializations:
- Translation: Il libro delle creature (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1988)
The Black Current (1983) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der schwarze Strom [German] (1984)
New Year's Eve at Tambimatu (1983) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Silvester in Tambimatu [German] (1984)
A Walk to Manhome, and Away (1984) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Dr. Edricks Plan [German] (1985)
The Worm's Head (1984) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Kopf des Wurms [German] (1985)
The Books of the Black Current (1986) [O/1,2,3]
also appeared as:
- Variant: Yaleen (2004) [O/1,2,3]
- 1
The Book of the River (1984)
also appeared as:
- Book of Mana
- 1
Lucky's Harvest (1993)
also appeared as:
Translation: Dämonen-Kind?Daemonen-Kind[German] (1996)
- Translation: Les proclamateurs [French] (1998)
Translation: Spațiul Mana: Recolta norocoasei?Spatiul Mana: Recolta norocoasei[Romanian] (1999)
- 2
The Fallen Moon (1994)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Kuckucks-Fluch [German] (1996)
- Translation: Mond-Fall [German] (1997)
- Translation: Lever de lune [French] (1998)
- Les coucous [French] (1998)
- 1
Lucky's Harvest (1993)
also appeared as:
- Warhammer Universe
- Warhammer 40,000
Space Marine (1993)
also appeared as:
Translation: Űrgárdista?Urgardista[Hungarian] (1994)
Uuergaardista - Translation: Space Marine [German] (1996)
- Inquisition War
- 1
Inquisitor (1990)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Draco (1990)
- Translation: Inkvizítor [Hungarian] (1992)
- Translation: Inquisitor [German] (1996)
- 2
Harlequin (1994)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Harlekin [German] (1997)
- 3
Chaos Child (1995)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Kind des Chaos [German] (1998)
The Alien Beast Within (1990) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Das Scheusal im Leib [German] (1997)
Warped Stars (1990) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Im Schatten des Chaos [German] (1997)
- The Inquisition War (2004) [O/1,2,3 +2 stories]
- 1
Inquisitor (1990)
also appeared as:
Space Marine (1993)
also appeared as:
- Warhammer 40,000
- Waters of Destiny
- 1 Assassins' Legacy (2019) with Andy West
- 2 Assassins' Endgame (2019) with Andy West
- Waters of Destiny (2019) [O/1,2] with Andy West
The Embedding (1973)
also appeared as:
Translation: L'enchâssement?L'enchassement[French] (1974)
- Translation: Empotrados [Spanish] (1977)
- Translation: Het Sprakeloze Reservaat [Dutch] (1979)
- Translation: Das Babel-Syndrom [German] (1983)
Translation: Yhteyksiä?Yhteyksiae[Finnish] (1993)
Yhteyksia - Translation: Riflusso [Italian] (1999)
The Jonah Kit (1975)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le modèle Jonas [French] (1976)
- Translation: Der programmierte Wal [German] (1977)
Alien Embassy (1977)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ambassade de l'espace [French] (1979)
Translation: Ambasada extraterestră?Ambasada extraterestra[Romanian] (1995)
The Martian Inca (1977)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'inca de Mars [French] (1978)
- Translation: Das Mars-Koma [German] (1980)
- Serializations:
- Translation: Gli Dei Invisibili Di Marte (Complete Novel) [Italian] (2012)
Miracle Visitors (1978)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Les visiteurs du miracle [French] (1981)
- Translation: Zur anderen Seite des Mondes [German] (1981)
- Translation: L'enigma dei visitatori [Italian] (1999)
- Translation: La doppia faccia degli UFO [Italian] (2018)
- Serializations:
- Translation: La doppia faccia degli UFO (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1979)
God's World (1979)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Himmelspyramide [German] (1983)
- Translation: Le monde divin [French] (1983)
The Gardens of Delight (1980)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Tuin der Lusten [Dutch] (1983)
Translation: Die Gärten des Meisters?Die Gaerten des Meisters[German] (1983)
Under Heaven's Bridge (1981)
Michael Bishop
also appeared as:
Translation: デクストロ II 接触?Dekusutoro II Sesshoku[Japanese] (1988) [as by Michael Bishop andイアン・ワトスン?Ian Watosun]
- Serializations:
- Translation: Il mistero dei Kyber (Complete Novel) [Italian] (2002)
Deathhunter (1981)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La mort en cage [French] (1984)
Chekhov's Journey (1983)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le voyage de Tchekhov [French] (1985)
- Translation: Tschechows Reise [German] (1986)
- Translation: A Longa Viagem de Tchekhov [Portuguese] (1991)
Translation: Podróż Czechowa?Podroz Czechowa[Polish] (2003)
Converts (1984)
also appeared as:
- Serializations:
- Translation: Superuomo legittimo (Complete Novel) [Italian] (2000)
Queenmagic, Kingmagic (1986)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Magia de Reina, magia de Rey [Spanish] (2003)
- The Power (1987)
The Fire Worm (1988)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Feuerwurm [German] (2000)
- Whores of Babylon (1988)
- Meat (1988)
- The Flies of Memory (1990)
Hard Questions (1996)
also appeared as:
- Serializations:
- Translation: L'ultima Domanda (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1997)
Oracle (1997)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Orakel [German] (1999)
Mockymen (2003)
also appeared as:
- Serializations:
- Translation: L'anno dei dominatori (Complete Novel) [Italian] (2005)
Orgasmachine (2010)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Orgasmachine [French] (1979)
- New Adventures of a Chinese Time Machine (2024)
- Japan Tomorrow (1977)
The Very Slow Time Machine (1979)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Cronomacchina molto lenta [Italian] (1980)
- Translation: Chronomachine lente [French] (1981)
Sunstroke and Other Stories (1982)
