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Fiction Series
- Japanese Fairy Tale Series
- 23
The Boy Who Drew Cats (1898) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le gamin qui dessinait des chats [French] (1980)
- Translation: Il ragazzo che disegnava gatti [Italian] (2022)
- 24
The Old Woman Who Lost Her Dumpling (1902) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Old Woman Who Lost Her Dumplings (1908) [as by uncredited]
- Variant: The Old Woman Who Lost Her Dumplings (1982)
- Translation: La vecchietta che perse il raviolo [Italian] (2022)
- 25
Chin-Chin Kobakama (1903) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: Chin-Chin Kobakama (1903) [as by uncredited]
- Variant: Chin Chin Kobokama (2019)
- Translation: Chin Chin Kobakama [Italian] (2022)
Japanese Fairy Tales (1931) [C]
only appeared as:
- Translation: Fiabe giapponesi [Italian] (2022)
- Japanese Fairy Tale Series-Series 2
- 1
The Goblin-Spider (1899) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Il ragno-goblin [Italian] (2022)
- 1
The Goblin-Spider (1899) [SF]
also appeared as:
- 23
The Boy Who Drew Cats (1898) [SF]
also appeared as:
Some Chinese Ghosts (1887)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Chinese Ghost Stories: Curious Tales of the Supernatural (2011)
- In Ghostly Japan (1899) also appeared as:
- Shadowings (1900)
- A Japanese Miscellany (1901)
Kottō: Being Japanese Curios, with Sundry Cobwebs?Kotto: Being Japanese Curios, with Sundry Cobwebs(1902)
Kwaidan (1904)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Kwaidan: Stories and Studies of Strange Things (1904)
- Variant: Kwaidan: Ghost Stories and Strange Tales of Old Japan (2006)
- Variant: Kwaidan: Weird Tales from Japan (2012)
- Variant: Kwaidan: Ghost Stories of Lafcadio Hearn (2015)
- Variant: Kwaidan: Terrifying Japanese Tales of Yokai, Ghosts, and Demons (2022)
- The Romance of the Milky Way and Other Studies and Stories (1905)
- Fantastics and Other Fancies (1914)
- Karma (1918)
- Karma, and Other Stories & Essays (1921)
- Tales Out of the East (1952)
- Fantômes du Japon [French] (1980)
- Oriental Ghost Stories (2007)
- Nightmare-Touch (2010)
- Insect Literature (2015)
- The Lafcadio Hearn Collection (2017)
Κινέζικα Φαντάσματα?Kinezika Fantasmata[Greek] (2018)
- 7 Best Short Stories by Lafcadio Hearn (2019)
- Short Stories (2019)
- Japanese Tales of Lafcadio Hearn (2019)
- Japanese Ghost Stories (2019)
- Selected Ghost Stories from Kwaidan (2022)
- Of Ghosts and Goblins (2022)
- The Kwaidan Collection (2023)
- Supernatural Tales from Japan: Ghosts, Goblins, Demons and Magic (2024) with Yei Theodora Ozaki
- The Selected Writings of Lafcadio Hearn (1949) [O]
- The Fountain of Youth (1922)
- The Cedar Closet (1874) [also as by Patrick Lafcadio Hearn]
- All in White (1879)
- The Night of All Saints (1879)
- The Devil's Carbuncle (1879)
- Les Coulisses (1879)
- The Chemise of Margarita Pareja (1880)
- The Stranger (1880)
- Y Porque? (1880)
- A Dream of Kites (1880)
- Hereditary Memories (1880)
- The Ghostly Kiss (1880)
- The Black Cupid (1880)
When I Was a Flower (1880)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Als ich eine Blume war [German] (1922)
- Metempsychosis (1880)
- The Undying One (1880)
- The Vision of the Dead Creole (1880)
- A Creole Mystery (1880)
- The Name on the Stone (1880)
Aphrodite and the King's Prisoner (1880)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Aphrodite and King's Prisoner (2010)
- The Fountain of Gold (1880)
A Dead Love (1880)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Tote Liebe [German] (1922)
- At the Cemetery (1880)
"Aïda" (1881)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Aïda (2019)
El Vómito (1881)
also appeared as:
- Translation: El Vomito [German] (1922)
- The Idyl of a French Snuff-Box (1881)
- Spring Phantoms (1881)
- A Kiss Fantastical (1881)
- The Bird and the Girl (1881)
