- Author: David J. Schwartz Author Record # 20998
- Legal Name: Schwartz, David John
- Birthplace: St. Paul, Minnesota, USA
- Birthdate: 22 September 1970
- Language: English
- Webpages: LiveJournal, SFE, snurri.com, Wikipedia-EN
- Used These Alternate Names: David Schwartz, DAvId J. ShUUArtz
- Additional Biographical Data: Bio:David J. Schwartz
- Author Tags: urban fantasy (1), alternate history (1), demons (1), magic school (1)
Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
- Superpowers (2008)
- Gooseberry Bluff Community College of Magic (2013)
- The Sun Inside (2008)
- Thieves' Justice (1994)
- The Comfort of Thunder (2001)
- The Ichthyomancer Writes His Friend with an Account of the Yeti's Birthday Party (2003)
- Breaking Glass (2004)
- The King of Memphis (2004)
- The Lethe Man (2004) [only as by David Schwartz]
- The Three Clocks of Vorstein (2004)
- Iron Ankles (2004)
- The New Year's Party or Dancing on Sleipner's Bones (2004)
- A Whole Man (2005)
- Virginie and the Fool (2005) [only as by David Schwartz]
- Five Hundred and Forty Doors (2006) [only as by David Schwartz]
- Shackles (2006)
- The Water-Poet and the Four Seasons (2006)
- Play (2006)
- Manifest Destiny (2006)
- Grandma Charlie and the Wolves (2006)
- Proof of Zero (2008) [only as by David Schwartz]
Somnambulist (2008)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Somnambulist (2010)
- Mike's Place (2008)
- The Sun Inside (2008)
- The 121 (2009)
- Destiny, with a Blackberry Sauce (2011)
- Static, and Sometimes Music (2012)
- Bear in Contradicting Landscape (2012)
- Today's Friends (2013)
- Stories Larger Than Themselves: A Conversation (2013) with William Alexander
- Apex Jump (2013)
- Jam (2005)
- A NOtE AbOUt thE TYpe (2004) [only as by DAvId J. ShUUArtz]
- I Want My 20th Century Schizoid Art, Parts I-IV (2006) with Barth Anderson and Christopher Barzak and Hannah Wolf Bowen and Hal Duncan and Jon Hansen and Jed Hartman and Meghan McCarron and David Moles and Benjamin Rosenbaum and Christopher Rowe and Bruce Sterling
- La Science Des Rêves (a.k.a. The Science of Sleep) (movie review) (2006)
- Guillermo del Toro's El Laberinto del Fauno (a.k.a. Pan's Labyrinth) (movie review) (2007)
- Stardust (movie review) (2007)
- Up (movie review) (2009)
- Moon (movie review) (2009)
- District 9 (movie review) (2009)
- 2009 in Review (2010) with Karen Burnham and Nic Clarke and Matt Denault and L. Timmel Duchamp and Nader Elhefnawy and Dan Hartland and Colin Harvey and Tony Keen and Paul Kincaid and Richard Larson and Duncan Lawie and Martin Lewis and Jonathan McCalmont and David McWilliam and Farah Mendlesohn and Abigail Nussbaum and Hallie O'Donovan and Sara Polsky and Paul Graham Raven and Adam Roberts and Graham Sleight and Kari Sperring and Hannah Strom-Martin and Alvaro Zinos-Amaro [only as by Karen Burnham and Nic Clarke and Matt Denault and L. Timmel Duchamp and Nader Elhefnawy and Dan Hartland and Colin Harvey and Tony Keen and Paul Kincaid and Richard Larson and Duncan Lawie and Martin Lewis and Jonathan McCalmont and David McWilliam and Farah Mendlesohn and Abigail Nussbaum and Hallie O'Donovan and Sara Polsky and Paul Graham Raven and Adam Roberts and David Schwartz and Graham Sleight and Kari Sperring and Hannah Strom-Martin and Alvaro Zinos-Amaro]
- The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus (movie review) (2010)
- Toy Story 3 (movie review) (2010)
- Robert Holdstock: A Roundtable Discussion (2011) with Stephen Baxter and Niall Harrison and Paul Kincaid and Liz Williams [only as by Stephen Baxter and Niall Harrison and Paul Kincaid and David Schwartz and Liz Williams]
- Masculinity Is an Anxiety Disorder: Breaking Down the Nerd Box (2015)
- How Deep Space Nine Almost Didn't Fail Me (2017)
- Avilion (2010) by Robert Holdstock
- The Devil's Alphabet (2010) by Daryl Gregory