also appeared as:
Translation: Die Räume des Paradieses?Die Raeume des Paradieses[German] (1988)
- The Book of Ian Watson (1985)
Slow Birds and Other Stories (1985)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Les oiseaux lents [French] (1987)
- Evil Water and Other Stories (1987)
- Kreuzflug [German] (1987)
Salvage Rites and Other Stories (1989)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Mond und Michelangelo [German] (1992)
Stalin's Teardrops and Other Stories (1991)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Stalin's Teardrops (1992)
- The Coming of Vertumnus and Other Stories (1994)
- The Lexicographer's Love Song and Other Poems (2001)
- The Great Escape (2002)
- The Butterflies of Memory (2006)
- The Beloved of My Beloved (2009) with Roberto Quaglia
- Saving for a Sunny Day (2012)
- Squirrel, Reich & Lavender: Bonus Stories (2014)
- The Best of Ian Watson (2014)
- The Uncollected Ian Watson (2014)
- Memory Man & Other Poems (2014)
- The 1000 Year Reich (2016)
- The Chinese Time Machine (2023)
- Foundation: The Review of Science Fiction
- Foundation - 1976 (1976) with Peter Nicholls and Christopher Priest
- Foundation - 1977 (1977) with Colin Lester and Peter Nicholls and Christopher Priest
- Foundation - 1978 (1978) with Malcolm Edwards and David Pringle
- Foundation - 1979 (1979) with Malcolm Edwards and David Pringle
- Foundation - 1980 (1980) with John Clute and David Pringle
- Foundation - 1980 (1980) with Malcolm Edwards and David Pringle
- Foundation - 1981 (1981) with John Clute and David Pringle
- Foundation - 1982 (1982) with John Clute and David Pringle
- Foundation - 1983 (1983) with John Clute and David Pringle
- Foundation - 1984 (1984) with John Clute and David Pringle
- Foundation - 1985 (1985) with John Clute and David Pringle
- Foundation - 1986 (1986) with Valerie Buckle and John Clute and Edward James and David Pringle
- Foundation - 1987 (1987) with John Clute and Edward James
- Foundation - 1988 (1988) with John Clute and Edward James
- Foundation - 1989 (1989) with John Clute and Edward James
- Foundation - 1990 (1990) with Colin Greenland and Edward James
- Foundation, #47 Winter 1989/1990 (1990) with John Clute and Colin Greenland and Edward James
- Foundation - 1991 (1991) with Colin Greenland and Edward James
- Foundation, #55 Summer 1992 (1992) with Colin Greenland and Edward James
- Foundation - 1993 (1993) with Colin Greenland and Edward James
- Foundation, #60 Spring 1994 (1994) with Colin Greenland and Edward James and Gary Westfahl
- Foundation, #62 Winter 1994/1995 (1994) with Colin Greenland and Edward James
- Foundation - 1995 (1995) with Colin Greenland and Edward James
- Foundation, #65 Autumn 1995 (1995) with Colin Greenland and Edward James and Andy Sawyer
- Foundation - 1996 (1996) with Edward James and Andy Sawyer
- The SFWA Bulletin
- The SFWA Bulletin - 1983 (1983) with Pamela Sargent and George Zebrowski
- The SFWA Bulletin - 1984 (1984) with Pamela Sargent and George Zebrowski
- The SFWA Bulletin - 1985 (1985) with Pamela Sargent and George Zebrowski
- The SFWA Bulletin - 1986 (1986) with Pamela Sargent and George Zebrowski
- The SFWA Bulletin - 1987 (1987) with Pamela Sargent and George Zebrowski
- The SFWA Bulletin - 1988 (1988) with Pamela Sargent and George Zebrowski
- The SFWA Bulletin - 1989 (1989) with Pamela Sargent and George Zebrowski
- The SFWA Bulletin - 1990 (1990) with Pamela Sargent and George Zebrowski
- Pictures at an Exhibition (1981)
- Changes (1983) with Michael Bishop
Afterlives (1986)
Pamela Sargent
also appeared as:
- Translation: Das unentdeckte Land [German] (1988)
- Translation: Dopo la vita [Italian] (1990)
- Translation: Altre vite [Italian] (1990)
- Nanoware Time / The Persistence of Vision (1991) with John Varley
- The Mammoth Book of Alternate Histories (2010) with Ian Whates
- Shoes, Ships and Cadavers: Tales from North Londonshire (2010) with Ian Whates
- The Mammoth Book of SF Wars (2012) with Ian Whates
- The Pyramid (1975)
- Shell Shock (2004)
- Doing the Stanley: Encounters with Kubrick (2014)
- The Brain from Beyond: A Spacetime Opera (2016)
- The Trouble with Tall Ones (2019)
- The Monster, the Mermaid, and Doctor Mengele (2021)
- The Wild Hunt (1966)
Roof Garden Under Saturn (1969)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Un jardin sur le toit sous le regard de Saturne [French] (1976)
- The Flags of Africa (1970)
The Sex Machine (1970)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La machine d'amour [French] (1973)
- Translation: Sexmaschine [German] (1982)
- The Tarot Pack Megadeath (1970)
- The Ghosts of Luna (1973)
Thy Blood Like Milk (1973)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Il Dio Sole [Italian] (1980)
- Translation: Ton sang, tel du lait [French] (1981)
Programmed Love Story (1974)
also appeared as:
Translation: Une histoire d'amour programmée?Une histoire d'amour programmee[French] (1979)
- Translation: Love Story Programmata [Italian] (1980)
- Translation: Une histoire d'amour programmée [French] (1981)
- Translation: Programmierte Liebesgeschichte [German] (1985)
- Supernova (1974)
- EA 5000: Report on the Effects of a Riot Gas (1974)
Sitting on a Starwood Stool (1974)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Lo Sgabello Di Legno Di Stella [Italian] (1980)
- Translation: Sur un tabouret en bois d'étoile [French] (1981)
- The Pyramid (1975)
To the Pump Room with Jane (1975)
also appeared as:
- Translation: In den Pumpenraum mit Jane [German] (1988)
Our Loves So Truly Meridional (1975)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le Barriere Catastrofiche [Italian] (1980)
- Translation: La belle convergence de nos amours géodésiques [French] (1981)
On Cooking the First Hero in Spring (1975)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Una Sola Parola [Italian] (1980)
- Translation: De la cuisson du héros-prime au printemps [French] (1981)
