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Fiction Series
- Darger and Surplus
- 1
The Dog Said Bow-Wow (2001) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Il cane che diceva: "Bau" [Italian] (2003)
- Translation: El perro dijo guau-guau [Spanish] (2004)
- Translation: Il cane disse Bau-Bau [Italian] (2005)
- Translation: E il cane disse bau [Italian] (2018)
- Variant: The Dog Said Bow-Wow [2] (2025)
- Variant: The Dog Said Bow-Wow [3] (2025)
- Variant: The Dog Said Bow-Wow [4] (2025)
- 2
The Little Cat Laughed to See Such Sport (2002) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: La gatita se echó a reír ante ese juego [Spanish] (2004)
- 3
Girls and Boys, Come Out to Play (2005) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ragazze e ragazzi, uscite a giocare [Italian] (2009)
- 4
Tawny Petticoats (2014) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Fall Petticoats [German] (2016)
- Translation: Bruna enaguas [Spanish] (2018)
- Variant: Tawny Petticoats [2] (2025)
- Variant: Tawny Petticoats [3] (2025)
- 5 There Was an Old Woman... (2020) [SF]
Dancing with Bears (2011)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Dancing with Bears [2] (2025)
- Chasing the Phoenix (2015)
- The Postutopian Adventures of Darger and Surplus (2020) [C]
- 1
The Dog Said Bow-Wow (2001) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Puck Aleshire's Abecedary
- 1 A Is for Albany (1997) [SF]
- 2 B Is for Borges (1997) [SF]
- 3 C Is for Cancer (1998) [SF]
- 4 D Is for Drink (1998) [SF]
- 5 E Is for Elf-Sex (1998) [SF]
- 6 F Is for Fountain Pen (1998) [SF]
- 7 G Is for Golem (1998) [SF]
- 8 H Is for Hoppity Hooper (1998) [SF]
- 9 I Is for Impermanence (1998) [SF]
- 10 J Is for Joe (1998) [SF]
- 11 K is for Kong (1998) [SF]
- 12 L is for Language (1998) [SF]
- 13 M Is for Mirrorganger (1998) [SF]
- 14 N is for Notary (1998) [SF]
- 15 O is for Opening (1999) [SF]
- 16 P Is for Powers (1999) [SF]
- 17 Q is for Quilled Bandersnatch (1999) [SF]
- 18 R is for Rain Women (1999) [SF]
- 19 S is for Smiley Face (1999) [SF]
- 20 T is for Time (1999) [SF]
- 21 U Is for UFO (1999) [SF]
- 22 V is for Virtual Food (1999) [SF]
- 23 W is for Wyvern (1999) [SF]
- 24 X is for Xanadu (1999) [SF]
- 25 Y is for Youth (1999) [SF]
- 26 Z Is for Zothique (1999) [SF]
- Puck Aleshire's Abecedary (2000) [C]
- The Best of Michael Swanwick
- The Best of Michael Swanwick (2008) [C]
- The Best of Michael Swanwick: Volume Two (2023) [C]
- The Iron Dragon's Daughter
- 1
The Iron Dragon's Daughter (1993)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Tochter des stählernen Drachen [German] (1996)
- Variant: The Iron Dragon's Daughter [2] (2025)
- 2
The Dragons of Babel (2008)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Dragons of Babel [2] (2025)
- 3
The Iron Dragon's Mother (2019)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Iron Dragon's Mother [2] (2025)
- 1
The Iron Dragon's Daughter (1993)
also appeared as:
- The Periodic Table of Science Fiction
- 1 The Hindenburg (2005) [SF]
- 2 Jane Carter of Mars (2005) [SF]
- 3 Lithium for God (2005) [SF]
- 4 A Beryl As Big As the Ritz (2005) [SF]
- 5 Francis, Child of Scorn (2005) [SF]
- 6 They're Made of Carbon (2005) [SF]
