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Fiction Series
- Les Anges
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Les thanatonautes (1994)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Los tanatonautas [Spanish] (1995)
Translation: Thanatonauții?Thanatonautii[Romanian] (1996)
Translation: Танатонавтите?Tanatonavtite[Bulgarian] (2007) [as byБернар Вербер?Bernar Verber]
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L'empire des anges (2000)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Imperiul îngerilor [Romanian] (2000)
- Translation: Im Reich der Engel [German] (2002)
Translation: Империята на ангелите?Imperiyata na angelite[Bulgarian] (2008) [as byБернар Вербер?Bernar Verber]
- Les Dieux
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Nous, les dieux (2004)
also appeared as:
Translation: Ние, боговете?Nie, bogovete[Bulgarian] (2011) [as byБернар Вербер?Bernar Verber]
- Translation: Nós, os Deuses [Portuguese] (2014)
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Le souffle des dieux (2005)
also appeared as:
Translation: Дъхът на боговете?Dahat na bogovete[Bulgarian] (2013) [as byБернар Вербер?Bernar Verber]
- Translation: O sopro dos Deuses [Portuguese] (2014)
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Le mystère des dieux (2007)
also appeared as:
- Translation: O mistério dos Deuses [Portuguese] (2014)
Translation: Загадката на боговете?Zagadkata na bogovete[Bulgarian] (2014) [as byБернар Вербер?Bernar Verber]
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Nous, les dieux (2004)
also appeared as:
- 1
Les thanatonautes (1994)
also appeared as:
- Les aventuriers de la science
- 1 Le père de nos pères (1998)
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L'ultime secret (2001)
also appeared as:
Translation: Върховната тайна?Varhovnata tayna[Bulgarian] (2006) [as byБернар Вербер?Bernar Verber]
- Les fourmis
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Les fourmis (1991)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Ameisen [German] (1992)
Translation: Мравките?Mravkite[Bulgarian] (1993) [as byБернар Вербер?Bernar Verber]
- Translation: Furnicile [Romanian] (1995)
- Translation: Empire of the Ants [English] (1996)
- Translation: As formigas [Portuguese] (2008)
- 1 Formiche: il loro giorno si avvicina [Italian] (1992)
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Le jour des fourmis (1992)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Tag der Ameisen [German] (1994)
Translation: Денят на мравките?Denyat na mravkite[Bulgarian] (1995) [as byБернар Вербер?Bernar Verber]
- Translation: Ziua furnicilor [Romanian] (1995)
- Translation: O Dia das Formigas [Portuguese] (2008)
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La révolution des fourmis (1996)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Revolution der Ameisen [German] (1998)
Translation: Revoluția furnicilor?Revolutia furnicilor[Romanian] (2000)
- Translation: A Revolução das Formigas [Portuguese] (2009)
Translation: Революцията на мравките?Revolyutsiyata na mravkite[Bulgarian] (2014) [as byБернар Вербер?Bernar Verber]
- La trilogie des fourmis (2004) [O/1-3]
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Les fourmis (1991)
also appeared as:
- Troisième humanité
- 3 La voix de la terre (2014)
Le Livre du voyage (1997)
also appeared as:
- Translation: El Libro del Viaje [Spanish] (1999)
Le papillon des étoiles (2006)
also appeared as:
- Translation: A Borboleta das Estrelas [Portuguese] (2008)
Le miroir de Cassandre (2009)
only appeared as:
- Translation: O espelho de Cassandra [Portuguese] (2015)
Troisième humanité?Troisieme humanite(2012) only appeared as:
- Translation: Terceira humanidade [Portuguese] (2019)
- Bienvenue au Paradis (2015)
L'arbre des possibles et autres histoires (2002)
also appeared as:
Translation: A árvore dos possíveis e outros contos?A arvore dos possiveis e outros contos[Portuguese] (2004)
- Paradis sur mesure (2008)
20 récits d'anticipation et de science-fiction?20 recits d'anticipation et de science-fiction(2016)
- Nos amis les humains (2005)
La montre karmique (2011)
also appeared as:
Translation: Кармичният часовник?Karmichniyat chasovnik[Bulgarian] (2011) [as byБернар Вербер?Bernar Verber]
Chaque jour est un nouveau combat (1996)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Jeder Tag ist ein neuer Kampf [German] (1999)
Le conte à rebours?Le conte a rebours(1998)
- Apprenons à les aimer (2002)
- Attention: fragile (2002)
- Celle qui hante mes rêves (2002)
- Du pain et des jeux (2002)
- Fragrances (2002)
- L'ami silencieux (2002)
- L'arbre des possibles (2002)
- L'école des jeunes dieux (2002)
- L'ermite absolu (2002)
- La dernière révolte (2002)
- Le chant du papillon (2002)
- Le mystère du chiffre (2002)
- Le règne des apparences (2002)
- Le totalitarisme douceâtre (2002)
- Manipulation (2002)
- Noir (2002)
- Tel maître, tel lion (2002)
- Transparence (2002)
- Un monde trop bien pour moi (2002)
- Vacances à Monfaucon (2002)
- Nos amis les humains (2003)
- Anti-proverbe: (petit intermède) (2008)
- Ça va vous plaire: (futur possible) (2008)
- Civilisation disparue: (futur possible) (2008)
- Demain les femmes: (futur possible) (2008)
- Et l'on pendra tous les pollueurs: (futur possible) (2008)
- Intermède : la vérité est dans le doigt (2008)
- La guerre des marques: (futur possible) (2008)
- Là où naissent les blagues: (futur possible) (2008)
- La stratégie de l'épouvantail: (passé probable) (2008)
Le Maître de Cinéma: (futur possible) (2008)
also appeared as:
Variant: Le maître de cinéma?Le maitre de cinema(2016)
- Le moineau destructeur: (souvenir probable) (2008)
- Le sexe des fleurs: (futur possible) (2008)
- Les Dents de la Terre: (passé probable) (2008)
- Meurtre dans la brume: (passé probable) (2008)
- Paradis sur mesure: (futur possible) (2008)
- Question de respect: (passé probable) (2008)
- Un amour en Atlantide: (passé probable) (2008)
La montre karmique (2011)
also appeared as:
Translation: Кармичният часовник?Karmichniyat chasovnik[Bulgarian] (2011) [as byБернар Вербер?Bernar Verber]
Les androïdes se cachent pour mourir?Les androides se cachent pour mourir(2014)
- Avant-propos (L'arbre des possibles) (2002)
- Avant-propos (Paradis sur mesure) (2008)
- Sellig : un terrestre extra (2008)
- Le futur, c'est maintenant (2016)
- Nos amis les humains (2007) with Didier Graffet
- Rencontre avec Bernard Werber (1994) by Phil Dague
- Interview exclusive de Bernard Werber (2016)
Stéphane Maltère?Stephane Maltere
- Préface (L'outre-blanc) (2016) by Jean-Claude Dunyach