The Event Horizon (1976)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'horizon événementiel [French] (1981)
- Translation: Der Ereignishorizont [German] (1987)
The Girl Who Was Art (1976)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'artistica Ragazza [Italian] (1980)
- Translation: La fille qui était de l'art [French] (1981)
Agoraphobia, A.D. 2000 (1977)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Agorafobia, Anno 2000 [Italian] (1980)
- Translation: Agoraphobie, an 2000 [French] (1981)
The Roentgen Refugees (1977)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Les réfugiés de Roentgen [French] (1981)
Translation: Die Röntgen-Flüchtlinge?Die Roentgen-Fluechtlinge[German] (1981)
A Time-Span to Conjure With (1978)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'occhio Della Rana [Italian] (1980)
- Translation: Nos rêves renversés [French] (1981)
- Translation: Eine Zeitspanne, die Wunder wirkt [German] (1982)
Immune Dreams (1978)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Sogni D'immunità [Italian] (1980)
- Translation: Rêves d'immunité [French] (1981)
- The False Braille Catalogue (1978)
The Rooms of Paradise (1978)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Une suite au Paradis [French] (1981)
Translation: Die Räume des Paradieses?Die Raeume des Paradieses[German] (1983)
Translation: Die Räume des Paradieses?Die Raeume des Paradieses[German] (1988)
Translation: Viele Räume hat das Paradies?Viele Raeume hat das Paradies[German] (1988)
- Translation: Le Stanze Del Paradiso [Italian] (1990)
The Very Slow Time Machine (1978)
also appeared as:
- Translation: De zeer trage tijdmachine [Dutch] (1980)
- Translation: Cronomacchina Molto Lenta [Italian] (1980)
- Translation: La machine à voyager très lentement dans le temps [French] (1981)
- Translation: Die Sehr Langsame Zeitmaschine [German] (1982)
Translation: O foarte lentă mașină a timpului?O foarte lenta masina a timpului[Romanian] (2004)
My Soul Swims in a Goldfish Bowl (1978)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Min själ simmar i en guldfiskskål [Swedish] (1980)
- Translation: L'anima Nella Boccia Di Vetro [Italian] (1980)
- Translation: Mon âme à la nage dans un bocal à poisson rouge [French] (1981)
Insight (1980)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Einsicht [German] (1988)
- The Big Buy (1980)
Bud (1980)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Knospe [German] (1988)
The World Science Fiction Convention of 2080 (1980)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La Convention di FS. del 2080 [Italian] (1981)
- Translation: La Convention Mondiale de Science-Fiction de 2080 [French] (1982)
Translation: Światowy konwent science fiction w roku 2080?Swiatowy Konwent Science Fiction w roku 2080[Polish] (1988)
- Translation: Die World Science Fiction Convention von 2080 [German] (1988)
- Translation: La Convention Mondiale Del 2080 [Italian] (1995)
A Cage for Death (1981)
also appeared as:
Translation: Der Tod im Käfig?Der Tod im Kaefig[German] (1982)
A Letter from God (1981)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ein Brief aus Gottes Hand [German] (1985)
- Translation: Ein Brief von Gott [German] (1988)
Nightmares (1981)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Incubi Della Notte [Italian] (1981)
- Translation: Cauchemars [French] (1982)
- Translation: Mardrömmar [Swedish] (1982)
- Translation: Nachtmahre [German] (1983)
Translation: Alpträume?Alptraeume[German] (1988)
Jean Sandwich, the Sponsor, and I (1981)
also appeared as:
Translation: Jean Sandwich, der Gönner und ich?Jean Sandwich, der Goenner und ich[German] (1988)
The Call of the Wild: The Dog-Flea Version (1981)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Loppskriet från vildmarken [Swedish] (1982)
- Translation: Der Ruf der Wildnis [German] (1983)
- Translation: Der Ruf der Wildnis: Version des Hundeflohs [German] (1988)
The Artistic Touch (1981)
also appeared as:
Translation: Künstlerische Begegnung?Kuenstlerische Begegnung[German] (1985)
Translation: Die künstlerische Note?Die kuenstlerische Note[German] (1988)
The Mystic Marriage of Salome (1981)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Les noces mystiques de Salomé [French] (1985)
- Translation: La mariage mystique de Salomé [French] (1987)
Peace (1982)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Frieden [German] (1988)
The Milk of Knowledge (1982)
also appeared as:
Translation: 知識のミルク?Chishiki no Miruku[Japanese] (1987) [as byイアン・ワトスン?Ian Watosun]
- Translation: Die Milch des Wissens [German] (1988)
- The Ultimate One-Word First-Contact Story (1982)
Flame and the Healer (1982)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Plamen i iscjelitelj [Croatian] (1984)
- Translation: Flamme und Heiler [German] (1988)
The Thousand Cuts (1982)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die tausend Schnitte [German] (1988)
Returning Home (1982)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Heimkehr [German] (1988)
Sunstroke (1982)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Sonnenstich [German] (1988)
- Of Ground, and Ocean, and Sky (1983)
Slow Birds (1983)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Les oiseaux lents [French] (1984)
- Translation: Spore ptice [Croatian] (1986)
Translation: Langsame Vögel?Langsame Voegel[German] (1987)
- Translation: Les oiseaux lents [French] (1987)
Translation: Păsări lente?Pasari lente[Romanian] (1988)
- Translation: Pájaros lentos [Spanish] (2004)
The Width of the World (1983)
also appeared as:
Translation: L'élargissement du monde?L'elargissement du monde[French] (1985)
Translation: 世界の広さ?Sekai no Hirosa[Japanese] (1987) [as byイアン・ワトスン?Ian Watosun]
- Translation: Quanto è grande il mondo [Italian] (1988)
The Day of the Wolf (1983)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Day of the Wolf (1983)
