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Fiction Series
- Lerici
The Seventh Daughter (2004) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: La settima figlia [Italian] (2016)
- Poison (2007) [SF]
- Heart of Hearts (2010) [SF]
- The Woman Who Waited Forever (2010) [SF]
Blue Fire (2010) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Fuoco azzurro [Italian] (2014)
The Bleeding Child (2012) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Crying Child (2012)
Canticle of the Animals (2013) [SF]
only appeared as:
- Variant: Canticle of the Beasts (2013)
- The Village Sang to the Sea: A Memoir of Magic (2013)
The Seventh Daughter (2004) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Humanity Prime (1971)
- Dream Baby (1989)
- Edge
- Edge. Autumn/Winter 1973 (1973)
- Their Immortal Hearts: Three Visions of Time (1980) [only as by uncredited]
- There Won't Be War (1991) with Harry Harrison
- Kin (2007)
- The Courtship of the Queen (2011)
- La Signora (2014)
- Dream Baby (2015)
- Dog (2015)
- The Faces Outside (2020)
The Faces Outside (1963)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Les visages du dehors [French] (1964)
- Translation: Le facce dietro il vetro [Italian] (1964)
We Hunters of Men (1965)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Chasseurs d'hommes [French] (1966)
Gods of the Dark and Light (1967)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Dieux des ténèbres et de la lumière [French] (1968)
- Translation: Gli dei del buio e della luce [Italian] (1968)
Without a Doubt Dream (1968)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Cauchemar de sable [French] (1974)
Prime-Time Teaser (1968)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La tortue de mer [French] (1971)
Benji's Pencil (1969)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Des crayons pour Benji [French] (1974)
The Man Inside (1969)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Net een mannetje [Dutch] (1979)
- Translation: Parole nella Testa Di Papa' [Italian] (1980)
- The Big Boy (1969)
- Autohuman 14 (1969)
Life Matter (1969)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Question de vie [French] (1970)
And So Say All of Us (1969)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Hört die Stimmen [German] (1974)
After the Bomb Cliches (1969)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Clichés nucléaires [French] (1974)
- E Pluribus Solo (1970)
- Mother of Pearl (1970)
The Warmest Memory (1970)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le souvenir le plus ardent [French] (1975)
- World of the Wars (1971)
Ecce Femina! (1972)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Männerjagd [German] (1973)
- Translation: Femme oblige [French] (1976)
- Triangle (1972)
- The Arrangement (1973)
- The Boy (1976)
Victor (1977)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Victor [German] (1978)
- Translation: De overwinnaar [Dutch] (1980)
- Missionary Work (1978)
Their Immortal Hearts (1980)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ihre unsterblichen Herzen [German] (1991)
What He Wore for Them (1980)
also appeared as:
- Translation: ... und nahm für sie an der Menschen Gestalt [German] (1982)
When the Fathers Go (1982)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Wenn Vater eine Reise macht [German] (1985)
Translation: Kun isät lähtevät?Kun isaet laehtevaet[Finnish] (1990)
Kun isat lahtevat - Translation: Cuando los padres aceptan [Spanish] (1992)
- Translation: Quando i padri se ne vanno [Italian] (1993)
- Translation: Když otcové jdou [Czech] (1994)
Translation: Когда отцы уходят?Kogda ottsy ukhodyat[Russian] (2011) [as byБрюс Мак-Аллистер?Bryus Mak-Allister]
- När fäderna ger sig av [Swedish] (1984)
- The Ark (1985)
- Killing the Lambs of God (1986)
Dream Baby (1987)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Traumbaby [German] (1988)
- Translation: Dream Baby [French] (1989)
- Translation: Dream Baby [German] (1990)
Kingdom Come (1987)
also appeared as:
Translation: Avènement?Avenement[French] (1989)
- Songs from a Far Country (1988)
- The Girl Who Loved Animals (1988)
- Little Boy Blue (1989)
- Angels (1990)
- Sister Moon (1992)
- Moving On (1993)
Southpaw (1993)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Southpaw (2014)
