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Fiction Series
- Doctor Who Universe
- Doctor Who (Telos) novellas
- 11 The Eye of the Tyger (2003) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Doctor Who (Telos) novellas
- Four Hundred Billion Stars
- 1
Four Hundred Billion Stars (1988)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La torre aliena [Italian] (1988)
Translation: Quatre cents milliards d'étoiles?Quatre cents milliards d'etoiles[French] (1998)
- Variant: 400 Billion Stars (2009) [as by Paul McAuley]
- 2
Of the Fall (1989)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Secret Harmonies (1989)
- Variant: Secret Harmonies (2022) [as by Paul McAuley]
- 3
Eternal Light (1991)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La stella dei precursori [Italian] (1992)
- Translation: Eeuwig licht [Dutch] (1993)
Translation: La lumière des astres?La lumiere des astres[French] (2000)
- Variant: Eternal Light (2009) [as by Paul McAuley]
- 1
Four Hundred Billion Stars (1988)
also appeared as:
- Jackaroo
- 1 Something Coming Through (2015) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- 2 Into Everywhere (2016) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Dust (2006) [SF] [only as by Paul McAuley]
Winning Peace (2007) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Pace biruitoare [Romanian] (2009)
- Translation: Gagner la paix [French] (2009)
Translation: Κερδίζοντας την ειρήνη?Kerdizontas tin eirini[Greek] (2012)
- Variant: Winning Peace (2012) [as by Paul McAuley]
- Adventure (2008) [SF] [only as by Paul McAuley]
- City of the Dead (2008) [SF] [also as by Paul McAuley]
- Crimes and Glory (2009) [SF] [also as by Paul McAuley]
The Choice (2011) [SF]
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Choice (2011) [as by Paul McAuley]
Translation: 選択?せんたく[Japanese] (2013) [as by
Sentakuポール・J・マコーリイ?Pōru J. Makōrii]
Pooru J. Makoorii - Translation: La decisión [Spanish] (2014) [as by Paul McAuley]
- Translation: Le choix [French] (2016)
- Bruce Springsteen (2012) [SF] [only as by Paul McAuley]
The Man (2012) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Man (2012) [as by Paul McAuley]
- Translation: L'homme [French] (2013)
- Something Happened Here, But We're Not Quite Sure What It Was (2016) [SF] [also as by Paul McAuley]
- Maryon's Gift (2022) [SF] [only as by Paul McAuley]
- The Book of Confluence
- 1
Child of the River (1997)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Child of the River (1997) [as by Paul McAuley]
- Translation: Il ragazzo del fiume [Italian] (1999)
- Translation: Copilul fluviului [Romanian] (2014) [as by Paul McAuley]
- 2
Ancients of Days (1998)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Ancients of Days (1998) [as by Paul McAuley]
- Translation: Il Mercenario di Confluence [Italian] (2000) [as by Paul McAuley]
- 3
Shrine of Stars (1999)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Shrine of Stars (1999) [as by Paul McAuley]
- Translation: Yama di Confluence [Italian] (2000)
- Recording Angel (1995) [SF] [also as by Paul McAuley]
- All Tomorrow's Parties (1997) [SF] [also as by Paul McAuley]
Confluence (2000) [O]
also appeared as:
- Variant: Confluence: The Trilogy (2014) [O] [as by Paul McAuley]
- 1
Child of the River (1997)
also appeared as:
- The Quiet War
- 1
The Quiet War (2008)
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Quiet War (2008) [as by Paul McAuley]
- Translation: La guerre tranquille [French] (2010) [as by Paul McAuley]
Translation: Războiul liniștit?Razboiul linistit[Romanian] (2014) [as by Paul McAuley]
- 2 Gardens of the Sun (2009) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- 3 In the Mouth of the Whale (2012) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- 4 Evening's Empires (2013) [only as by Paul McAuley]
Second Skin (1997) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: Second Skin (1997) [as by Paul McAuley]
- Translation: Seconda pelle [Italian] (2009)
- Sea Change, with Monsters (1998) [SF] [also as by Paul McAuley]
The Gardens of Saturn (1998) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Les jardins de Saturne [French] (2006)
Making History (2000) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: Making History (2000) [as by Paul McAuley]
- Translation: L'histoire en marche [French] (2002)
- Translation: Geschichte machen [German] (2003) [as by Paul McAuley]
Reef (2000) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: Reef (2000) [as by Paul McAuley]
- Translation: Scogliera [Italian] (2004)
- Translation: Récif [French] (2010)
- The Assassination of Faustino Malarte (2002) [SF] [only as by Paul McAuley]
- The Passenger (2002) [SF] [only as by Paul McAuley]
Dead Men Walking (2006) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: Dead Men Walking (2006) [as by Paul McAuley]
Translation: Morții umblă?Mortii umbla[Romanian] (2011)
- Incomers (2008) [SF] [also as by Paul McAuley]
- Karyl's War (2012) [SF] [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Macy Minnot's Last Christmas on Dione, Ring Racing, Fiddler's Green, the Potter's Garden (2012) [SF] [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Stories from the Quiet War (2012) [C] [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Barbara Allen And Sweet Billie (2013) [SF] [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Beauty (2013) [SF] [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Dragon Lady (2013) [SF] [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Ghost of the Holloway (2013) [SF] [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Heaven Is a Place (2013) [SF] [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Life After Wartime: More Quiet War Stories (2013) [C] [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Life As We Know It (2013) [SF] [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Monoliths (2013) [SF] [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Prometheus Warps the F Ring (2013) [SF] [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Same As It Ever Was (2013) [SF] [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Space Fever (2013) [SF] [only as by Paul McAuley]