- Translation: Tag des Wolfes [German] (1992)
- Dome of Whispers (1983)
- Showdown on Showdown (1983)
Alien Embassy (extract) (1983)
only appeared as:
Translation: Denken wir eine Weile über die Evolution nach ...?Denken wir eine Weile ueber die Evolution nach ...[German] (1983)
In the Mirror of the Earth (1983)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Dans le miroir de la Terre [French] (1987)
- Cruising (1983) also appeared as:
Letters from the Monkey Alphabet (1984)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Buchstaben aus dem Affenalphabet [German] (1992)
Mistress of Cold (1984)
also appeared as:
Translation: Herrin der Kälte?Herrin der Kaelte[German] (1987)
- Translation: Maîtresse du froid [French] (1987)
Translation: 寒冷の女王?Kanrei no Joō[Japanese] (1987) [as byイアン・ワトスン?Ian Watosun]
Universe on the Turn (1984)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'univers sur le retour [French] (1987)
Ghost Lecturer (1984)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Geisterlesungen [German] (1985)
- Translation: Le conférencier fantôme [French] (1987)
- Translation: O Conferencista Fantasma [Portuguese] (1992)
We Remember Babylon (1984)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Wir denken oft an Babylon [German] (1985)
- Translation: Wir denken oft an Babylon [German] (1987)
The Flesh of Her Hair (1984)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Haare an ihrem Leib [German] (1987)
- Translation: La chair de ses poils [French] (1987)
The Bloomsday Revolution (1984)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La révolution du Bloomsday [French] (1987)
Samathiel's Summons (1984)
also appeared as:
Translation: Der gütige Dämon?Der guetige Daemon[German] (1985) [as by Jan Watson]
- Translation: Die Anrufung Samathiels [German] (1992)
The People on the Precipice (1985)
also appeared as:
Translation: Les gens au bord du précipice?Les gens au bord du precipice[French] (1987)
- Translation: Narod na litici [Serbian] (1990) [as by Ian Votson]
- Translation: El pueblo del precipicio [Spanish] (2003)
When the Timegate Failed (1985)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Als das Zeittor versagte [German] (1989)
White Socks (1985)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Les socquettes blanches [French] (1985)
Translation: Weiße Socken?Weisse Socken[German] (1987)
- Translation: Les socquettes blanches [French] (1987)
Translation: Die weißen Socken?Die weissen Socken[German] (1990)
On the Dream Channel Panel (1985)
also appeared as:
Translation: Traumstörung?Traumstoerung[German] (1986)
Translation: ぽんと開けよう、カロピー!?Pon to Akeyou, Karopī![Japanese] (1987) [as byイアン・ワトスン?Ian Watosun]
- When Idaho Dived (1985)
Skin Day, and After (1985)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le Jour-de-la-Peau, et après [French] (1986)
- Translation: Felltag und danach [German] (1987)
- Horrorscope (1985)
- The Culling (1985)
- The Love Song of Johnny Alienson (1985)
- The Pharaoh and the Mademoiselle (1985)
The President's Not for Turning (1985)
also appeared as:
Translation: Der Präsident ist gegen eine Wende?Der Praesident ist gegen eine Wende[German] (1987)
- The Real Winston (1985)
The Wire Around the War (1985)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Draht um den Krieg [German] (1987)
Jingling Geordie's Hole (1986)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ritter Geordies Loch [German] (1990)
- Translation: La cueva donde Geordie gimió [Spanish] (1999)
The Legend of the Seven Who Found the True Egg of Lightning (1986)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Legende von den Sieben, die das Ei des Blitzes fanden [German] (1992)
When Jesus Comes Down the Chimney (1986)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Wenn Jesus den Schornstein runter kommt [German] (1991)
- Translation: Wenn Jesus den Schornstein runterkommt [German] (1992)
The Great Atlantic Swimming Race (1986)
also appeared as:
Translation: Das große Atlantik-Wettschwimmen?Das grosse Atlantik-Wettschwimmen[German] (1987)
Translation: Das große Atlantik-Wettschwimmen?Das grosse Atlantik-Wettschwimmen[German] (2001)
- Cold Light (1986)
Queenmagic, Pawnmagic (1986)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Magie de reine, magie de pion [French] (1987)
- Windows (1986)
Salvage Rites (1987)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Récupération [French] (1987)
- Translation: Verwertungsriten [German] (1989)
- Translation: Verwertungsriten [German] (1992)
Evil Water (1987)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La mare maudite [French] (1988)
The Emir's Clock (1987)
also appeared as:
Translation: L'horloge de l'émir?L'horloge de l'emir[French] (1989)
- Translation: Die Uhr des Emirs [German] (1992)
- L'élargissement du monde [French] (1987)
The Moon and Michelangelo (1987)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La Lune et Michel-Ange [French] (1990)
- Translation: A Lua e Michelangelo [Portuguese] (1992)
- Translation: Der Mond und Michelangelo [German] (1992)
Jewels in an Angel's Wing (1987)
also appeared as:
Translation: Juwelen auf einem Engelsflügel?Juwelen auf einem Engelsfluegel[German] (1991)
Translation: Edelsteine in eines Engels Flügel?Edelsteine in eines Engels Fluegel[German] (1992)
- Hyperzoo (1987) also appeared as:
- The Case of the Glass Slipper (1988)
Aid from a Vampire (1988)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Hilfe von einem Vampir [German] (1992)
- La Fin de Bon-Bon (1988)
Lost Bodies (1988)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Verloren Lichamen [Dutch] (1989)
Translation: Verlorene Körper?Verlorene Koerper[German] (1992)
The Flies of Memory (1988)
also appeared as:
- Translation: De vliegen van de herinnering [Dutch] (1989)
- Translation: Mosche [Italian] (1989)
- Translation: Sammler der Erinnerung [German] (1989)
