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Fiction Series
- The Aether Universe
- The Light Ages (2003)
- The House of Storms (2005)
- The Bonny Boy (2006) [SF]
The Master Miller's Tale (2007) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le conte du maître meunier [French] (2012)
- Serializations:
- The Master Miller's Tale (Part 1 of 2) (2014)
- The Master Miller's Tale (Part 2 of 2) (2014)
- The Collected Short Stories & Novellas of Ian R. MacLeod
- 1 Everywhere (2019) [C]
- 2 Nowhere (2019) [C]
- The Great Wheel (1997)
The Summer Isles (2005)
also appeared as:
Translation: Les îles du soleil?Les iles du soleil[French] (2005)
- Song of Time (2008)
- Wake Up and Dream (2011)
- Red Snow (2017)
- Voyages by Starlight (1996)
Breathmoss and Other Exhalations (2004)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Las islas del verano [Spanish] (2008)
- Past Magic (2006)
- Journeys (2010)
- Snodgrass and Other Illusions: The Best Short Stories of Ian R. MacLeod (2013)
- Frost on Glass (2015)
- Ragged Maps (2023)
- La flor de cristal / Musgo de vida [Spanish] (2005) with George R. R. Martin
- Breathmoss and Other Exhalations: An Excerpt from "Breathmoss" (2003)
- The Roads (2005)
- The Dead Orchards (2006)
- Topping Off the Spire and Me and the Mushroom Cloud (2008)
- Hector Douglas Makes A Sale (2011)
- The Réparateur of Strasbourg (2013)
- Poumon vert [French] (2017)
- The Chronologist (2022)
- Breathmoss Universe
Isabel of the Fall (2001)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die gefallene Isabel [German] (2005)
Translation: Isabel de la caída?Isabel de la caida[Spanish] (2008)
- Variant: Isabel of the Fall (2014) [as by Ian McLeod]
- Translation: Isabel des feuilles mortes [French] (2019)
Breathmoss (2002)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Musgo de vida [Spanish] (2005)
- Translation: Muschiorespiro [Italian] (2009) [as by Ian MacLeod]
- Translation: Poumon vert [French] (2017)
- The Cold Step Beyond (2011)
- The Memory Artist (2019)
Isabel of the Fall (2001)
also appeared as:
- Through (1989)
- 1/72nd Scale (1990)
Well-Loved (1990)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Amour-Fou [French] (1995) [as by Ian Mac Leod]
Past Magic (1990)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La magia del passato [Italian] (1993) [as by Ian MacLeod]
- Green (1990)
- Living in Sin (1991)
- The Giving Mouth (1991)
Marnie (1991)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Marnie [German] (1994)
The Family Football (1991)
also appeared as:
Translation: わが家のサッカーボール?わがやのサッカーボール[Japanese] (2002) [as by
Waga Ya no Sakkābōru
Waga Ya no Sakkaabooruイアン・R・マクラウド?Ian R. Makuraudo]
The Perfect Stranger (1991)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Siamo tutti stranieri [Italian] (1992) [as by Ian MacLeod]
- Grownups (1992) [also as by Ian MacLeod]
Snodgrass (1992)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Snodgrass [French] (2014)
- Returning (1992)
Świat w zwierciadle?Swiat w zwierciadle[Polish] (1993)
Papa (1993)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Dedica [Serbian] (1996) [as by Jan R. Mek Liod]
- Translation: Papa [German] (1998) [as by Ian McLeod]
- The Dead Orchards (1994) [also as by Ian MacLeod]
- Sealight (1994)
Ellen O'Hara (1995)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ellen O'Hara [German] (1998)
- Tirkiluk (1995) also appeared as:
- The Noonday Pool (1995)
Starship Day (1995)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Raumschifftag [German] (1996)
- Translation: Le jour de l'astronef [French] (1997)
- Nina-with-the-Sky-in-Her-Hair (1995)