- 7 Nitrogen: An Introduction (2005) [SF]
- 8 Oxygen Planets (2005) [SF]
- 9 The Message (2005) [SF]
- 10 House Rules (2005) [SF]
- 11 Electric Pickles (2005) [SF]
- 12
Under's Game (2001) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Il gioco di Under [Italian] (2005)
- 13 Aluminium Foil (2005) [SF]
- 14 Programmable Breasts (2005) [SF]
- 15 Blockade Runners (2005) [SF]
- 16 Vitriol (2005) [SF]
- 17 Seven Days of Creation (2005) [SF]
- 18 The Eye of Argon (2005) [SF]
- 19 Bananas (2005) [SF]
- 20 Angels of the Apocalypse (2005) [SF]
- 21 Bingham's Folley (2005) [SF]
- 22 Killer Robots (2005) [SF]
- 23 Vanadium (2005) [SF]
- 24 Babe (2005) [SF]
- 25 Graffiti (2005) [SF]
- 26 The Era of the Iron Horse (2005) [SF]
- 27 Merfolk (2005) [SF]
- 28 What This Country Needs— (2005) [SF]
- 29 Lucky Penny (2005) [SF]
- 30 Brass (2005) [SF]
- 31 Space Pirates (2005) [SF]
- 32 Germanium (2005) [SF]
- 33 Lucrezia Borgia (2005) [SF]
- 34 H.G. Wells on the Moon (2005) [SF]
- 35 Try Not To Think of Elephants (2005) [SF]
- 36 Man of Steel (2005) [SF]
- 37 Glass Beads (2005) [SF]
- 38 Fallout (2005) [SF]
- 39 It: A Preliminary Account (2005) [SF]
- 40 It's Not Virtual Anything—It's Real Zirconium! (2005) [SF]
- 41 Woman of Stone (2005) [SF]
- 42 Living in the Shadow of the Molly-Be-Damned (2005) [SF]
- 43 Claimjumper and Ting (2005) [SF]
- 44 Land of Our Fathers (2005) [SF]
- 45 Cecil Rhodes in Hell (2002) [SF]
- 46 War of the Worlds (2005) [SF]
- 47 Dark Secrets of the Western Heroes (2005) [SF]
- 48 Starry Night (2005) [SF]
- 49 On the India Line (2005) [SF]
- 50 The Man with a Clock for a Heart (2005) [SF]
- 51 Money and Its Opposite (2005) [SF]
- 52 A Change of Seasons (2005) [SF]
- 53 In Loco Parentis (2005) [SF]
- 54 Warrior Princess (2005) [SF]
- 55 Castles in the Air (2005) [SF]
- 56 What to Expect from Your Barium Enema (2005) [SF]
- 57 Immortality (2005) [SF]
- 58 Cerium—At Last! (2005) [SF]
- 59 Absolute Zero (2005) [SF]
- 60 Retirement Day (2005) [SF]
- 61 Foresight (2005) [SF]
- 62 Singular Cities (2005) [SF]
- 63 Europa and the Bull (2005) [SF]
- 64 Tattoos (2005) [SF]
- 65 Morphobots (2005) [SF]
- 66 A Letter from Hell (2005) [SF]
- 67 Nanotechnologist's Lung (2005) [SF]
- 68 Tarzan of the Periodic Table (2005) [SF]
- 69 Conan the Elemental (2005) [SF]
- 70 Elements Day (2005) [SF]
- 71 Dragon Star (2005) [SF]
- 72 Riding the Rods (2005) [SF]
- 73 Consider Poor Doris! (2005) [SF]
- 74 Light Bulb Jokes (2005) [SF]
- 75 Beads and Trinkets (2005) [SF]
- 76 Everything Your Mother Wants You to Know About Osmium (2005) [SF]
- 77 Don't Look to the Skies! (2005) [SF]
- 78 Platinum Blonde (2005) [SF]
- 79 Crown of Beauty (2005) [SF]
- 80 The Outriders (2005) [SF]
- 81 A Perfect Murder (2005) [SF]
- 82 A Polite Society (2005) [SF]
- 83 The Pepto-Bismol Hour (2005) [SF]
- 84 Neither a Borrower Nor a Lender Be (Polonius Updated) (2005) [SF]
- 85 Bad Brains (2005) [SF]
- 86 Monster in the Basement (2005) [SF]
- 87 Vive la Francium! (2005) [SF]
- 88 The Ghost of Pierre Curie Reminisces (2005) [SF]
- 89 The Case of the Purloined Actinium (2005) [SF]
- 90 Mjolnir (2005) [SF]
- 91 Forge Star (2005) [SF]
- 92 Cooking with Uranium (2005) [SF]
- 93 The Oceans of Neptune (2005) [SF]
- 94 Pure Science (2005) [SF]
- 95 Nuclear Blackmail (2005) [SF]