- The New Neighbours (2013) [SF] [only as by Paul McAuley]
- The Paladin (2013) [SF] [only as by Paul McAuley]
- The Quiet War Omnibus (2017) [O/1,2] [only as by Paul McAuley]
- The Vastening Omnibus (2017) [O/3,4] [only as by Paul McAuley]
- 1
The Quiet War (2008)
only appeared as:
Red Dust (1993)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Marte più [Italian] (1994)
- Translation: Roter Staub [German] (1995)
- Translation: Sable rouge [French] (2000)
- Variant: Red Dust (2009) [as by Paul McAuley]
Pasquale's Angel (1994)
also appeared as:
Translation: Les conjurés de Florence?Les conjures de Florence[French] (1998)
- Translation: A Invenção de Leonardo [Portuguese] (2005)
- Variant: Pasquale's Angel (2009) [as by Paul McAuley]
Fairyland (1995)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Fairyland [Italian] (1998)
Translation: Féerie?Feerie[French] (1998)
- Translation: Feenland [German] (2000)
- Translation: El beso de Milena [Spanish] (2001) [as by Paul McAuley]
- Variant: Fairyland (2007) [as by Paul McAuley]
The Secret of Life (2001)
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Secret of Life (2001) [as by Paul McAuley]
- Translation: Une invasion martienne [French] (2008) [as by Paul McAuley]
- Whole Wide World (2001) [only as by Paul McAuley]
White Devils (2004)
also appeared as:
- Variant: White Devils (2004) [as by Paul McAuley]
- Translation: Les diables blancs [French] (2005) [as by Paul McAuley]
Mind's Eye (2005)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Mind's Eye (2005) [as by Paul McAuley]
- Translation: Beeldtaal [Dutch] (2006) [as by Paul McAuley]
Players (2007)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Players (2007) [as by Paul McAuley]
- Translation: Opgejaagd Wild [Dutch] (2009) [as by Paul McAuley]
Cowboy Angels (2007)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Cowboy Angels (2007) [as by Paul McAuley]
- Translation: Cowboy angels [French] (2009) [as by Paul McAuley]
- Austral (2017) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- War of the Maps (2020) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Beyond the Burn Line (2022) [only as by Paul McAuley]
The King of the Hill and Other Stories (1991)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Herren der Erde und andere Stories [German] (1996)
- The Invisible Country (1996)
- Alien TV (1998)
- Little Machines (2005) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- A Very British History: Additional Stories (2013) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- A Very British History (2013) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- A Very British History: The Best Science Fiction Stories of Paul McAuley, 1985 - 2011 (2016) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- In Dreams (1992) with Kim Newman
- Reality Dust / Making History (2002) with Stephen Baxter [only as by Stephen Baxter and Paul McAuley]
- Making History (2000)
- Le choix [French] (2016)
- Something Happened Here, But We're Not Quite Sure What It Was (2016) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Alien TV
- Alien TV (1998) [also as by Paul McAuley]
- Before the Flood (1998) [also as by Paul McAuley]
- Mr Carlyle
- 1 Naming the Dead (1999)
- 2 Bone Orchards (2000)
- 3
Doctor Pretorius and the Lost Temple (2002)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Dr. Pretorius and the Lost Temple (2002) [as by Paul McAuley]
- Variant: Doctor Pretorius and the Lost Temple (2002) [as by Paul McAuley]
- 4 Child of the Stones (2003) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Warhammer Universe
- Warhammer
- Apprentice Luck (1989) [only as by Sean Flynn]
- Warhammer
- Wagon, Passing (1984)
The King of the Hill (1985)
also appeared as:
Translation: Der König des Hügels?Der Koenig des Huegels[German] (1996)
Little Ilya and Spider and Box (1985)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Little Ilya and Spider and Box (1985) [as by Paul McAuley]
- Translation: L'histoire d'Ilya, Spider et Box [French] (1995)
- Translation: Klein-Ilia, Spider und Box [German] (1996)
The Airs of Earth (1986)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Herren der Erde [German] (1996)
- A Dragon for Seyour Chan (1987)
- Among the Stones (1987)
The Temporary King (1987)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Temporary King (1987) [as by Paul McAuley]
- Translation: Le roi temporaire [French] (1987)
Translation: König auf Zeit?Koenig auf Zeit[German] (1996)
The Heirs of Earth (1987)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Erben der Erde [German] (1996)
Karl and the Ogre (1988)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Karl and the Ogre (1988) [as by Paul McAuley]
- Translation: Karl und das Urwesen [German] (1996)
- Translation: Karl & l'ogre [French] (1998)
- Inheritance (1988) [also as by Paul McAuley]
Transcendence (1988)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Transzendenz [German] (1996)
- Jacob's Rock (1989)
- How We Lost the Moon, a True Story by Frank W. Allen (1990) [also as by Paul McAuley]
Exiles (1990)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Exilanten [German] (1996)
Crossroads (1991)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Cross Roads Blues (1991) [as by Paul McAuley]
- The Invisible Country (1991)
Gene Wars (1991)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Gene Wars (1991) [as by Paul McAuley]
Translation: Războaiele genetice?Razboaiele genetice[Romanian] (1994)
Translation: Guerres génétiques?Guerres genetiques[French] (1996)