- Swimmers Beneath the Skin (1996)
- Verglas (1996)
- The Roads (1997)
- Nevermore (1997)
- The Golden Keeper (1997)
- Home Time (1998)
The Summer Isles (1998)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le isole dell'estate [Italian] (1999) [as by Ian MacLeod]
- Translation: Die Sommerinseln [German] (2000)
- Translation: Las islas del verano [Spanish] (2008)
The Chop Girl (1999)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La viandeuse [French] (2021)
- Two Sleepers (2000)
- Chitty Bang Bang (2000)
New Light on the Drake Equation (2001)
also appeared as:
Translation: Nueva luz sobre la ecuación Drake?Nueva luz sobre la ecuacion Drake[Spanish] (2008)
- An Excerpt from "Breathmoss" (2002)
Taking Good Care of Myself (2006)
also appeared as:
Translation: Cum să ai grijă de tine însuți?Cum sa ai grija de tine insuti[Romanian] (2012)
- Topping Off the Spire (2008)
- On the Sighting of Other Islands (2008)
- The Hob Carpet (2008)
- Elementals (2008)
- The English Mutiny (2008)
- The Camping Wainwrights (2008)
A Concise and Ready Guide (2010)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Un précis [French] (2010)
- Second Journey of the Magus (2010)
Recrossing the Styx (2010)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Re-Crossing the Styx (2010)
- Translation: Retraverser le Styx [French] (2012)
Translation: Croazieră pe Styx?Croaziera pe Styx[Romanian] (2013)
- The Crane Method (2011)
- Hector Douglas Makes a Sale (2011)
- Tumbling Nancy (2012)
- The Discovered Country (2013)
- The Réparateur of Strasbourg (2013)
Entangled (2013)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Intrecciati [Italian] (2017)
- Letter to Will (2014)
- The Traveller and the Book (2014)
- The Howl (2014) with Martin Sketchley
- Frost on Glass (2015)
- The Visitor from Taured (2016)
- The Wisdom of the Group (2017)
- The Fall of the House of Kepler (2017)
- Ouroboros (2018)
- Ephemera (2018)
- Selkie (2019)
- Sin Eater (2020)
The Mrs. Innocents (2020)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Mrs Innocents (2023)
- Lamagica (2020)
- The God of Nothing (2021)
- Stuff (2022)
- The Chronologist (2022)
- Downtime (2023)
- The Dragon Gift (2000)
- A Truncated Life in Books (1997)
- Introduction to Down Among the Dead Men (2001) [only as by Ian MacLeod]
Old Maps of Hell: On Re-Reading Kingsley Amis's New Maps of Hell (2003)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Old Maps of Hell (2011)
- Big Lies (2004)
Isles Lost, Isles Found (2005)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Introduction to The Summer Isles (2011)
Introduction (Sanity and the Lady) (2005)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Introduction to Brian Aldiss' Sanity and the Lady (2011)
Preface: Thrasis (2006)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Foreword to Past Magic: Thrasis (2011)
- Fantastic Cities Panel Interaction 2005 (2007) with Jeffrey Ford and Michael Swanwick and Claire Weaver
- 25 (Celebrating 25 Years of Interzone) (2007)
- Me and the Mushroom Cloud (2008)
- A Virtual Anthology: Weinachtabend (2008)
- A Clockwork Orange (2010)
- Afterword (Hector Douglas Makes A Sale) (2011)
- A Life (2011)
- Alternate Londons (2011)
- An Empty Grey Cell of One's Own (2011)
- Hi-Fi's Lost Future (2011)
- Perfect Harmony (2011)
- Review of biography "Darwin" by Adrian Desmond & James Moore (2011)
- Review of nonfiction "Apathy for the Devil" by Nick Kent (2011)
- Review of nonfiction "Cold New World" by William Finnegan (2011)
- Review of nonfiction "Dinosaur in a Haystack" by Stephen Jay Gould (2011)
- Review of nonfiction "Empire" by Niall Ferguson (2011)