- The Tale of a Fan (1881)
A Legend (1881)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Eine Legende [German] (2021)
- The Gipsy's Story (1881)
- The One Pill-Box (1881)
- A River Reverie (1882)
- "His Heart Is Old" (1882)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Pest [German] (1922)
- Hiouen-thsang (1882)
- The Bird Wife (1884)
- The Book of Thoth (1884)
- The First Muezzin, Bilâl (1884)
- The Fountain Maiden (1884)
- The Legend of the Monster Misfortune (1884)
- The Magical Words (1884)
- L'Amour après la Mort (1884)
- The Post-Office (1884)
The Legend of Tchi-Niu (1885)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Legend of Zhi Nü (1887)
The Return of Yen-Tchin-King (1887)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Return of Yan Zhenjing (1887)
- The Soul of the Great Bell (1887)
The Story of Ming-Y (1887)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Story of Ming Yi (1887)
The Tale of the Porcelain-God (1887)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Tale of the Porcelain God (1887)
The Tradition of the Tea-Plant (1887)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Tradition of the Tea Plant (1887)
- The Country of the Comers-Back (1889)
- A Ghost (1889)
- La Guiablesse (1890)
- Yé (1890)
- Karma (1890)
The Writing of Kōbōdaishi?The Writing of Kobodaishi(1894) only appeared as:
- Translation: Le prêtre "qui écrit avec cinq pinceaux en même temps" [French] (1980)
The Dream of a Summer Day (1894)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le songe d'un jour d'été [French] (1980)
- Of Ghosts and Goblins (1894)
- In Cholera-Time (1896)
- The Nun of the Temple of Amida (1896)
Ningyô-no-Haka (1897)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Ningyo-no Haka (2015)
The Rebirth of Katsugoro (1897)
only appeared as:
- Translation: L'enfant qui naquit deux fois [French] (1980)
Within the Circle (1897)
only appeared as:
- Translation: "...Et le temps lui-même est une illusion" [French] (1980)
- Vespertina Cognitio (1898)
A Passional Karma (1899)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Lantern (1899)
- Translation: Histoire des fantômes dans le roman de La Lanterne pivoine [French] (1980)
A Story of Divination (1899)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Celui que le passé désigna pour connaître l'avenir [French] (1980)
Fragment (1899)
also appeared as:
- Variant: In Ghostly Japan: Fragment (1899)
- Translation: Sur la montagne des crânes d'hommes [French] (1980)
- Translation: Fragmento [Spanish] (2015)
Furisodé (1899)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le grand incendie de la robe aux longues manches [French] (1980)
Ingwa-Banashi (1899)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Evil Karma (1965)
- Variant: The Hands of the Karma (1975)
- Translation: La morte aux mains vivantes [French] (1980)
- Variant: The Hands of Karma (Ingwa-banashi) (2006)
Story of a Tengu (1899)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Celui qui voulait rencontrer Bouddha [French] (1980)
A Legend of Fugen-Bosatsu (1900)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Celui qui voulait voir l'éléphant blanc à six défenses [French] (1980)
The Corpse-Rider (1900)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le chevaucheur du cadavre [French] (1980)
The Gratitude of the Samébito (1900)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La reconnaissance de l'homme-requin [French] (1980)
The Reconciliation (1900)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Black Hair (1976)
Translation: Återföreningen?Aaterföreningen[Swedish] (1979)
- Translation: La première femme du Samuraï [French] (1980)
The Screen-Maiden (1900)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Celui qui tomba amoureux d'un portrait [French] (1980)
The Sympathy of Benten (1900)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Celui qui épousa deux fois la même femme [French] (1980)