- Translation: As moscas da memória [Portuguese] (1990)
- In Her Shoes (1988)
The Resurrection Man (1988)
also appeared as:
- Translation: De Herrijzenis [Dutch] (1989)
- Translation: Der Auferstehungsmann [German] (1992)
The Mole Field (1988)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Das Maulwurffeld [German] (1990)
- Translation: Die Maulwurfswiese [German] (1992)
Joan's World (1988)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Joans Welt [German] (1992)
- Song of the Bacteria (1989)
Nanoware Time (1989)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Nanowarezeit [German] (1991)
Tales from Weston Willow (1989)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Geschichten aus Weston Willow [German] (1994)
- Vile Dry Claws of the Toucan (1989)
Stalin's Teardrops (1990)
also appeared as:
Translation: Stalins Tränen?Stalins Traenen[German] (1994)
- Surgeon General (1990)
- The Beggars in Our Back Yard (1990)
- The Eye of the Ayatollah (1990)
- Lambert, Lambert (1990)
- The Sadim Touch (1990)
In the Upper Cretaceous with the Summerfire Brigade (1990)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Nel cretaceo superiore [Italian] (1991)
- Translation: Mit der Sommerfeuer-Brigade in die obere Kreidezeit [German] (1991)
- The Human Chicken (1990)
- Happy Hour (1990)
Gaudi's Dragon (1990)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le dragon de Gaudi [French] (1993)
- From the Annals of the Onomastic Society (1990)
- The Talk of the Town (1991)
The Odor of Cocktail Cigarettes (1991)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Odour of Cocktail Cigarettes (1991)
- The Coming of Vertumnus (1992)
- Life in the Groove (1992)
Virtually Lucid Lucy (1992)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Virtualmente Lucida Lucy [Italian] (1998)
- Swimming with the Salmon (1992)
Looking Down on You (1992)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Guardando giù [Italian] (1993)
- The Tale of Peg and the Brain (1992)
- King Weasel (1993)
- An Eye for an Eye (1993)
The Bible in Blood (1994)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La biblia de sangre [Spanish] (2002)
Ahead! (1995)
also appeared as:
Translation: Kopfüber!?Kopfueber![German] (2000)
The Amber Room (1995)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La camera di ambra [Italian] (1996)
Custom-Built Girl (1996)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ragazza su misura [Italian] (2004)
- My Vampire Cake (1996)
- Such Dedication (1996)
- The Great Escape (1996)
- Ferryman (1996)
Early, in the Evening (1996)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Temprano, al atardecer [Spanish] (2003)
- How to Be a Fictionaut: Chapter 19: Safety Check (1996)
- Tulips from Amsterdam (1996)
The Tragedy of Solveig (1996)
also appeared as:
Translation: Die Tragödie der Solveig?Die Tragoedie der Solveig[German] (1998)
- The China Cottage (1997)
- Nanunculus (1997)
- The Last Beast Out of the Box (1997)
A Day Without Dad (1997)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Un día sin papá [Spanish] (2012)
- Dome of Whispers (revised) (1997)
- Secrets (1997)
- The Shape of Murder (1998)
- Starry Night (1998)
- The Boy Who Lost an Hour, the Girl Who Lost Her Life (1998)
- The Shortest Night (1998)
What Actually Happened in Docklands (1998)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Quello che successe veramente nei Docklands [Italian] (2010)
- Caucus Winter (1999)
- Three-Legged Dog (1999)
When Thought-Mail Fails (1999)
also appeared as:
- Variant: When Thought-Mail Failed (2000)
- The Descent (1999)
- Hijack Holiday (2001)
- You Are Here (Or- Can Human Machines Find Happiness in Slavery?) (2001)
One of Her Paths (2001)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Uno dei suoi sentieri [Italian] (2002)
- A Free Man (2002)
- Alicia (2002)
- A Speaker for the Wooden Sea (2002)
- The Black Wall of Jerusalem (2002)
- The Butterflies of Memory (2003)
- Man of Her Dreams: A Romance (2003)
- Separate Lives (2003)
- Barking Mad (2003)
An Appeal to Adolf (2004)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Invasion der Uranier [German] (2005)
- Shell Shock (2004)
- The Navigator's Tale (2005)
- The Navigator's Children (2005)
- Dee-Dee and the Dumpy Dancers (2005) with Mike Allen
- Giant Dwarfs (2005)
- Lover of Statues (2005)
- Saint Louisa of the Wild Children: An Annotated Hagiography (2006)
- The Grave of My Beloved (2006) with Roberto Quaglia
Nadia's Nectar (2006)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Nectarul Nadiei [Romanian] (2012)
Saving for a Sunny Day, or, the Benefits of Reincarnation (2006)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Saving for a Sunny Day (2006)
- Variant: Saving for a Sunny Day or, The Benefits of Reincarnation (2014)
- Newcon3 Opening Address (2006)
- The Globe of the Genius (2006)
- The Moby Clitoris of His Beloved (2006) with Roberto Quaglia
- Bohemian Rhapsody (2007)
- In Storage (2007) with Neil K. Bond and Heather Bradshaw and Chaz Brenchley and Cardinal Cox and Hal Duncan and Andrew Hook and Sarah Singleton and Andy West and Ian Whates
- Cages (2007)
- The Mass Extinction of My Beloved (2007) with Roberto Quaglia
- Beloved Vampire of the Blood Comet (2007) with Roberto Quaglia
- The Colonoscopy of My Beloved (2007) with Roberto Quaglia
- Palm Sunday (2007)
- A Daffodil Jacket, or The Misadventures of Sebastian in Kyiv (2008)
- Having the Time of His Life (2008)
- How the Elephant Escaped Extinction (2009)
- Some Fast Thinking Needed (2009)
- Long Stay (2009)
- My Beloved Cascamorras (2009) with Roberto Quaglia
- The Beloved of the Gigolem (2009) with Roberto Quaglia
- The Beloved Time of Their Lives (2009) with Roberto Quaglia
- The Compost of My Beloved (2009) with Roberto Quaglia
- The CVD of the Beloveds: A Romance of Computers (2009) with Roberto Quaglia
- The Illustrated Tumour of My Beloved (Part One) (2009) with Roberto Quaglia