- 96 Holy Mother Church (2005) [SF]
- 97 Vindicating Bishop Berkeley (2005) [SF]
- 98 Nuclear Handguns (2005) [SF]
- 99 The Dark Lady of the Equations (2005) [SF]
- 100 The Fermi Paradox (2005) [SF]
- 101 The Feast of Saint Mendeleyev (2005) [SF]
- 102 My Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech (Presented Here Against the Unlikely Chance I Never Get to Deliver It) (2005) [SF]
- 103 Lawrence of America (2005) [SF]
- 104 "Radioactive" B. Hayes (2005) [SF]
- 105 George "Dubna" Bush (2005) [SF]
- 106 The Sea Borg (2005) [SF]
- 107 Boring Niels (2005) [SF]
- 108 To Hass and Hass Not (2005) [SF]
- 109 Lise Meitner, Physicist (2005) [SF]
- 110 Science Made Ugly (2005) [SF]
- 111 Defining Our Terms (2005) [SF]
- 112 Don't Blink! (2005) [SF]
- 113 What We Talk About When We Talk About Ununtrium (2005) [SF]
- 114 Island of Stability (2005) [SF]
- 115 Uup, Uup, and Awaaaaaaay! (2005) [SF]
- 116 Spanish Witches (2005) [SF]
- 117 The Dragon Lady at the End of Time (2005) [SF]
- 118 Now You See It Now You (2005) [SF]
- The Periodic Table of Science Fiction (2005) [C]
In the Drift (1985)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le baiser du masque [French] (1986)
- Translation: In de zone [Dutch] (1988)
- Translation: Die Todesschneise [German] (1993)
Vacuum Flowers (1987)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Les fleurs du vide [French] (1988)
- Translation: Bloeiend vacuüm [Dutch] (1988)
- Translation: L'intrigo Wetware [Italian] (1988)
- Translation: Vakuumblumen [German] (1990)
- Serializations:
- Vacuum Flowers (Part 1 of 3) (1986)
- Vacuum Flowers (Part 2 of 3) (1987)
- Vacuum Flowers (Part 3 of 3) (1987)
Stations of the Tide (1991)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Stations des profondeurs [French] (1993)
- Translation: In Zeiten der Flut [German] (1998)
- Variant: Stations of the Tide [2] (2025)
- Serializations:
- Stations of the Tide (Part 1 of 2) (1990)
- Stations of the Tide (Part 2 of 2) (1991)
- Translation: Domani il mondo cambierà (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1994)
Jack Faust (1997)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Jack Faust [French] (1999)
- Translation: O Verdadeiro Dr. Fausto [Portuguese] (2010)
Bones of the Earth (2002)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Bones of the Earth [2] (2025)
- Serializations:
- Translation: Ossa della Terra (Complete Novel) [Italian] (2003)
- City Under the Stars (2020) with Gardner Dozois
Gravity's Angels (1991)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Engel der Schwerkraft [German] (1998)
- A Geography of Unknown Lands (1997)
- Tales of Old Earth (2000)
- Moon Dogs (2000)
- Cigar-Box Faust and Other Miniatures (2003)
- Michael Swanwick's Field Guide to the Mesozoic Megafauna (2004)
- The Dog Said Bow-Wow (2007)
- It Came Upon a Midnight: Three Brief Midwinter Tales (2011)
- Midwinter Elves: Three Brief Midwinter Tales (2012)
- Solstice Fire (2013)
- Season's Greetings (2014)
- Not So Much Said the Cat (2016)
- Three Science Fiction Thrillers (2017) [O]
- Collection of Science Fiction & Fantasy (2025) [O]
Griffin's Egg (1991)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Eines Greifen Ei [German] (1993)