Before the Supreme Court (1901)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Devant la cour suprême [French] (1980)
- Drifting (1901)
- Of a Promise Broken (1901)
- Of a Promise Kept (1901)
The Story of Kōgi the Priest?The Story of Kogi the Priest(1901)
The Story of Kwashin Koji (1901)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le tableau qui avait une âme [French] (1980)
The Story of Umétsu Chūbei?The Story of Umetsu Chubei(1901) also appeared as:
- Translation: Le samuraï qui fit ouvrir les portes de la naissance [French] (1980)
- Variant: The Story of Umétsu Chubei (2010)
- A Matter of Custom (1902)
- Common Sense (1902)
Ikiryō?Ikiryo(1902) also appeared as:
- Variant: Ikiryo (1902)
- Translation: Le magasin de porcelaines hanté par la haine [French] (1980)
In a Cup of Tea (1902)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Celui qui avala un fantôme [French] (1980)
Shiryō?Shiryo(1902) also appeared as:
- Translation: La mort qui protesta contre ses voleurs [French] (1980)
Story of a Fly (1902)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le message de la mouche [French] (1980)
Story of a Pheasant (1902)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le faisan et le parricide [French] (1980)
The Legend of Yurei-Daki (1902)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La légende de la "Cascade des Esprits" [French] (1980)
The Story of Chūgorō?The Story of Chugoro(1902) also appeared as:
- Variant: The Story of Chugoro (1902)
- Variant: The Story of Chûgorô (1902)
- Translation: Der Fall Chûgôrô [German] (1925)
- Translation: Der Fall Chugoro [German] (1925)
- Translation: Le vampire au fond des eaux [French] (1980)
- Translation: Histoire de Chûgorô [French] (1995)
The Story of O-Kamé (1902)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La morte trop aimante [French] (1980)
The Story of Mimi-Nashi-Hōïchi?The Story of Mimi-Nashi-Hoichi(1903) also appeared as:
- Translation: La légende de Mimi-Nashi-Hôichi [French] (1910) [as by Yakumo Koisumi]
- Translation: Légende de Mimi-Nashi-Hôichi [French] (1910) [as by Yakumo Koisumi]
Variant: Hōichi the Earless?Hoichi the Earless(1965)
- Translation: La historia de Mimi-Nashi-Hoichi [Spanish] (1974)
- Variant: Höïchi-the-Earless (1976)
- Translation: La historia de Mimi-Nashi-Hoichi [Spanish] (1977)
- Translation: L'aveugle qui faisait pleurer les morts [French] (1980)
- Translation: Hoichi-sans-oreilles [French] (2005)
- Variant: The Story of Mimi-Nashi-Hoïchi (2010)
- Variant: Hoichi the Earless (Mimi-nashi Hoichi no Hanashi) (2022)
The Dream of Akinosuké (1904)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le rêve du papillon et de la fourmi [French] (1980)
- Translation: Il sogno di Akinosuké [Italian] (1993)
- Variant: The Dream of Akinosuke (2007)
- Translation: Akinosukes Traum [German] (2014)
A Dead Secret (1904)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le secret que la morte voulait effacer [French] (1980)
Diplomacy (1904)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le décapité qui mordit la pierre [French] (1980)
Hōrai?Horai(1904) also appeared as:
- Translation: La ville qui ne connaît pas la mort et la douleur [French] (1980)
- Hi-Mawari (1904)
Jikininki (1904)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Jikininki [Dutch] (1966)
- Translation: Le mangeur de cadavres [French] (1980)
Jiu-Roku-Zakura (1904)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le "cerisier du seizième jour" [French] (1980)
Mujina (1904)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Mujina [French] (1910) [as by Yakumo Koisumi]
- Translation: Le fantôme sans visage [French] (1980)
- Translation: Perdere la faccia [Italian] (1991)
Of a Mirror and a Bell (1904)
also appeared as:
- Translation: À propos d'un miroir et d'une cloche [French] (1980)