- The Illustrated Tumour of My Beloved (Part Two) (2009) with Roberto Quaglia
- The Penis of My Beloved (2009) with Roberto Quaglia
- A Virtual Population Crisis (2009)
- Divine Diseases (2009)
- Weredog of Bucharest (2010)
- The Drained World (2010)
- The Walker in the Cemetery (2010)
- They Say That Time Assuages (2010) with Mike Allen
- A Waterfall of Lights (2010)
- Intelligent Design 2.0 (2010)
- A Walk of Solace with My Dead Baby (2010)
- A Nose for Such Things (2011)
- Forever Blowing Bubbles (2011)
- The Ultimate Freak (2011)
- The Tale of Trurl and the Great TanGent (2011)
How We Came Back from Mars (A Story That Cannot Be Told) (2011)
also appeared as:
- Variant: How We Came Back from Mars: A Story That Cannot Be Told (2016)
- Tales from the Zombible (2011)
- The Invention of Beloved Money (2012) with Roberto Quaglia
- Blair's War (2013)
The Traveling Raven Problem (2013)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Travelling Raven Problem (2016)
- Me and My Flying Saucer (2014)
- Foxtrot (2014)
- Red Squirrel (2014)
- Scars (2014)
- The 1000 Year Reich (2014)
- The Name of the Lavender (2014)
- Faith Without Teeth (2014)
- An Inspector Calls (2014)
- Undervoidable (2015)
- Breakfast in Bed (2015)
- In the Jungle, the Mighty Jungle (2015)
- The Brain from Beyond: A Spacetime Opera (2016)
- Beloved Pig-Brother of the Daughter of the Pregnant Baby: A Transgenic Story of Genius (2016) with Roberto Quaglia
- In Golden Armour (2016)
- Spanish Fly (2016)
- The Arc de Triomphe Code (2016)
- The Wild Pig's Collar (2016)
Himmler in the Barcelona Hallucination Cell (2016)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Heinrich Himmler in the Barcelona Hallucination Cell (2017)
- Monkey Business (2017)
- Journey to the Anomaly (2017)
- The God Election (2017)
- When the Aliens Stop to Bottle (2018)
- Would-Be A.I., Tell Us a Tale! #241: Sell 'em Back in Time! by Hali Hallison (2018)
- Subject: Clickbeetle (2019)
- The Trouble with Tall Ones (2019)
- Brave New World by Oscar Wilde (2020)
- The Monster, the Mermaid, and Doctor Mengele (2021)
- The Birth of Venus (2021)
- The Kidnap of Fibonacci (2022)
- Hot Gates (2022)
- Skipping (2023)
- Masterchef on Mars (2024)
Coming Home (unpublished)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Le retour [French] (1982)
The Remake of "Reality, the Motion Picture" (unpublished)
only appeared as:
Translation: Die Neuverfilmung von "Realität, der Film der Filme"?Die Neuverfilmung von "Realitaet, der Film der Filme"[German] (1984)
- Andromeda (in chains) (1988)
- Oh Happy Franz! (1989)
- Root Canal Therapy (1989)
- Wintermute (1990)
- Otherwhys (1998)
- Ode to My Screen Saver (1999)
- The Time Traveller Instructs and Implores (1999)
- Marsupials in Our Midst: the Explorer of Mirabella Rehearses his Tale (1999)
- Fossil Man (1999)
- Good Heavens, Mr. Evans (1999)
- The Quantum Stalker Woos Miss Jones (2000)
- Death by Dyslexia (2000)
- Another Inmate in the Zoo (2000) with David C. Kopaska-Merkel
- Universe Zoo (2000)
- The Lexicographer's Love Song (2001)
- True Love (2001)
- Abductee (2001)
- Ghetto Blaster (2001)
- Never Ever (2001)
- Schadenfreude (2001)
- Surgeons of the Soul (2001)
- Unreal Messages? (2001)
Let There Be Darkness: An Origin Myth (2001)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Hágase la oscuridad: Un mito de los orígenes [Spanish] (2017)
- The Next French Revolution (2001)
- Inverted Universe (2002) with Mike Allen
- Werechihuahua (2002)
- The Pleasure Surgeons (2002)
- Seventh Coming (2002) with Mike Allen
- A Sort of Hysteresis (2003)
- Entertaining a Hope (2003)
- Seventy Times Seven (2003) with Mike Allen
- Exprisonment (2003)
- Memory Man (2003)
- Fones (2004)
- In Praise of Spam (2004)
- Propitiating Cthulhu (2004) with Mike Allen
TimeFlood (2005)
Mike Allen
also appeared as:
- Variant: Time Flood (2012)
- Cobwebs in Heaven (2006)
- Zombie Bombs (2008) with Mike Allen
- Katagenesis (2008) with Mike Allen
- Screams (2008)
- Counterfactual Photos (2011)
- Catalogue Note by the Artist (2013)
- Compass Points
- Editorial (Analog)
- Better than Being Fossilized (2021)
- Forum
- Foundation Forum (Foundation #10)
- 1 Science Fiction: Form versus Content (1976) with Christopher Priest
- Science Fiction Comment on a panel talk about publishing in general
- Science Fiction Comment (1983)
- Touchstones
- Imaginary Cricket (1970)
- Japan (1970)
- SF Idea Capsules for Art Students (1974)
- Towards an Alien Linguistics (1975)
- Le Guin's Lathe of Heaven and the Role of Dick: The False Reality as Mediator (1976)
- The Forest as Metaphor for Mind: "The Word for World Is Forest" and "Vaster Than Empires and More Slow" (1976)
- W(h)ither Science Fiction? (1976)
- Letter (Science Fiction Review #20) (1977)
- untitled note (Foundation #11 and 12) (1977)
- Letter (Science Fiction Review #23) (1977)
- The Crudities of Science Fiction (1978)
- Letter (Vector 88) (1978)
- Letter (Foundation #14) (1978)
- Letter (Vector 90) (1978)
- Some Sufist Insights into the Nature of Inexplicable Events (1979)
- Letter (Science Fiction Review #29) (1979)
- Barry Bayley (1979)
- Letter (Science Fiction Review #33) (1979)
- 'This House Believes That Characterization Is Not Necessary for Good Science Fiction' (1980) with Pamela Bulmer and David Langford and Tim Stannard and Peter Weston [only as by Pamela Bulmer and Dave Langford and Tim Stannard and Ian Watson and Peter Weston]
A Rhetoric of Recognition: The Science Fiction of Michael Bishop (1980)
also appeared as:
Translation: Die Rhetorik der Erkenntnis: über die Science Fiction Michael Bishops?Die Rhetorik der Erkenntnis: ueber die Science Fiction Michael Bishops[German] (1983)
- Letter (Science Fiction Review #36) (1980)
- Down the Mine (1981)
- One Finger at a Time (1981)
- UFOs, Science, and the Inexplicable (1981)
- Letter (Ansible 17) (1981)