- Translation: Guerras genéticas [Spanish] (2000)
Translation: 遺伝子戦争?いでんしせんそう[Japanese] (2001) [as by
Idenshi Sensō
Idenshi Sensouポール・J・マコーリイ?Pōru J. Makōrii]
Pooru J. Makoorii
Prison Dreams (1992)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Prison Dreams (1992) [as by Paul McAuley]
Translation: Chimères?Chimeres[French] (1997)
Translation: Gefängnisträume?Gefaengnistraeume[German] (1998)
Dr. Luther's Assistant (1993)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'assistente del dottor Luther [Italian] (2001)
- Children of the Revolution (1993) [also as by Paul McAuley]
The Temptation of Dr Stein (1994)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La tentation du Dr Stein [French] (1999)
- Pasquale's Angel (excerpt) (1994)
The True History of Doctor Pretorius (1995)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The True History of Dr. Pretorius (1995)
Translation: La véritable histoire du docteur Pretorius?La veritable histoire du docteur Pretorius[French] (1997)
- Slaves (1995)
- Negative Equity (1996)
- The Quarry (1997)
- The White Boat (extract from Child of the River) (1997)
- The Worst Place in the World (1997) [also as by Paul McAuley]
- Back Door Man (1997)
Residuals (1997)
Kim Newman
also appeared as:
- Translation: Résidus [French] (1999)
- Confluence (excerpt) (1997)
- The Secret of My Success (1998) [also as by Paul McAuley]
17 (1998)
also appeared as:
- Variant: 17 (1998) [as by Paul McAuley]
Translation: Sedamnaest [Serbian] (1999)
[as by Pol Dž. Mekoli?Pol Dz. Mekoli]
Pol Dzh. Mekoli
- I Spy (1999) [also as by Paul McAuley]
- Ancients of Days (excerpt) (1999)
Entrée de service?Entree de service[French] (1999)
- Straight to Hell (2000) [also as by Paul McAuley]
Danger - Hard Hack Area (2000)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Danger - Hard Hack Area (2000) [as by Paul McAuley]
- Variant: Danger: Hard Hack Area (2005) [as by Paul McAuley]
- Shrine of Stars (excerpt) (2000)
- The Rift (2000) [also as by Paul McAuley]
A Very British History (2000)
also appeared as:
- Variant: A Very British History (2000) [as by Paul McAuley]
Translation: Une histoire très britannique?Une histoire tres britannique[French] (2003)
- Interstitial (2000) [also as by Paul McAuley]
- The Proxy (2000) [also as by Paul McAuley]
The Two Dicks (2001)
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Two Dicks (2001) [as by Paul McAuley]
- Translation: Los dos Dick [Spanish] (2005)
- Translation: I due Dick [Italian] (2010) [as by Paul McAuley]
- Raven, jamais plus [French] (2001) with Jean-Claude Dunyach and Andreas Eschbach and Valerio Evangelisti and Rodolfo Martínez
- Under Mars (2002) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- The Madness of Crowds (2003) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Take Me to the River (2005) [only as by Paul McAuley]
Rats of the System (2005)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Rats of the System (2005) [as by Paul McAuley]
Translation: Șobolanii sistemului?Sobolanii sistemului[Romanian] (2007)
- Translation: Topi del sistema [Italian] (2009)
Meat (2005)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Meat (2005) [as by Paul McAuley]
- Translation: "Carne" [Romanian] (2012) [as by Paul McAuley]
- Rocket Boy (2007) [also as by Paul McAuley]
- Prisoners of the Action (2008) with Kim Newman [only as by Paul McAuley and Kim Newman]
- Little Lost Robot (2008) [also as by Paul McAuley]
- A Brief Guide to Other Histories (2008) [also as by Paul McAuley]
- Extract from The Quiet War (2008) [only as by Paul McAuley]
Searching for Van Gogh at the End of the World (2008)
only appeared as:
Translation: Van Gogh à la fin du monde?Van Gogh a la fin du monde[French] (2000)
- Translation: In cerca di Van Gogh alla fine del mondo [Italian] (2004)
- Variant: Searching for Van Gogh at the End of the World (2008) [as by Paul McAuley]
- The Thought War (2008) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Shadow Life (2009) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Gardens of the Sun (excerpt) (2009) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Penance (2009) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- The Treatment (2010) [only as by Paul McAuley]
Η νικηφόρα ειρήνη?I nikifora eirini[Greek] (2010)
- Antarctica Starts Here (2012) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Rendition (2012) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Transitional Forms (2013) [also as by Paul McAuley]
- Planet of Fear (2015) [also as by Paul McAuley]
- Wild Honey (2015) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Into Everywhere (excerpt) (2016) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- The Fixer (2016) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Rats Dream of the Future (2016) [only as by Paul McAuley]
Elves of Antarctica (2016)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Gli elfi dell'Antartide [Italian] (2016)
- Variant: Elves of Antarctica (2016) [as by Paul McAuley]
- Life Signs (2017) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- The Monoliths of Mars (2018) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Chine Life (2018) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Nothing Ever Happens on Oberon (2018) [also as by Paul McAuley]
- Robot and Girl with Flowers (2020) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Gravesend, or, Everyday Life in the Anthropocene (2023) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Blade and Bone (2023) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Curiosities (essays)
- Review columns for Interzone
- Promised Lands (1996)
- Outside the Forest Fence (1997)
- The Awards Debate (1987) with Joseph Nicholas
- Book Reviews, 2 (1988)
- Real Characters (1988)
- Psychic Horrors (1988)
- Cyberpunk vs. the SF Amoeba (1989)
