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Fiction Series
- Альфа-ноль / Alpha?Al'fa-nol' / Alpha
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Альфа-ноль?Al'fa-nol'(2020) also appeared as:
- Translation: Alpha Zero [English] (2020) [as by Arthur Stone]
- Translation: Alpha Zero [German] (2022) [as by Arthur Stone]
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Набирая силу?Nabiraya silu(2020) also appeared as:
- Translation: Alpha Ascendant [English] (2021) [as by Arthur Stone]
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Экстремальная археология?Ekstremal'naya arkheologiya(2021) also appeared as:
- Translation: Alpha Transcendent [English] (2021) [as by Arthur Stone]
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Чужая территория?Chuzhaya teritoriya(2021) also appeared as:
- Translation: Alpha Resplendent [English] (2021) [as by Arthur Stone]
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Рейтинг-ноль?Reyting-nol'(unpublished) only appeared as:
- Translation: Rating Zero [English] (2022) [as by Arthur Stone]
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Битва за рейтинг?Bitva za reyting(unpublished) only appeared as:
- Translation: Vying for Ratings [English] (2023) [as by Arthur Stone]
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Забытые тени?Zabytye teni(unpublished) only appeared as:
- Translation: Lost Shadows [English] (2023) [as by Arthur Stone]
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- Безымянная империя?Bezymyannaya imperiya
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Время одиночек?Vremya odinochek(2010)
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Дороги смертников?Dorogi smertnikov(2010)
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- Грешник / Foodstuffs?Greshnik / Foodstuffs
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Корм?Korm(2021) also appeared as:
- Translation: Futter [German] (2021) [as by Arthur Stone]
- Translation: Easy Meat [English] (2021) [as by Arthur Stone]
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Фастфуд?Fastfud(2021) also appeared as:
- Translation: Minced Meat [English] (2021) [as by Arthur Stone]
- Translation: Fast Food [German] (2021) [as by Arthur Stone]
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Правильное питание?Pravil'noye pitaniye(2021) also appeared as:
- Translation: Eating Right [English] (2022) [as by Arthur Stone]
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Пир для избранных?Pir dlya izbrannykh(2023) only appeared as:
- Translation: The Feast [English] (2022) [as by Arthur Stone]
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Чужая сиеста?Chuzhaya siesta(unpublished) only appeared as:
- Translation: Island Blues (Someone Else's Siesta) [English] (2023) [as by Arthur Stone]
- Foodstuffs Litrpg Box Set: Books 1-3 [English] (2022) [O/1,2,3] [only as by Arthur Stone]
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- Девятый?Devyatyy
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На руинах Мальрока?Na ruinakh Mal'roka(2011)
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Рождение победителя?Rozhdenie pobeditelya(2012)
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Адмирал южных морей?Admiral yuzhnikh morey(2013)
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Сердце для стража?Serdtse dlya strazha(2014)
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Тайны ордена?Tayny ordena(2016)
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- Запретный мир?Zapretnyy mir
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Запретный мир?Zapretnyy mir(2006)
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Новая попытка?Novaya popytka(2006) also appeared as:
Variant: Сердце мира?Serdtse mira(2017)
Запретный мир?Zapretnyy mir(2006) [O/1-2]
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- Самый странный нуб / The Weirdest Noob?Samyy strannyy nub / The Weirdest Noob
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Самый странный нуб?Samyy strannyy nub(2014) also appeared as:
- Translation: The Weirdest Noob [English] (2017) [as by Arthur Stone]
- Translation: Der seltsamste Noob [German] (2020) [as by Arthur Stone]
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Раб запертых земель?Rab zapertykh zemel'(2014) also appeared as:
- Translation: A Slave in the Locked Lands [English] (2017) [as by Arthur Stone]
- Translation: Sklave im verschlossenen Land [German] (2020) [as by Arthur Stone]
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Боги Второго Мира?Bogi Vtorogo Mira(2016) also appeared as:
- Translation: The Gods of the Second World [English] (2017) [as by Arthur Stone]
Translation: Die Götter der Zweiten Welt?Die Goetter der Zweiten Welt[German] (2020) [as by Arthur Stone]
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- Читер / Respawn?Chiter / Respawn
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Пять жизней читера?Pyat' zhizney chitera(2017) also appeared as:
- Translation: Lives 1-5 [English] (2018) [as by Arthur Stone]
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Восемь секунд удачи?Vosem' sekund udachi(2018) also appeared as:
- Translation: Lovers Lost [English] (2018) [as by Arthur Stone]
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Восемнадцать с плюсом?Vosemnadtsat' s plyusom(2018) only appeared as:
- Translation: 18 and Up [English] (2019) [as by Arthur Stone]
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Уровни сложности?Urovni slozhnosti(2019) only appeared as:
- Translation: Nightmare Mode [English] (2019) [as by Arthur Stone]
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Ходячее сокровище?Khodyachee sokrovishche(2020) only appeared as:
- Translation: Blade of the Ancients [English] (2020) [as by Arthur Stone]
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Вера в ближнего?Vera v blizhnego(2020) only appeared as:
- Translation: The Last Crossing [English] (2020) [as by Arthur Stone]
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- Экс / Dark?Eks / Dark
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Первый робинзон Экса?Pervyy robinzon Eksa(2019) only appeared as:
- Translation: Fearless Pioneer [English] (2019) [as by Arthur Stone]
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Великое перерождение?Velikoe pererozhdenie(2020) also appeared as:
- Translation: Reincarnate [English] (2020) [as by Arthur Stone]
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- S. T. Y. X. / S-T-I-K-S
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Территория везучих?Territoriya vezuchikh(2017) only appeared as:
- Translation: The Fortunate [English] (2024) [as by Arthur Stone]
- S. T. Y. X. Humanhive / S-T-I-K-S. Похождения Карата?S. T. Y. X. Humanhive / S-T-I-K-S. Pokhozhdeniya Karata
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Человеческий улей?Chelovecheskiy uley(2016) also appeared as:
- Translation: S. T. Y. X. Humanhive [English] (2017) [as by Arthur Stone]
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Человек с котом?Chelovek s kotom(2016) only appeared as:
- Translation: S. T. Y. X. Hivecat [English] (2018) [as by Arthur Stone]
- Translation: S. T. Y. X.: Hivecat [English] (2022) [as by Arthur Stone]
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Радиус поражения?Radius porazheniya(2010)
Сафари для победителей?Safari dlya pobediteley(2011)
Самый страшный зверь?Samyy strachshnyy zver'(2015)