- Cottage (1993)
- Assassin (1994)
- Captain China (1996)
- Mary (2005)
- Water Angel (2005)
Hero, the Movie (2005)
also appeared as:
- Serializations:
- Hero, the Movie (Part 1 of 2) (2013)
- Hero, the Movie (Part 2 of 2) (2013)
- Spell (2005)
- Stu (2005)
- Ragazzo (2006)
- The Boy in Zaquitos (2006)
- Kin (2006) also appeared as:
Cold War (2006)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Guerre froide [French] (2007)
- The Passion: a Western (2006)
- His Wife (2007)
- The Lion (2007)
- Hit (2008)
- Johnny (2009)
- Sun and Stone (2010)
- The Courtship of the Queen (2010)
- Demon (2011)
- The Messenger (2011)
- Going Home (2012) with Barry N. Malzberg [only as by Barry Malzberg and Bruce McAllister]
- Free Range (2012)
- Stamps (2012)
- Child of the Gods (2013)
- Don't Ask (2013) with W. S. Adams
- The Witch Moth (2014)
- La Signora (2014)
- Madonna (2015)
- Dog (2015)
- Emily (2015)
- My Father's Crab (2015)
- DreamPet (2015)
- Holy Water, Holy Blood (2015)
- Bringing Them Back (2016)
- Stealing God (2016)
- Killer (2016)
- The Blue House (2016)
- A Beautiful Day (2016)
- The Fall of Saigon (2017) with Ben McAllister and Andreas Neumann
- This Is for You (2017)
- The Blue Unicorn (2017)
- Pitch (2017) with Patrick Smith
- Ink (2017)
- Siren (2018)
- How to Take Pictures of Alpha Centauri Children (2018)
- Frog Happy (2018)
- Sandy (2018)
Dearly Beloved (2019)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Innig geliebt [German] (2019)
- A Former Planetary Ruler Speaks (2019)
- Breath (2019)
- News from Space Station Daius-Beta: Update on 'The Children' (2020)
- Stinger (2020)
- The Voice (2020)
- The Bleeding Child Tarot (2020)
- When the Moon Is Full (2021)
- Sidha (2021)
- First Fish (2022)
- War of the Worlds: Final Take (2022)
- What is Green Will Always Be (2022)
- Mom (2023)
- La Madre de la Barranca (2023) with Brad Munson
- Let's Play (2023)
- The Dark Devices (2024)
- What the Dormouse Said (2024)
- First and Last Contact (1977)
- On Zurlygg Street: A Primer for Children of This Station (2009)
- Vampire's Lament (2017)
- Invasion (2017)
- Colony on the Fifth Planet (2017)
- Engineered (2018)
- Turtle Man (2019)
- If (2021)
- Isn't Life Grand (2021)
- Kong (2021)
- Hitched (2021)
- The Astronaut, Lost in the Hellas Basin (2021)
- We Tell Ourselves (2021)
- Apocalypse (2021)
- Silver Plate Galaxy (2021)
- When I Think of My Father (2021)
- Last Angel (2021)
- The Lion (2021)
- What We Forget (2021)
- First Love (2022)
- Creation (2022)
- Painting a New Planet (2023)
- Leaving (2024)
- Letter to The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, November 1971 (1971)
- Market Report (SFWA Bulletin, December 1972) (1972)
- Letter (SF Commentary 33) (1973)
- Notes and Remarks (SFWA Bulletin, Summer 1974) (1974)
- Nores and Remarks (1974)
- Dictics: The Academic Affairs Section (Supplement) (SFWA Bulletin, Winter 1974-75) (1975)
The Nominees for the 1988 Nebula Awards (1988)
Greg Bear
David Brin
Octavia E. Butler
Pat Cadigan
Avram Davidson
Paul Di Filippo
George Alec Effinger
John M. Ford
Lisa Goldstein
Ursula K. Le Guin
Pat Murphy
Keith Roberts
Kim Stanley Robinson
Geoff Ryman
Susan Shwartz
Robert Silverberg
Bruce Sterling
Lawrence Watt-Evans
Kate Wilhelm
Walter Jon Williams
Connie Willis
Gene Wolfe
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Nominees (1988)
- Nachwort zu 'Dream Baby' [German] (1990)
- Introduction (There Won't Be War) (1991)
- Dynaflow (1993)
- Angels: Story Notes (2007)
- Assassin: Story Notes (2007)
- Benji's Pencil: Story Notes (2007)
- Dream Baby: Story Notes (2007)
- Hero, the Movie: Story Notes (2007)
- Kin: Story Notes (2007)
- Little Boy Blue: Story Notes (2007)
- Moving On: Story Notes (2007)
- Southpaw: Story Notes (2007)
- Spell: Story Notes (2007)
- Stu: Story Notes (2007)
- The Ark: Story Notes (2007)
- The Boy in Zaquitos: Story Notes (2007)
- The Faces Outside: Story Notes (2007)
- The Girl Who Loved Animals: Story Notes (2007)
- The Man Inside: Story Notes (2007)
- World of the Wars: Story Notes (2007)
Science fiction – singurul fel de fantezie rațională?Science fiction – singurul fel de fantezie rationala[Romanian] (2007)
- The Black Unicorn (2014)
- Foreword (Giovanni's Tree: New Italian Folktales) (2023)