- Real Fantasy (1989)
- Third-Worlding It (1989)
- Letter (Science Fiction Eye #5) (1989)
- Of Semiosis, Hard SF and Subtle Horrors (1989)
- Limits (1989)
- Read This (NYRSF, November 1989) (1989)
- You Can Get There from Here or, Finding a Place in the American Market (1990)
- Lo Tek (1990)
- Sagas and Secret Histories (1990)
- Up the Down Escalator (1990)
- The Accountant as Hero (1990)
- Romance Lives! (1990)
- The Monster as Hero (1991)
- Love or Money (1991)
- Book Reviews: Razor Cuts and Death by Marshmallow (1991)
- Razor Cuts and Death by Marshmallow (1991)
- The Triumph of Hugo (1991)
- Edginess (1991)
- Bringing It All Back Home (1991)
- No Wave Now (1992)
- News (Matrix 98) (1992) with Stephen Baxter and Ken Campbell and Jenny Glover and Steve Glover and Steve Jeffery and Kev McVeigh and Alexander Popov and Roger Robinson and Cyril Simsa and Charles Stross and Martin R. Webb and Jessica Yates [only as by Stephen Baxter and Ken Campbell and Jenny Glover and Steve Glover and Steve Jeffery and Paul McAuley and Kev McVeigh and Alexander Popov and Roger Robinson and Cyril Simsa and Charles Stross and Martin R. Webb and Jessica Yates]
- Through the Past, Darkly (1992)
- Killer Serials (1992)
- A Commerce of Ideas (1992)
- Having It All (1992)
- The Mirror Cracked (1992)
- Like, Nowhere, Man (1993)
- God Games (1993)
- Send Her Victorious (1993)
- The Whole of the Law (1993)
- A Comedy of Terrors (1994)
- Flowerdust, Fairies, and Other Heavy Stuff (1994)
- This Alien Earth (1994)
- Dead Can Dance (1994)
- Foreword: The Author on the Autopsy Table or Here Comes Everyone at the Cross-Genre Jaunters' Ball (1995)
- Under Pressure (1995)
- Twilight of the Gods (1995)
- From the Heart (1995)
- The True and the Real (1995)
- Sequelitis (1995)
- Books Reviewed: The Human Factor (1996)
- Afterword (Children of the Revolution) (1996)
- Afterword (Dr. Luther's Assistant) (1996)
- Afterword (Gene Wars) (1996)
- Afterword (Prison Dreams) (1996)
- Afterword (Recording Angel) (1996)
- Afterword (Slaves) (1996)
- Afterword (The Invisible Country) (1996)
- Afterword (The Temptation of Dr. Stein) (1996)
Afterword (The True History of Doctor Pretorius) (1996)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Afterword (The True History of Dr. Pretorious) (1996)
- Books Reviewed: The Posthuman Crew (1996)
Life on Mars? (1996)
also appeared as:
- Translation: De la vie sur Mars ? [French] (1997)
- Ninety Six of the Best (1997)
- The Fall of the Wires (1997)
- Richard Evans - Remembered (1998)
- Letter (Ansible 128) (1998) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Letter (Locus #447) (1998)
- Paul J. McAuley (Transluminal) (1999)
- Letter (Ansible 147) (1999) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Author's Note (Naming the Dead) (1999) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Review of the nonfiction work "Faster: the Acceleration of Just About Everything" by James Gleick (2000)
- On the Edge: Fantasy Reviews (2000)
- Review of the comic book series "Transmetropolitan" by Warren Ellis and Darick Robertson (2001) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Introduction to Touring (2001) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Commentary: Science Fiction and the World (2002) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Junk Yard Universes (2003) [only as by Paul McAuley]
Introduction (Apocalypse Now, Voyager) (2004)
only appeared as:
- Variant: A River Runs Through It (2004) [as by Paul McAuley]
- Afterword (Little Machines) (2005) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Author Bios (Constellations) (2005) with Brian W. Aldiss and Tony Ballantyne and Stephen Baxter and Keith Brooke and Eric Brown and Colin Greenland and Gwyneth Jones and Roger Levy and James Lovegrove and Ian McDonald and Alastair Reynolds and Adam Roberts and Justina Robson and Ian Watson [only as by Brian W. Aldiss and Tony Ballantyne and Stephen Baxter and Keith Brooke and Eric Brown and Colin Greenland and Gwyneth Jones and Roger Levy and James Lovegrove and Paul McAuley and Ian McDonald and Alastair Reynolds and Adam Roberts and Justina Robson and Ian Watson]
- Introduction (The Devil Delivered) (2005) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Movements in Science Fiction and Fantasy: A Symposium - The New Space Opera (2005) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Introduction (The Butterflies of Memory) (2006) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Introduction (Zima Blue and Other Stories) (2006) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- 25 IZ (25 Years of Interzone) (2007) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- 20 Years Ago (2007)
- How Was the Future for You? Or, A Brief History of the Author (2008) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- 2001 (2009) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Introduction (We Think, Therefore We Are) (2009) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- America Is Not the Only Planet (2009) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Como era para si o futuro? Ou uma breve história do autor [Portuguese] (2009) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- All of These Worlds Are Yours (2009) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Introduction (Xeelee: An Omnibus) (2010) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Introduction: Here Comes Everyone (2010) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Imaginaire de la planète rouge [French] (2010)