- Review of nonfiction "Sky Burial" by Xinran (2011)
- Review of nonfiction "The Asquiths" by Colin Clifford (2011)
- Review of nonfiction "The Whole Equation" by David Thomson (2011)
- Review of nongenre novel "A Crime in the Neighbourhood" by Ian McEwan (2011)
- Review of nongenre novel "Are You Somebody?" by Nuala O'Faoilain (2011)
- Review of nongenre novel "Gweilo" by Martin Booth (2011)
- Review of nongenre novel "Property" by Valerie Martin (2011)
- Review of nongenre novel "Rabbit Redux" by John Updike (2011)
- Review of nongenre novel "Saturday" by Ian McEwan (2011)
- Review of nongenre novel "The Collector" by John Fowles (2011)
- Review of nongenre novel "The Gravedigger's Daughter" by Joyce Carol Oates (2011)
- Review of nongenre novel "The Kiln" by William McIlvanney (2011)
- Review of nongenre novel "We Need to Talk About Kevin" by Lionel Shriver (2011)
- Review of nongenre novel "Wolf Hall" by Hilary Mantel (2011)
- The Decline of the English Ghost Story (2011)
- Weihnachtabend (2011)
- Sad Songs, with Lots of Drumming (2013)
- Introduction (Snodgrass and Other Illusions) (2013)
- Story Behind "Snodgrass" - In From the Cold (2013)
- Quelques mots sur Snodgrass [French] (2014)
- Afterword: A Cul-de-Sac in Los Angeles (2015)
- Afterword: Bloody Dragons (2015)
- Afterword: On Being Dark (2015)
- Afterword: On Writing Rubbish (2015)
- Afterword: Other Writers (2015)
- Afterword: Rejection (2015)
- Afterword: Silver Machines (2015)
- Afterword: The Future Isn't Real (2015)
- Afterword: Those Who Can't... (2015)
- Afterword: Volcanoes and Dinosaurs (2015)
- Afterword: Writer's Block (2015)
- Foreword: Different Warts and All (2015)
- I've Got This Idea for a Story ... (2015)
- Introduction: Don't Look Back (2015)
- Introduction (Everywhere) (2019)
- Introduction (Nowhere) (2019)
- Afterword (Downtime) (2023)
- Afterword (Ephemera) (2023)
- Afterword (Lamagica) (2023)
- Afterword (Ouroboros) (2023)
- Afterword (Selkie) (2023)
- Afterword (Sin Eater) (2023)
- Afterword (Stuff) (2023)
- Afterword (The Chronologist) (2023)
- Afterword (The Fall of the House of Kepler) (2023)
- Afterword (The God of Nothing) (2023)
- Afterword (The Memory Artist) (2023)
- Afterword (The Mrs Innocents) (2023)
- Afterword (The Roads) (2023)
- Afterword (The Visitor from Taured) (2023)
- Afterword (The Wisdom of the Group) (2023)
- Introduction: Ragged Maps (2023)
- The Collector (2005) by John Fowles [only as by Ian MacLeod]
- Weinachtabend (2008) by Keith Roberts
- American Psycho (2011) by Bret Easton Ellis
- Anansi Boys (2011) by Neil Gaiman
- Beloved (2011) by Toni Morrison
- Chronic City (2011) by Jonathan Lethem
- Empire of the Sun (2011) by J. G. Ballard
- Flicker (2011) by Theodore Roszak
- Galileo's Dream (2011) by Kim Stanley Robinson
- Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell (2011) by Susanna Clarke
- Pastoralia (2011) by George Saunders
- Stories of Your Life and Others (2011) by Ted Chiang
- Stranger Things Happen (2011) by Kelly Link
- The Best of Sci-Fi 12 (2011) by Judith Merril
- The Jaguar Hunter (2011) by Lucius Shepard
- The Plot Against America (2011) by Philip Roth
- The Wall of the Sky, the Wall of the Eye (2011) by Jonathan Lethem
- The Windup Girl (2011) by Paolo Bacigalupi
- Under the Dome (2011) by Stephen King
- Was (2011) by Geoff Ryman
- Camerawork in Words (2001) by Nick Gevers
- Ian R. Macleod Interviewed (2003) by Jeff Topham
- Ian R. MacLeod: Not Quite Rock 'n' Roll (2003) by Ian R. MacLeod
- Q&A: Ian R. MacLeod (2005) by Rick Kleffel
- Author Spotlight: Ian R. MacLeod (2014) by Kevin McNeil
- Author Spotlight: Ian R. MacLeod (2017) by Arley Sorg