- Letter (Ansible 17) [2] (1981)
- The Nuke Standard (1981)
- Introduction (Pictures at an Exhibition) (1981)
- Some Cultural Notes and Pest Control (1982)
- Up the Pole (1982)
- An Open Letter to Chuck Connor (1982)
- Ce que je crois [French] (1982)
- Who Can Believe in the Hero(ine)? (1982)
- Believing SF (1982)
- Letter (Ansible 25) (1982)
- Letter (Matrix 41) (1982)
- Letter (Science Fiction Review #43) (1982)
- Hype Hype Hoorah! (1982)
- Letter (Ansible 27) (1982)
- Letter (Ansible 27) [2] (1982)
- Letter (Ansible 27) [3] (1982)
- Letter (Ansible 27) [4] (1982)
- Letter (Ansible 28) (1982)
- Letter (Vector 109) (1982)
- Letter (Ansible 30) (1982)
- Into the Arena: Some Cultural Notes and Pest Control (1982)
- Money for Authors from Library Loans (1983)
- Shrines and Ratholes (Part I) (1983)
- Shrines and Ratholes (Part II) (1983)
- The Journey to Chekhov (1983)
- World SF Conference 1984 (1983)
- Letter (Ansible 32) (1983)
- April in Paris (1983)
- Editorial (Foundation #28) (1983)
- Introduction: Fleeing from the Baboon (1983)
- Reply to Letter (Foundation #28) (1983)
- Review of the nonfiction 20th Century English Literature: a Soviet View (1983)
- Money for Authors from Library Loans: The Moment of Truth (1984)
- Review of "Superior Beings: If They Exist, How Would We Know?" by Steven J. Brams (1984)
- The British Public Lending: Year Two (1984)
- The SFWA Overseas Regional Meeting (The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, Summer 1984) (1984)
- Letter (Ansible 37) (1984)
- An International Issue of 'Foundation' (1984)
- Letter (Ansible 39) (1984)
- Letter (Ansible 40) (1984)
- Editorial (Foundation 32) (1984)
- Letter (Ansible 41) (1984)
- Letter (Ansible 43) (1985)
- Preface (The Book of Ian Watson) (1985)
Introduction: In the Hothouse (1985)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Dans la serre [French] (1987)
- Additional Note (Foundation #36) (1986)
- Review of "Extraterrestrials: Science and Alien Intelligence" edited by Edward Regis, Jr. (1986)
- The British Public Lending Right: Year Three (1986)
La fin de Bon-Bon: Une histoire de science-fiction française?La fin de Bon-Bon: Une histoire de science-fiction francaise[French] (1986)
- Letter (Ansible 46) (1986)
Introduction (Afterlives) (1986)
Pamela Sargent
also appeared as:
- Translation: Vorwort (Das unentdeckte Land) [German] (1988)
- Translation: Postfazione (Altre vite) [Italian] (1990)
- 13th French National SF Convention (Lille, 3-7 Sept 86) (1986)
- Note from Ian Watson (1987)
- The British Scene: Reviews of Short Fiction from the Mother Country (Short Form, Winter 1987) (1987)
The Author as Torturer (1987)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Autor als Folterer [German] (1992)
- Breakthrough (1987)
- The Masters of the Golden Ball (1987)
- A Lot of Fog (1987)
From Pan in the Home Counties—to Pain on a Far Planet: E. M. Forster, David Lindsay, and How the Voyage to Arcturus Should End?From Pan in the Home Counties-to Pain on a Far Planet: E. M. Forster, David Lindsay, and How the Voyage to Arcturus Should End(1988)
- The 1988 World Fantasy Convention (1988)
- Short Story Contracts (1988)
- The British Scene (Short Form, Issue 3) (1989)
- The World Renews Itself: A View on the SF and Fantasy of 1987 (1989)
- Treading the Sublime: A Funeral for the Eyes of Fire (1989)
- Response to "The New Generation Gap" (1989)
- Dancing on a Tightrope (1989)
- Themes and Variations: A View on the SF and Fantasy of 1988 (1990)
- Introduction (Macrolife) (1990)
- The Avalanche: A View on the SF and Fantasy Novels of 1989 (1991)
- Letter (Vector 163) (1991)
- Letter (Science Fiction Eye #9) (1991)
- How I Was Shot by Adolf Hitler (1992)
- The Bishop File (1992)
- Roots of a Writer (Dark Horizons, #33) (1992)
- Negentropy Rules OK: The Refloating of New Worlds (1993)
- Letter (Locus #393) (1993)
- How I Stole the Sampo (1995)
- John Brunner 1934 - 1995 (1995)
- Read This (NYRSF, August 1996) (1996)
- Eyes as Big as Saucers (1997)
- In Memoriam: John Brunner and Roger Zelazny (1997) with Jack Dann and Jack C. Haldeman, II
- The British Scene (Nebula Awards 31) (1997)
- What Is SFWA? (1997)
- The British Scene (Nebula Awards 32) (1998)
- An Idea Is Born (1998)
- Letter (Ansible 135) (1998)
- The Jew of Linz (1999)
- Read This (NYRSF, February 1999) (1999)
- Science Fiction, Surrealism, and Shamanism (1999)
- Eyes Wide Shut - a Sort of Review (1999)
- Two Views of Stanley Kubrick, 1: Eyes Wide Shut: A Sort of Review (1999)
Are We Real? (2000)
only appeared as:
- Translation: De Ich-Illusion [German] (2000)
Grußwort (Alien Contact, Nummer 38)?Grusswort (Alien Contact, Nummer 38)[German] (2000)
- Introduction (Shenanigans) (2000)
- Plumbing Stanley Kubrick (2000)
- Do Stories Tell Themselves? (2002)
- John Brunner (2002)
- The Aims of Artificial Intelligence (2003)
The Matrix as Simulacrum (2003)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Matrix als Simulakrum [German] (2003)
- Hanging Out with Rudy (2003)
H. G. Wells in Timişoara?H. G. Wells in Timisoara(2004)
H. G. Wells in Timishoara - Introduction (The Inquisition War) (2004)
- Letter (Zoo Nation 5) (2004)
- Letter (NYRSF November 2004) (2004)
- Introduction (The Extraordinary Voyage of Jules Verne) (2005)
- Author Bios (Constellations) (2005) with Brian W. Aldiss and Tony Ballantyne and Stephen Baxter and Keith Brooke and Eric Brown and Colin Greenland and Gwyneth Jones and Roger Levy and James Lovegrove and Paul J. McAuley and Ian McDonald and Alastair Reynolds and Adam Roberts and Justina Robson [only as by Brian W. Aldiss and Tony Ballantyne and Stephen Baxter and Keith Brooke and Eric Brown and Colin Greenland and Gwyneth Jones and Roger Levy and James Lovegrove and Paul McAuley and Ian McDonald and Alastair Reynolds and Adam Roberts and Justina Robson and Ian Watson]
- Books of the Year: 2004 (2005)
- Nonfiction of 2004 (2005)