- Introduction (Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?) (2011) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Introduction (Stories from the Quiet War) (2012) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- My Secret Superpower (2013) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Story Notes (A Very British History: Additional Stories) (2013) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Story Notes (A Very British History) (2013) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Taking the Future on Faith (2013) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Introduction (Life After Wartime: More Quiet War Stories) (2013) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Who Authors Write (2014) with Simon Clark and Eoin Colfer and Kim Newman and Lance Parkin and Alastair Reynolds
- Farewell, Fantastic Pluto (2015) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Introduction (River of Gods) (2020) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- The 2005 Hugo Award Ceremony Script (2023) with Kim Newman [only as by Paul McAuley and Kim Newman]
- Introduction (Hiero's Journey) (2024) [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Silver Thorn (1987) by Raymond E. Feist
- The Tachyon Web (1987) by Christopher Pike
- Spider World: The Tower (1987) by Colin Wilson
- Ambassador of Progress (1987) by Walter Jon Williams
- Down Town (1987) by Viido Polikarpus and Tappan King
- The Dragon Lord (1987) by Peter Morwood
- The Unicorn Quest (1987) by John Lee
- Gabriel (1987) by Lisa Tuttle
- Dragon (1987) by Nigel Frith
- Hardwired (1987) by Walter Jon Williams
- The Deep (1987) by John Crowley
- The Hub (1987) by Chris Beebee
- Wrack and Roll (1987) by Bradley Denton
- Gollancz/Sunday Times SF Competition Stories (1987) by uncredited
- Ancient Light (1988) by Mary Gentle
- Power & Magic (1988) by Daniel Kane
- Swordspoint (1988) by Ellen Kushner
- The Annals of the Heechee (1988) by Frederik Pohl
- The Forge of God (1988) by Greg Bear
- The Wave and the Flame (1988) by William B. Rossow and M. Bradley Kellogg
- Tuf Voyaging (1988) by George R. R. Martin
- Wyrms (1988) by Orson Scott Card
- Cloudrock (1988) by Garry Kilworth
- Half a Glass of Moonshine (1988) by Graham Dunstan Martin
- Other Voices (1988) by Colin Greenland
- Reign of Fire (1988) by Marjorie Bradley Kellogg
- Scudder's Game (1988) by D. G. Compton
- Arc of the Dream (1988) by A. A. Attanasio
- Endgame Enigma (1988) by James P. Hogan
- Life During Wartime (1988) by Lucius Shepard
- The Fire Worm (1988) by Ian Watson
- Unquenchable Fire (1988) by Rachel Pollack
- Memories of the Space Age (1989) by J. G. Ballard
- About the Body (1989) by Christopher Burns
- In Alien Flesh (1989) by Gregory Benford
- Land of Dreams (1989) by James P. Blaylock
- Metrophage (1989) by Richard Kadrey
- Pioneers (1989) by Phillip Mann
- Carmen Dog (1989) by Carol Emshwiller
- Chaos (1989) by James Gleick
- Deserted Cities of Heart (1989) by Lewis Shiner
- On Stranger Tides (1989) by Tim Powers
- Seventh Son (1989) by Orson Scott Card
- Starfire (1989) by Paul Preuss
- The Gunslinger (1989) by Stephen King
- The Omega Point (1989) by John Gribbin
- Trillion Year Spree (1989) by Brian W. Aldiss and David Wingrove
- Abandonati (1989) by Garry Kilworth
- Islands in the Net (1989) by Bruce Sterling
- Kairos (1989) by Gwyneth Jones
- Storeys From the Old Hotel (1989) by Gene Wolfe
- The Jaguar Hunter (1989) by Lucius Shepard
- Ancient Images (1989) by Ramsey Campbell
- Death Arms (1989) by K. W. Jeter
- Eternity (1989) by Greg Bear
- In the Land of the Dead (1989) by K. W. Jeter
- Neveryóna (1989) by Samuel R. Delany
- Tales of Nevèrÿon (1989) by Samuel R. Delany
- Blue World (1989) by Robert R. McCammon
- Crestwood Heights (1989) by Christopher Hyde
- Terraplane (1989) by Jack Womack
- The Hormone Jungle (1989) by Robert Reed
- Wyvern (1989) by A. A. Attanasio
- Cruel Designs (1989) by Cherry Wilder
- Red Prophet (1989) by Orson Scott Card
- Scare Tactics (1989) by John Farris
- The Gold Coast (1989) by Kim Stanley Robinson
- To the Land of the Living (1989) by Robert Silverberg
- Robert Silverberg's Worlds of Wonder (1990) by Robert Silverberg
- Strange Toys (1990) by Patricia Geary
- Crystal Express (1990) by Bruce Sterling
- Roofworld (1990) by Christopher Fowler
- The Child Garden (1990) by Geoff Ryman
- The Middle Kingdom (1990) by David Wingrove
- Alternities (1990) by Michael P. Kube-McDowell
- Forests of the Night (1990) by Tanith Lee
- Ivory (1990) by Mike Resnick
- Rimrunners (1990) by C. J. Cherryh
- The Great and Secret Show (1990) by Clive Barker
- Double Helix Fall (1990) by Neil Ferguson
- Mercurius (1990) by Patrick Harpur
- Prentice Alvin (1990) by Orson Scott Card
- The Queen of Springtime (1990) by Robert Silverberg
- Wheel of the Winds (1990) by M. J. Engh
- Escape from Kathmandu (1990) by Kim Stanley Robinson
- Mystery (1990) by Peter Straub
- The Dark Door (1990) by Kate Wilhelm
- The Folk of the Fringe (1990) by Orson Scott Card
- Berserker Base (1990) by Fred Saberhagen
- First Flight (1990) by Chris Claremont
- Memories (1990) by Mike McQuay
- Narabedla Ltd. (1990) by Frederik Pohl
The Silent City (1990)
Élisabeth Vonarburg?Elisabeth Vonarburg
- Black Milk (1990) by Robert Reed
- Mindsail (1990) by Anne Gray
- Red Spider, White Web (1990) by Misha
- The Motion of Light in Water (1990) by Samuel R. Delaney
- The Quiet Pools (1990) by Michael P. Kube-McDowell
- The Flies of Memory (1991) by Ian Watson
- The Oxygen Barons (1991) by Gregory Feeley
- When Gravity Fails (1991) by George Alec Effinger
- Bad Dreams (1991) by Kim Newman
- Four Past Midnight (1991) by Stephen King
- Midnight's Sun (1991) by Garry Kilworth
- Out on Blue Six (1991) by Ian McDonald
- Rune (1991) by Christopher Fowler
- Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror Reference (1991) by Keith L. Justice
- Dark Hills, Hollow Clocks (1991) by Garry Kilworth
- Orbitsville Judgement (1991) by Bob Shaw
- Pacific Edge (1991) by Kim Stanley Robinson
- Tehanu (1991) by Ursula K. Le Guin
- Dreams of an Unseen Planet (1991) by Teresa Plowright