- A Midwinter's Tale (2010)
- The Brain Baron (2011)
- The Trains That Climb the Winter Tree (2011) with Eileen Gunn
- Zeppelin City (2011) with Eileen Gunn
- The Dala Horse (2011)
- The Mongolian Wizard (2012)
- The Fire Gown (2012)
- Day of the Kraken (2012)
- Tumbling (2013)
- House of Dreams (2013)
- One Mile Below (2014)
- The Night of the Salamander (2015)
- The Pyramid of Krakow (2015)
- The Phantom in the Maze (2015)
- A Week Without Magic (2016)
- Universe Box (2016)
- Scherzo vivace (con Tirannosauro) [Italian] (2018)
- E il cane disse bau [Italian] (2018)
- Legioni nel tempo [Italian] (2018)
- Universo in scatola [Italian] (2018)
- Murder in the Spook House (2019)
- The New Prometheus (2019)
- Annie Without Crow (2021)
- A Small Room in Koboldtown (2022)
- The Star-Bear (2023)
- The Postmodern Archipelago (1997)
- Being Gardner Dozois: An Interview by Michael Swanwick (2001)
- What Can Be Saved from the Wreckage?: James Branch Cabell in the Twenty-First Century (2007)
- Hope-in-the-Mist: The Extraordinary Career and Mysterious Life of Hope Mirrlees (2009)
- October Leaves (2010)
- Hunting the Phoenix (2015)
- Being Gardner Dozois (2018) with Gardner Dozois
- 'She Saved Us From World War Three': Gardner Dozois Remembers James Tiptree, Jr. (2020)
- A Field Guide to the Mesozoic Megafauna
- 1 The Thief of Time (2003)
- 2 A Matter of Size (2003)
- 3 Three Conversations (2003)
- 4 How the West Was Won II (2003)
- 5 The Scientific Method (2003)
- 6 Dueling Mosasaurs (2003)
- 7 Pocket Brontosaurs (2003)
- 8 Herbivores (2003)
- 9 Parallels (2003)
- 10 Wusses (2003)
- 11 Dinosaur Music (2003)
- 12 The Bird-Fishers (2003)
- 13 Proving Dr. Tom's Hypothesis (2003)
- Annie and Crow
- 1
The Raggle Taggle Gypsy-O (2000)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Raggle Taggle Gypsy-O [2] (2025)
- 2 Annie Without Crow (2021)
- 1
The Raggle Taggle Gypsy-O (2000)
also appeared as:
- Rapture (Gregory Frost)
- The Fifth Head of Cerberus
The She-Wolf's Hidden Grin (2013)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The She-Wolf's Hidden Grin [2] (2025)
- Variant: The She-Wolf's Hidden Grin [3] (2025)
- Variant: The She-Wolf's Hidden Grin [4] (2025)
The She-Wolf's Hidden Grin (2013)
also appeared as:
- The Mongolian Wizard
- 1 The Mongolian Wizard (2012)
- 2 The Fire Gown (2012)
- 3 Day of the Kraken (2012)
- 4
House of Dreams (2013)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The House of Dreams (2013)
- 5 The Night of the Salamander (2015)
- 6 The Pyramid of Krakow (2015)
- 7 The Phantom in the Maze (2015)
- 8 Murder in the Spook House (2019)
- 9 The New Prometheus (2019)
- 10 Halcyon Afternoon (2024)
- 11 Dragons of Paris (2024)
- The Witch Who Came in from the Cold
- 1.06
A Week Without Magic (2016)
also appeared as:
- Variant: A Week Without Magic [2] (2025)
- 1.06
A Week Without Magic (2016)
also appeared as:
- Vergil Magus
- Vergil Magus: King Without Country (1998) with Avram Davidson
- Writing In My Sleep
- 1 The Bulls (1991)
- 2 Critics (1991)
- 3 Ether; A Bicentennial Minute; Stage Direction (1991)
- 4 Books (1991)
- 5 Writing in My Sleep (Fifth in a Series): Glass Soul; Bastards; Xeroxing (1991)
- 6 Trolls (1991)
- 7 God (1991)
- 8 Rafferty Rafferty and Mr. Bog (1991)