Of Warfare and The War of the Worlds (2005)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Of Warfare and The War of the Worlds by H. G. Wells Himself (2014)
- Stephen King's Thinner: An Attack on America (2006)
- The Wicker Man (2006)
- Story Notes (The Butterflies of Memory) (2006)
- A Brief Survey (2006) with Stephen Baxter and Elizabeth A. Billinger and Paul N. Billinger and Claire Brialey and Tanya Brown and Stuart Carter and Colin Greenland and Niall Harrison and Steve Jeffery and Tony Keen and David Langford and Geneva Melzack and Simon Morden and Caroline Mullan and Mark Plummer and Adam Roberts and Maureen Kincaid Speller and Claire Weaver and Peter Young [only as by Stephen Baxter and Elizabeth Billinger and Paul Billinger and Claire Brialey and Tanya Brown and Stuart Carter and Colin Greenland and Niall Harrison and Steve Jeffery and Tony Keen and Dave Langford and Geneva Melzack and Simon Morden and Caroline Mullan and Mark Plummer and Adam Roberts and Maureen Kincaid Speller and Ian Watson and Claire Weaver and Peter Young]
- Foreword (The Guild of Xenolinguists) (2007)
- Dark City (2009)
- Three Kinds of Close Encounters with Comics (2009)
- Introduction (The Gift of Joy) (2009)
- Beware the Pedicating Tribads! An Erudite Erotic Essay. (2010)
- Introduction (The Mammoth Book of Alternate Histories) (2010) with Ian Whates
- An Afterword (Orgasmachine) (2010)
- Letter (SF Commentary 80) (2010)
- Letter (Relapse, #19, Spring 2011) (2011)
- 'A Truly Generous Chap' (2012)
- Introduction (The Mammoth Book of SF Wars) (2012) with Ian Whates
- Letter (SF Commentary 83) (2012)
- Burning Questions (2013)
- The Biggest SF Bookshop in Europe (2014)
- Eyes Wide Shut (2014)
- Notes (Doing the Stanley: Encounters with Kubrick) (2014)
- Notes (The Uncollected Ian Watson) (2014)
- Story Notes (Squirrel, Reich & Lavender: Bonus Stories) (2014)
- Story Notes (The Best of Ian Watson) (2014)
- Ghost of Honour: H.G. Wells [Romanian] (2014)
- Souvenirs enchâssés [French] (2015)
- Where Would our Eternal Roman Empire be Without Coffee? (2020)
- Frankenstein Unbound (1974) by Brian W. Aldiss
- New Writings in SF 23 (1974) by Kenneth Bulmer
- Concrete Island (1975) by J. G. Ballard
- The Sheep Look Up (1975) by John Brunner
- Real-Time World (1975) by Christopher Priest
- The Dispossessed (1975) by Ursula K. Le Guin
- Hellstrom's Hive (1976) by Frank Herbert
- The Forever War (1976) by Joe Haldeman
- And Strange at Ecbatan the Trees (1977) by Michael Bishop
- The Deep (1977) by John Crowley
- Cette chère humanité (1977) by Philippe Curval
- Stolen Faces (1977) by Michael Bishop
- Farewell to Yesterday's Tomorrow (1978) by Alexei Panshin
- Heinlein in Dimension (1978) by Alexei Panshin
- Science fiction et soucoupes volantes (1978) by Bertrand Méheust
- Darkover Landfall (1978) by Marion Zimmer Bradley
- The Ophiuchi Hotline (1978) by John Varley
- The Spell Sword (1978) by Marion Zimmer Bradley
- Blind Voices (1979) by Tom Reamy
- In the Hall of the Martian Kings (1979) by John Varley
- Cirque (1979) by Terry Carr
- The Fountains of Paradise (1979) by Arthur C. Clarke
- The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction: An Illustrated A to Z (1980) by Peter Nicholls
- Capella's Golden Eyes (1980) by Christopher Evans
- White Light (1980) by Rudy Rucker
- Lord Valentine's Castle (1981) by Robert Silverberg
- Tales of Pirx the Pilot (1981) by Stanislaw Lem
- Roderick (1981) by John Sladek
- Nebula Winners Fifteen (1981) by Frank Herbert
- The Affirmation (1981) by Christopher Priest
- Shatterday (1982) by Harlan Ellison
- Mortal Engines (1982) by Stanislaw Lem
- Syzygy (1982) by Frederik Pohl
- The Insider (1982) by Christopher Evans
- Majipoor Chronicles (1982) by Robert Silverberg
- The One Tree (1982) by Stephen Donaldson
Gods of Riverworld (1984)
Philip José Farmer?Philip Jose Farmer
The Unreasoning Mask (1984)
Philip José Farmer?Philip Jose Farmer
- Heretics of Dune (1984) by Frank Herbert
- Re/Search 8/9: J. G. Ballard (1985) by Vale and Andrea Juno
- Humpty Dumpty in Oakland (1987) by Philip K. Dick
- Star of Gypsies [German] (1987) by Robert Silverberg
- Star of Gypsies (1987) by Robert Silverberg
- Who Made Stevie Crye? (1988) by Michael Bishop
- An Alien Light (1989) by Nancy Kress
- On Stranger Tides (1989) by Tim Powers
- The Sheep Look Up (1995) by John Brunner
- The Possibility of an Island (2006) by Michel Houellebecq
- Season of the Witch (2007) by Natasha Mostert
- The Amethyst Child (2008) by Sarah Singleton
Zig Zag (2008)
José Carlos Somoza?Jose Carlos Somoza
- The Black Mirror and Other Stories: An Anthology of Science Fiction from Germany and Austria (2009) by Franz Rottensteiner
- The Thieves of Silence (2010) by Jean-Claude Dunyach
- Saint Rebor (2015) by Adam Roberts
- Che Guevara on a Greyhound Bus (2006) with Marcial Souto
An Interview with José Carlos Somoza (2009)
José Carlos Somoza?Jose Carlos Somoza
- Ian Watson (1978) by David Wingrove
- Ian Watson (1980) by Charles Platt
- Ian Watson Talks to David Langford (1982) by David Langford
- Interview mit Ian Watson [German] (1983)
Werner Fuchs
Joachim Körber?Joachim Koerber
- Ian Watson [German] (1983)
Günter Zettl?Guenter Zettl
- Gardening Words (1984) by Jeffrey M. Elliot
- Entrevue : Ian Watson [French] (1985)
Élisabeth Vonarburg?Elisabeth Vonarburg
- Weird Tales Talks with Ian Watson (1993) by Darrell Schweitzer
- Destabilizing Reality (1993) by Peter Crowther
- Upwellings from the Oracle (1997) by Barry Forshaw
- Entrevista: Ian Watson [Spanish] (2002) by Luis G. Prado
- On Saving Books, or Hard Questions: How I Learned to Stop Worrying, Love the Small Press and Write Poetry (2003) by John Kenny
- Convenient Biological Delusions (2003) by Stephen Baxter
- Convention Soundbites (2010) by Andrew Hook (co-interviewed with Neil Gaiman and Paul Cornell)
- Observation Deck (StarShipSofa, No 133) [4] (2010) by Cheryl Morgan