- Dreams of an Unseen Planet (1991) by Teresa Plowright
- Farewell Horizontal (1991) by K. W. Jeter
- Farewell Horizontal (1991) by K. W. Jeter
- Keepers of the Peace (1991) by Keith Brooke
- Keepers of the Peace (1991) by Keith Brooke
- Soul Eater (1991) by K. W. Jeter
- Soul Eater (1991) by K. W. Jeter
- The Canongate Strangler (1991) by Angus McAllister
- The Canongate Strangler (1991) by Angus McAllister
- Dracula Unbound (1991) by Brian W. Aldiss
- Literary Outlaw: The Life and Times of William S. Burroughs (1991) by Ted Morgan
- Splatterpunks: Extreme Horror (1991) by Paul M. Sammon
- The Crystal Palace (1991) by Phyllis Eisenstein
- The Stone Giant (1991) by James P. Blaylock
- Dream Science (1991) by Thomas Palmer
- Outside the Dog Museum (1991) by Jonathan Carroll
- Reaper Man (1991) by Terry Pratchett
- The Bone Forest (1991) by Robert Holdstock
- They Came and Ate Us, Armageddon II: The B-Movie (1991) by Robert Rankin
- Fires of the Past (1991) by Anne Jordan
- Gridlock (1991) by Ben Elton
- Lingo (1991) by Jim Menick
- Reunion (1991) by John Gribbin and Marcus Chown
- Stalin's Teardrops (1991) by Ian Watson
- Expatria (1992) by Keith Brooke
- Gravity's Angels (1992) by Michael Swanwick
- Halo (1992) by Tom Maddox
- Stalking the Wild Resnick (1992) by Mike Resnick
- Walker of Worlds (1992) by Tom De Haven
- Remaking History (1992) by Kim Stanley Robinson
- Tender Loving Rage (1992) by Alfred Bester
- The Children of Hamelin (1992) by Norman Spinrad
- The Life and Death of My Lord Gilles de Rais (1992) by Robert Nye
- The Stress of Her Regard (1992) by Tim Powers
- Correspondence (1992) by Sue Thomas
- Me (1992) by Thomas T. Thomas
- The Chalchiuhite Dragon (1992) by Kenneth Morris
- The Memory of Earth (1992) by Orson Scott Card
- And Disregards the Rest (1992) by Paul Voermans
- In The Blood (1992) by Nancy A. Collins
- Lord Kelvin's Machine (1992) by James P. Blaylock
- Murasaki (1992) by Robert Silverberg
- The Blood of the Lamb (1992) by Thomas F. Monteleone
- The Shaft (1992) by David Schow
- Jizz (1992) by John Hart
- Jumper (1992) by Steven Gould
- Stopping at Slowyear (1992) by Frederik Pohl
- The Suburban Book of the Dead, Armageddon III: The Remake (1992) by Robert Rankin
- Thebes of the Hundred Gates (1992) by Robert Silverberg
- Timemaster (1992) by Robert L. Forward
- Beauty (1992) by Sheri S. Tepper
- Expatria Incorporated (1992) by Keith Brooke
- Last Refuge (1992) by Elizabeth Ann Scarborough
- Worlds Enough and Time (1992) by Joe Haldeman
- Ye Gods! (1992) by Tom Holt
- Mindstar Rising (1993) by Peter F. Hamilton
- A Million Open Doors (1993) by John Barnes
- Frost Dancers (1993) by Garry Kilworth
- Time, Like an Ever-Rolling Stream (1993) by Judith Moffett
- Fools (1993) by Pat Cadigan
- Kaeti on Tour (1993) by Keith Roberts
- Poor Things (1993) by Alasdair Gray
- Quarantine (1993) by Greg Egan
- Young Blood (1993) by Brian Stableford
- Ammonite (1993) by Nicola Griffith
- Assemblers of Infinity (1993) by Kevin J. Anderson and Doug Beason
- Dark Sister (1993) by Graham Joyce
- Geodesic Dreams (1993) by Gardner Dozois
- Beauty (1993) by Brian D'Amato
- Einstein's Dreams (1993) by Alan Lightman
- Forward the Foundation (1993) by Isaac Asimov
- Sign for the Sacred (1993) by Storm Constantine
- The Call of Earth (1993) by Orson Scott Card
- The Cult of Loving Kindness (1993) by Paul Park
- Dead Girls (1993) by Richard Calder
- Harm's Way (1993) by Colin Greenland
- Shadow Hunter (1993) by Will Baker
- The Sea's Furthest End (1993) by Damien Broderick
- The Weird Colonial Boy (1993) by Paul Voermans
- Angel (1993) by Garry Kilworth
- Complicity (1993) by Iain Banks
- House of Lost Dreams (1993) by Graham Joyce
- Steel Beach (1993) by John Varley
- The Broken God (1993) by David Zindell
- Godspeed (1994) by Charles Sheffield
- Growing Up Weightless (1994) by John M. Ford
- Manhattan Transfer (1994) by John E. Stith
- The Long Lost (1994) by Ramsey Campbell
- Counterparts (1994) by Nicholas Royle
- Green Mars (1994) by Kim Stanley Robinson
- Lake of the Long Sun (1994) by Gene Wolfe
- Nightside the Long Sun (1994) by Gene Wolfe
- Random Acts of Senseless Violence (1994) by Jack Womack
- Flowerdust (1994) by Gwyneth Jones
- Flux (1994) by Stephen Baxter
- Mining the Oort (1994) by Frederik Pohl
- Snow Crash (1994) by Neal Stephenson
- The Iron Dragon's Daughter (1994) by Michael Swanwick
- The Ships of Earth (1994) by Orson Scott Card
- Finder (1994) by Emma Bull
- Neptune Crossing (1994) by Jeffrey A. Carver
- Noctuary (1994) by Thomas Ligotti
- Summer King, Winter Fool (1994) by Lisa Goldstein
- The Deus Machine (1994) by Pierre Ouellette
- The Ends of the Earth (1994) by Lucius Shepard
- Calenture (1994) by Storm Constantine
- Mother of Storms (1994) by John Barnes
- North Wind (1994) by Gwyneth Jones
- Temporary Agency (1994) by Rachel Pollack
- The Voices of Heaven (1994) by Frederik Pohl
- Death Dream (1994) by Ben Bova
- Necroville (1994) by Ian McDonald
- Sing the Body Electric (1994) by Adam Lively
- That Way Lies Camelot (1994) by Janny Wurts
- The Breath of Suspension (1994) by Alexander Jablokov
- Voices of the Light (1995) by Sean McMullen
- Caldé of the Long Sun (1995) by Gene Wolfe
- Engineman (1995) by Eric Brown
- Half the Day is Night (1995) by Maureen F. McHugh
- Mars Plus (1995) by Frederik Pohl and Thomas T. Thomas
- Queen City Jazz (1995) by Kathleen Ann Goonan
- The Mad Man (1995) by Samuel R. Delany
- Archangel (1995) by Garry Kilworth
- Heavy Weather (1995) by Bruce Sterling
- Justice City (1995) by D. G. Compton
- Merlin's Wood (1995) by Robert Holdstock
- Ring (1995) by Stephen Baxter
- Blue Motel (1995) by Peter Crowther
- Furious Gulf (1995) by Gregory Benford
- Georgia on My Mind and Other Places (1995) by Charles Sheffield
- Gun, with Occasional Music (1995) by Jonathan Lethem
- Pictures at Eleven (1995) by Norman Spinrad
