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Красный смех?Krasnyy smekh(1904) only appeared as:
- Translation: The Red Laugh [English] (1905) [as by Leonid Andreief]
- Translation: The Red Laugh [English] (1918) [as by Leonid Andreyev]
Дневник Сатаны?Dnevnik Satany(1921) only appeared as:
- Translation: Satan's Diary [English] (1920) [as by Leonid Andreyev]
- Silence [English] (1910) [only as by Leonid Andreyev]
- The Little Angel [English] (1915) [only as by Leonid Andreyev]
- The Crushed Flower [English] (1917) [only as by Leonid Andreyev]
- The Seven That Were Hanged [English] (1918) [only as by Leonid Andreyev]
- The Seven That Were Hanged and Other Stories [English] (1958) [only as by Leonid Andreyev]
Баргамот и Гараська?Bargamot i Garas'ka(1898) only appeared as:
- Translation: Bargamot and Garas'ka [English] (1910) [as by Leonid Andreyev]
- Translation: Bargamot and Garaska [English] (1915) [as by Leonid Andreyev]
Ангелочек?Angelochek(1899) only appeared as:
- Translation: The Little Angel [English] (1910) [as by Leonid Andreyev]
Большой шлем?Bol'shoy shlem(1899) only appeared as:
- Translation: The Grand Slam [English] (1994) [as by Leonid Nikolayevich Andreyev]
Друг?Drug(1899) only appeared as:
- Translation: The Friend [English] (1910) [as by Leonid Andreyev]
Любовь, вера и надежда?Lyubov', vera and nadezhda(1899) only appeared as:
- Translation: Love, Faith and Hope [English] (1917) [as by Leonid Andreyev]
Петька на даче?Pet'ka na dache(1899) only appeared as:
- Translation: Pyet'ka at the Bungalow [English] (1910) [as by Leonid Andreyev]
- Translation: Petka at the Bungalow [English] (1915) [as by Leonid Andreyev]
Прекрасна жизнь для воскресших?Prekrasna zhizn' dlya voskresshikh(1900) only appeared as:
- Translation: Stepping-Stones [English] (1910) [as by Leonid Andreyev]
- Translation: Men May Rise on Stepping Stones of Their Dead Selves to Higher Things [English] (1992) [as by Leonid Andreyev]
Молчание?Molchaniye(1900) only appeared as:
- Translation: Silence [English] (1910) [as by Leonid Andreyev]
В подвале?V podvale(1901) only appeared as:
- Translation: In the Basement [English] (1910) [as by Leonid Andreyev]
Кусака?Kusaka(1901) only appeared as:
- Translation: Snapper [English] (1910) [as by Leonid Andreyev]
Ложь?Lozh'(1901) only appeared as:
- Translation: The Lie [English] (1910) [as by Leonid Andreyev]
Набат?Nabat(1901) only appeared as:
- Translation: The Tocsin [English] (1910) [as by Leonid Andreyev]
Смех?Smekh(1901) only appeared as:
- Translation: Laughter [English] (1910) [as by Leonid Andreyev]
Стена?Stena(1901) only appeared as:
- Translation: The Wall [English] (1910) [as by Leonid Andreyev]
- Translation: Le mur [French] (1970) [as by Léonid Andreiev]
Город?Gorod(1902) only appeared as:
- Translation: The City [English] (1910) [as by Leonid Andreyev]
Оригинальный человек?Original'nyy chelovek(1902) only appeared as:
- Translation: An Original [English] (1910) [as by Leonid Andreyev]
Бездна?Bezdna(1902) only appeared as:
- Translation: The Abyss [English] (1943) [as by Leonid Andreyev]
На станции?Na stantsii(1903) only appeared as:
- Translation: At the Roadside Station [English] (1910) [as by Leonid Andreyev]
Нет прощения?Net proshcheniya(1904) only appeared as:
- Translation: The Spy [English] (1915) [as by Leonid Andreyev]
Бен-Товит?Ben-Tovit(1905) only appeared as:
- Translation: On the Day of the Crucifixion [English] (1917) [as by Leonid Andreyev]
- Translation: Ben Tobit [English] (1958) [as by Leonid Andreyev]
- Translation: Ben-Tobith [English] (1976) [as by Leonid Andreyev]
Марсельеза?Marsel'yeza(1905) only appeared as:
- Translation: The Marseillaise [English] (1910) [as by Leonid Andreyev]
Елеазар?Yeleazar(1906) only appeared as:
- Translation: Lazarus [English] (1918) [as by Leonid Andreyev]
- Translation: Lazarus [English] (1927) [as by Leonid Andreyeff]
- Translation: Lazarus [English] (1958) [as by Leonid Andreyev]
- Translation: Lazare [French] (1970) [as by Léonid Andreiev]
- Translation: Lazarus [Italian] (1979) [as by Leonid Andreyeff]
- Translation: Lazarus [English] (1985) [as by Leonid Andreyev]
Из рассказа, который никогда не будет окончен?Iz rasskaza, kotoryy nikogda ne budet okonchen(1907) only appeared as:
- Translation: Story Which Will Never Be Finished [English] (1917) [as by Leonid Andreyev]
Иуда Искариот?Iuda Iskariot(1907) only appeared as:
- Translation: Judas Iscariot and Others [English] (1917) [as by Leonid Andreyev]
Мои записки?Moi zapiski(1908) only appeared as:
- Translation: "The Man Who Found the Truth" [English] (1917) [as by Leonid Andreyev]
Рассказ о семи повешенных?Rasskaz o semi poveshennykh(1908) only appeared as:
- Translation: The Seven That Were Hanged [English] (1958) [as by Leonid Andreyev]
Рассказ змеи о том, как у неё появились ядовитые зубы?Rasskaz zmei o tom, kak y neyo poyavilis' yadovityye zuby(1910) only appeared as:
- Translation: Serpent's Story [English] (1917) [as by Leonid Andreyev]
Океан?Okean(1911) only appeared as:
- Translation: Ocean [English] (1917) [as by Leonid Andreyev]
Цветок под ногою?Tsvetok pod nogoyu(1911) only appeared as:
- Translation: Crushed Flower [English] (1917) [as by Leonid Andreyev]
Он (Рассказ неизвестного)?On (Rasskaz neizvestnogo)(1913) only appeared as:
- Translation: Lui: (récit d'un inconnu) [French] (1966) [as by Léonid Andréev]
Fallen Angels (unknown)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Fallen Angels [English] (1914) [as by Leonid Adreef]