- Author: Fonda Lee Author Record # 213411
- Birthplace: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
- Birthdate: 10 March 1979
- Language: English
- Webpages: Facebook, fondalee.com, Goodreads, SFE, Tumblr, Wikipedia-EN, X/Twitter
- Used These Alternate Names:
Fonda Leeová?Fonda Leeova,Фонда Ли?Fonda Li,フォンダ・リー?Fonda Rii
- Note: "in USA from early adulthood"
- Author Tags: crime (4), urban fantasy (4), fantasy (4), action (3), adventure (3), young-adult sf (3), aliens (2), mythical creatures (1), Power (1), thriller (1), sports (1), mars (1), genetic engineering (1), intrigue (1), martial arts (1), war (1), city life (1), black market (1), Thrillers (1)
Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
Fiction Series
- Breathmarked
- 1 Breath of the Dragon (2025) with Shannon Lee (1969-)
- Exo
- 1 Exo (2017)
- 2 Cross Fire (2018)
- The Green Bone Saga
- 1
Jade City (2017)
also appeared as:
Translation: Нефритовый город?Nefritovyy gorod[Russian] (2018) [as byФонда Ли?Fonda Li]
Translation: 翡翠城市?ひすいじょうし[Japanese] (2019) [as by
Hisui Joushi
Hisui Jōshiフォンダ・リー?Fonda Rii] - Translation: Ciudad de Jade [Spanish] (2019)
Translation: Yeşim Şehri?Yesim Sehri[Turkish] (2020)
Translation: Jáde város?Jade varos[Hungarian] (2020)
Translation: Nefritové město?Nefritove mesto[Czech] (2022) [as byFonda Leeová?Fonda Leeova]
- Translation: Jade City [Italian] (2022)
- 2
Jade War (2019)
also appeared as:
Translation: Нефритовая война?Nefritovaya voyna[Russian] (2020) [as byФонда Ли?Fonda Li]
Translation: Jáde háború?Jade haboru[Hungarian] (2020)
- Translation: Guerra de jade [Spanish] (2022)
- 3
Jade Legacy (2021)
also appeared as:
Translation: Нефритовое наследие?Nefritovoe nasledie[Russian] (2022) [as byФонда Ли?Fonda Li]
- Jade City (excerpt) (2018) [SF]
- The Jade Setter of Janloon (2022) [SF]
- Jade Shards (2023) [C]
- 1
Jade City (2017)
also appeared as:
- Zeroboxer (2015)
- The Jade Setter of Janloon (2022)
- Untethered Sky (2023)
- Universal Print (2015)
- Zeroboxer (excerpt) (2016)
- Spectral (2016)
- Old Souls (2017)
- Welcome to the Legion of Six (2019)
- Jade City (excerpt) (2019)
- I (28M) Created a Deepfake Girlfriend and Now My Parents Think We're Getting Married (2019)
- The Eternal Cocktail Party of the Damned (2022)
- Untethered Sky (2023)
- Nameless Here for Evermore (2023)
- Fonda Lee: When the Alien Invaders Win (2018) with Fonda Lee
- Interview: Fonda Lee (2018) by Christian A. Coleman
- Fonda Lee: When the Alien Invaders Win (2018) by Fonda Lee
- An Interview with Fonda Lee (2019) by Tom Smith (I)
- Locus Awards Top Ten Finalists, Part Two: Fonda Lee (2022) by Arley Sorg
- An Interview with Fonda Lee (2023) by John Mauro