- Dead Boys (1995) by Richard Calder
- Fires of Eden (1995) by Dan Simmons
- Making Love (1995) by Melanie Tem and Nancy Holder
- Mysterium (1995) by Robert Charles Wilson
Reluctant Voyagers (1995)
Élisabeth Vonarburg?Elisabeth Vonarburg
- Damned and Fancy (1995) by John Brosnan
- Earthborn (1995) by Orson Scott Card
- Earthfall (1995) by Orson Scott Card
- Into the Deep (1995) by Ken Grimwood
- Kamikaze L'Amour (1995) by Richard Kadrey
- Parable of the Sower (1995) by Octavia Butler
- Pollen (1995) by Jeff Noon
- Seasons of Plenty (1995) by Colin Greenland
- Serpent's Blood (1995) by Brian Stableford
- The Star Fraction (1995) by Ken MacLeod
- The Steampunk Trilogy (1995) by Paul Di Filippo
- Alvin Journeyman (1995) by Orson Scott Card
- Legacy (1995) by Greg Bear
- Maskerade (1995) by Terry Pratchett
- Mortal Remains (1995) by Christopher Evans
- The Diamond Age (1995) by Neal Stephenson
- Brightness Reef (1996) by David Brin
- Core (1996) by Paul Preuss
- Ember from the Sun (1996) by Mark Canter
- Headcrash (1996) by Bruce Bethke
- The Off Season (1996) by Jack Cady
- The Tower of Beowulf (1996) by Parke Godwin
- Zod Wallop (1996) by William Browning Spencer
- Endymion (1996) by Dan Simmons
- Oaths and Miracles (1996) by Nancy Kress
- Quasar (1996) by Jamil Nasir
- The Printer's Devil (1996) by Chico Kidd
- The Wild (1996) by David Zindell
- Four Ways to Forgiveness (1996) by Ursula K. Le Guin
- Fremder (1996) by Russell Hoban
- Memory Seed (1996) by Stephen Palmer
- The Bones of Time (1996) by Kathleen Ann Goonan
- The Dechronization of Sam Magruder (1996) by George Gaylord Simpson
- Wildside (1996) by Steven Gould
- Excession (1996) by Iain M. Banks
- Ribofunk (1996) by Paul Di Filippo
- Signs of Life (1996) by Cherry Wilder
- Starborne (1996) by Robert Silverberg
- The Golden Compass (1996) by Philip Pullman
- Dead Things (1996) by Richard Calder
- Encounter with Tiber (1996) by John Barnes and Buzz Aldrin
- Holy Fire (1996) by Bruce Sterling
- Remnant Population (1996) by Elizabeth Moon
- Salamander's Fire (1996) by Brian Stableford
- Synthesis and Other Virtual Realities (1996) by Mary Rosenblum
- Exodus from the Long Sun (1996) by Gene Wolfe
- Faraday's Orphans (1996) by N. Lee Wood
- Idoru (1996) by William Gibson
- Nadya: The Wolf Chronicles (1996) by Pat Murphy
- The Pillow Friend (1996) by Lisa Tuttle
- Automated Alice (1997) by Jeff Noon
- A Midsummer's Nightmare (1997) by Garry Kilworth
- Blue Shifting (1997) by Eric Brown
- Chaos Comes Again (1997) by Wilhelmina Baird
- Starplex (1997) by Robert J. Sawyer
- Voyage (1997) by Stephen Baxter
- Moonrise (1997) by Ben Bova
- Phoenix Café (1997) by Gwyneth Jones
- Sacrifice of Fools (1997) by Ian McDonald
- The Black Sun (1997) by Jack Williamson
- The Unicorn Sonata (1997) by Peter S. Beagle
- Blood (1997) by Jay Russell
- Corrupting Dr. Nice (1997) by John Kessel
- Final Victim (1997) by Stephen J. Cannell
- Freedom & Necessity (1997) by Steven Brust and Emma Bull
- Signs of Life (1997) by M. John Harrison
- Chimera's Cradle (1997) by Brian Stableford
- Freeware (1997) by Rudy Rucker
- God's Fires (1997) by Patricia Anthony
- Strider's Galaxy (1997) by Paul Barnett
- Vacuum Diagrams (1997) by Stephen Baxter
- / (1997) by Greg Bear
- Earthquake Weather (1997) by Tim Powers
- The Rise of Endymion (1997) by Dan Simmons
- Titan (1997) by Stephen Baxter
- Voyages by Starlight (1997) by Ian R. MacLeod
- Alpha Centauri (1997) by William Barton and Michael Capobianco
- Deep Secret (1997) by Diana Wynne Jones
- Glimmering (1997) by Elizabeth Hand
- Think Like a Dinosaur and Other Stories (1997) by James Patrick Kelly
- Winter Tides (1997) by James P. Blaylock
- Saint Leibowitz and the Wild Horse Woman (1998) by Walter M. Miller, Jr.
- The Golden Globe (1998) by John Varley
- Ciphers (1998) by Paul Di Filippo
- Mississippi Blues (1998) by Kathleen Ann Goonan
- Nanotime (1998) by Bart Kosko
- The Pure Product (1998) by John Kessel
- To Say Nothing of the Dog (1998) by Connie Willis
- Forever Peace (1998) by Joe Haldeman
- Furnace (1998) by Muriel Gray
- One Day Closer to Death (1998) by Bradley Denton
- The Troika (1998) by Stepan Chapman
- Where the Children Cry (1998) by Jenny Jones
- Cosm (1998) by Gregory Benford
- Cythera (1998) by Richard Calder
- Disco 2000 (1998) by Sarah Champion
- Illegal Alien (1998) by Robert J. Sawyer
- In the Land of Winter (1998) by Richard Grant
- MIR (1998) by Alexander Besher
- Impossibility: The Limits of Science and the Science of Limits (1998) by John D. Barrow
- Inversions (1998) by Iain M. Banks
- Moonwar (1998) by Ben Bova
- One Hand Clapping (1998) by Lise Leroux
- The Alien Years (1998) by Robert Silverberg
- The Centurion's Empire (1998) by Sean McMullen
- Aftermath (1998) by Charles Sheffield
- Exorcisms and Ecstasies (1998) by Karl Edward Wagner
- Maximum Light (1998) by Nancy Kress
- The Angle Between Two Walls: The Fiction of J. G. Ballard (1998) by Roger Luckhurst
- The Moon Maid and Other Fantastic Adventures (1998) by R. Garcia y Robertson
- War in Heaven (1998) by David Zindell
- Bloom (1998) by Wil McCarthy
- Inhuman Beings (1998) by Jerry Jay Carroll
- Land-of-Mists (1998) by Garry Kilworth
- Proxies (1998) by Laura J. Mixon
- The Shapes of Their Hearts (1998) by Melissa Scott
- Dust (1999) by Charles Pellegrino
- An Ornament to His Profession (1999) by Charles L. Harness
- Full Tide of Night (1999) by J. R. Dunn
- Moonfall (1999) by Jack McDevitt
- Six Moon Dance (1999) by Sheri S. Tepper
- Stardust (1999) by Neil Gaiman
- Godshome (1999) by Robert Sheckley
- Lost Pages (1999) by Paul Di Filippo
- Smoke and Mirrors (1999) by Neil Gaiman
- Spinners (1999) by Anthony McCarten
- This Alien Shore (1999) by C. S. Friedman
- A Deepness in the Sky (1999) by Vernor Vinge
- Mission Child (1999) by Maureen F. McHugh
- reMix (1999) by Jon Courtenay Grimwood