Oshidori (1904)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La mort d'un canard sauvage [French] (1980)
- Riki-Baka (1904)
Rokuro-Kubi (1904)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La leyenda de los duendes descabezados [Spanish] (1933)
- Translation: Le fantôme à la tête coupée [French] (1980)
- Translation: Rokuro-Kubi [French] (2002)
The Story of Aoyagi (1904)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'histoire de "Saule vert" [French] (1980)
The Story of O-Tei (1904)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le mariage posthume [French] (1980)
- Ubazakura (1904)
Yuki-Onna (1904)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Woman of the Snow (1970)
- Translation: La femme de la neige [French] (1980)
- Variant: Woman of the Snow (1996)
The Story of Itō Norisuké?The Story of Ito Norisuké(1905) also appeared as:
- Variant: The Story of Ito Norisuké (1905)
- Translation: Légende du village-des-joueurs-de-koto [French] (1980)
- Stranger Than Fiction (1905)
The Mirror Maiden (1905)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La prisonnière du miroir [French] (1980)
The Fountain of Youth (1922)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La Fonte della giovinezza [Italian] (2022)
- The Jewel Insect (1957)
- The Legend of Last Island (1971)
- The Waterfall of Ghosts (1987) with Robert D. San Souci
- Some Notes on the "Zombi" (excerpt from 'Two Years in the French West Indies' ) (2015)
- By the Japanese Sea (2015)
- Yuki-Onno (2015)
The Ghost of O-kiku from "The Banchō Sarayashiki" or "The Lady of the Plates"?The Ghost of O-kiku from "The Bancho Sarayashiki" or "The Lady of the Plates"(2022)
- Haceldama (1875)
- The Mound Builders (1876)
- Addenda (One of Cleopatra's Nights) (1882)
- To the Reader (One of Cleopatra's Nights) (1882)
Glossary (Some Chinese Ghosts) (1887)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Glossary (Chinese Ghost Stories) (1887)
Notes (Some Chinese Ghosts) (1887)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Notes (Chinese Ghost Stories) (1887)
Preface (Some Chinese Ghosts) (1887)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Preface (Chinese Ghost Stories) (1887)
- The Value of the Supernatural in Fiction (1896)
- China and the Western World (1896)
Autopsie d'une légende (1897)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Autopsie d'une légende (L'enfant qui naquit deux fois) [French] (1980)
The Eternal Haunter (1898)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Images de l'impossible [French] (1980)
- In Ghostly Japan (1899)
- At Yaidzu (1899)
- Bits of Poetry (1899)
- Footprints of the Buddha (1899)
- Incense (1899)
- Silkworms (1899)
- Suggestion (1899)
- Ululation (1899)
- A Mystery of Crowds (1900)
- Gothic Horror (1900)
- In a Pair of Eyes (1900)
- Levitation (1900)
- Nightmare-Touch (1900)
- Readings from a Dream-Book (1900)
- Sémi (1900)
- Beside the Sea (1901)
- Buddhist Names of Plants and Animals (1901)
- Dragon-flies (1901)
- Otokichi's Daruma (1901)
- Songs of Japanese Children (1901)
- Fireflies (1902)
The Eater of Dreams (1902)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le mangeur de rêves [French] (1980)
- Introduction (Kwaidan: Terrifying Japanese Tales of Yokai, Ghosts, and Demons) (1904)
- Foreword (Kwaidan: Terrifying Japanese Tales of Yokai, Ghosts, and Demons) (1904)
- Ants (1904)
- Butterflies (1904)
- Introduction (Kwaidan: Stories and Studies of Strange Things) (1904)
- Mosquitoes (1904)
- The Romance of the Milky Way (1905)
- Goblin Poetry (1905)
- Glossary (1952)
- A Ghost Story (2019)
- Japanese Buddhist Proverbs (2021)
Non-Genre Titles
Collections Short Fiction Series
- Chita
- 1 The Legend of L'Île Dernière (1888)
- 2 Out of the Sea's Strength (1888)
- 3 The Shadow of the Tide (1888)
- The Little Red Kitten (1879)
- Of a Dancing Girl (1893)
- The Red Bridal (1894)
- Haru (1896)