- The Double (1999) by Don Webb
- The Twinkling of an Eye: My Life as an Englishman (1999) by Brian Aldiss
- ThiGMOO (1999) by Eugene Byrne
- Northern Suns (1999) by David G. Hartwell and Glenn Grant
- Souls in the Great Machine (1999) by Sean McMullen
- Starfish (1999) by Peter Watts
The Dragon's Eye (1999)
Joël Champetier?Joel Champetier
- The Dragons of Springplace (1999) by Robert Reed
- Hannibal (1999) by Thomas Harris
- The Extremes (1999) by Christopher Priest
- Shiva 3000 (1999) by Jan Lars Jensen
- The Business (1999) by Iain Banks
- The Science of Discworld (1999) by Ian Stewart and Jack Cohen and Terry Pratchett
- The Time Out Book of Paris Short Stories (1999) by Nicholas Royle
- Time (1999) by Stephen Baxter
- When the Feast Is Finished (1999) by Brian Aldiss
- Cryptonomicon (1999) by Neal Stephenson
- Half Life (1999) by Hal Clement
- Resurrection Day (1999) by Brendan DuBois
- Silver Screen (1999) by Justina Robson
- The Deep Field (1999) by James Bradley
- All Tomorrow's Parties (2000) by William Gibson
- Candle (2000) by John Barnes
- Distraction (2000) by Bruce Sterling
- Foreign Bodies (2000) by Stephen Dedman
Sannikov Land (2000)
Владимир Обручев?Vladimir Obruchev
- Blind Waves (2000) by Steven Gould
- Bug Jack Barron (2000) by Norman Spinrad
- I Spied a Pale Horse (2000) by Mark Timlin
- Memoranda (2000) by Jeffrey Ford
- Strange Travelers (2000) by Gene Wolfe
- The Iron Dream (2000) by Norman Spinrad
- The Physiognomy (2000) by Jeffrey Ford
- Forever Free (2000) by Joe Haldeman
- Perpetuity Blues and Other Stories (2000) by Neal Barrett, Jr.
- Reckless Sleep (2000) by Roger Levy
- Rings (2000) by Charles Harness
- The Drawing of the Dark (2000) by Tim Powers
- The Forever War (2000) by Joe Haldeman
- Malignos (2000) by Richard Calder
- Meet Me at Infinity (2000) by James Tiptree, Jr.
- Mr. X (2000) by Peter Straub
- Sky Coyote (2000) by Kage Baker
- The Martian Race (2000) by Gregory Benford
- Eater (2000) by Gregory Benford
- Joe's Liver (2000) by Paul Di Filippo
- Marrow (2000) by Robert Reed
- The Miocene Arrow (2000) by Sean McMullen
- Salt (2000) by Adam Roberts
- Space (2000) by Stephen Baxter
- Time's Hammers (2000) by James Sallis
- Year Zero (2000) by Brian Stableford
- A Good Old-Fashioned Future (2001) by Bruce Sterling [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Borrowed Tides (2001) by Paul Levinson [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Celtika (2001) by Robert Holdstock [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Ceres Storm (2001) by David Herter [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Declare (2001) by Tim Powers [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Dossier (2001) by Stepan Chapman [only as by Paul McAuley]
- High Cotton (2001) by Joe R. Lansdale [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Magic Terror (2001) by Peter Straub [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Terminal Visions (2001) by Richard Paul Russo [only as by Paul McAuley]
- The Cassandra Complex (2001) by Brian Stableford [only as by Paul McAuley]
- The Foreigners (2001) by James Lovegrove [only as by Paul McAuley]
- The Pickup Artist (2001) by Terry Bisson [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Under the Skin (2001) by Michel Faber [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Wild Angel, by Mary Merriwell, by Max Merriwell (2001) by Pat Murphy [only as by Paul McAuley]
- 1984: Selected Letters (2001) by Samuel R. Delany [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Beluthahatchie and Other Stories (2001) by Andy Duncan
- Better Angels (2001) by Howard V. Hendrix
- Blue Kansas Sky (2001) by Michael Bishop
- Cosmonaut Keep (2001) by Ken MacLeod
- Mars Crossing (2001) by Geoffrey A. Landis
- Ares Express (2001) by Ian McDonald [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Manifold: Origin (2001) by Stephen Baxter [only as by Paul McAuley]
- On (2001) by Adam Roberts [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Strange Trades (2001) by Paul Di Filippo [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Mapping Mars: Science, Imagination, and the Birth of a World (2002) by Oliver Morton [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Sister Alice (2004) by Robert Reed [only as by Paul McAuley]
- The Cement Garden (2005) by Ian McEwan [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Locus Interview
- Paul McAuley: Pinball Zeitgeist (2002) with Paul J. McAuley [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Paul McAuley: The Fifth Wave (2005) with Paul J. McAuley [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Regooding Us All (1993) with Jack Womack
- A Brief History of Everything (1993) with John D. Barrow [only as by Paul McAuley]
- Interview - Paul J. McAuley (unknown)
Pierre Gévart?Pierre Gevart
- Of Science and Fiction (1990) by Paul Kincaid
- Paul J. McAuley: Not a Movement (1992) by uncredited
- Paul McAuley in Conversation (1994) by Gary Gibson
- Mythic Templates (1995) by James Lovegrove
- Paul J. McAuley: Information Density & Fairy Dust (1996) by uncredited
- Futures That Work (1997) by Duncan Lawie
- Getting Carried Away (1998) by Maureen Kincaid Speller
- Paul J. McAuley: Recreating the Future (1998) by uncredited
- Paul McAuley: Pinball Zeitgeist (2002) by Paul J. McAuley
- Paul McAuley: The Fifth Wave (2005) by Paul J. McAuley
- Observation Deck (StarShipSofa, No 133) [5] (2010) by Cheryl Morgan
- Author Spotlight: Paul McAuley (2012) by Andrew Liptak
- Author Spotlight: Paul McAuley (Lightspeed, January 2015) (2015) by Robyn Lupo
- Author Spotlight: Paul McAuley (Lightspeed, February 2016) (2016) by Robyn Lupo
- Husky Genes and the Anthropocene: A Conversation with Paul McAuley (2017) by Chris Urie
- Relentless Curiosity: A Conversation with Paul McAuley (2023) by Arley Sorg