- 9 Storyteller Rock (1991)
Ginungagap (1980)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ginnungagap [Dutch] (1983)
- Translation: Ginungagap [German] (1983)
- Translation: Ginungagap [French] (1985)
- Translation: Provalija Ginuga [Serbian] (1987) [as by Majkl Svonvik]
- Translation: Ginungagap [German] (1998)
- Translation: Ginungagap [Romanian] (1999)
The Feast of Saint Janis (1980)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Saint-Janis blues [French] (1982)
- Translation: Das Fest des Heiligen Janis [German] (1998)
- Variant: The Feast of Saint Janis [2] (2025)
- Variant: The Feast of Saint Janis [3] (2025)
Touring (1981)
Jack Dann
Gardner Dozois
also appeared as:
- Variant: Touring (1981) [as by Jack M. Dann and Gardner Dozois and Michael Swanwick]
Translation: En tournée?En tournee[French] (2000)
- Translation: En tournée [French] (2014) [as by Jack M. Dann and Gardner Dozois and Michael Swanwick]
- 'Til Human Voices Wake Us (1981)
Mummer Kiss (1981)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Mummenkuß [German] (1998)
Walden Three (1981)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Walden Drei [German] (1984)
- Translation: Walden Drie [Dutch] (1985)
- Translation: Walden drie [Dutch] (1986)
- Translation: Walden III [French] (1987)
The Man Who Met Picasso (1982)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Mann, der Picasso begegnete [German] (1987)
- Translation: Der Mann, der Picasso kannte [German] (1998)
- Translation: L'homme qui rencontra Picasso [French] (1998)
- Golden Apples of the Sun (1984) with Jack Dann and Gardner Dozois
Ice Age (1984)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Epoka ludowcowa [Polish] (2022)
- Afternoon at Schrafft's (1984) with Jack Dann and Gardner Dozois
- Virgin Territory (1984) with Jack Dann and Gardner Dozois
- When the Music's Over ... (1984)
Trojan Horse (1984)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Das Trojanische Pferd [German] (1998)
Marrow Death (1984)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Genosse Tod [German] (1986)
- Translation: Smrt srži [Croatian] (1988)
The Transmigration of Philip K. (1985)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La transmigration de Philip K. [French] (1986)
- Translation: Die Verwandlung des Philip K. [German] (1990)
Translation: Transmigrația lui Philip K.?Transmigratia lui Philip K.[Romanian] (1994)
- Translation: Die Seelenwanderung des Philip K. [German] (1998)
The Blind Minotaur (1985)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der blinde Minotaurus [German] (1998)
The Gods of Mars (1985)
Jack Dann
Gardner Dozois
also appeared as:
Translation: Die Götter des Mars?Die Goetter des Mars[German] (1986) [as by Jack M. Dann and Gardner R. Dozois and Michael Swanwick]
- Translation: Les dieux de Mars [French] (1987)
Translation: Die Götter vom Mars?Die Goetter vom Mars[German] (1991)
- Anyone Here from Utah? (1985)
Dogfight (1985)
William Gibson
also appeared as:
- Translation: Envig [Swedish] (1987)
- Translation: Duel aérien [French] (1987)
- Translation: Luftkampf [German] (1988)
Translation: Zračni dvoboj?Zracni dvoboj[Croatian] (1988)
Zrachni dvoboj - Translation: Duello [Italian] (1989)
Translation: Luptă aeriană?Luptah aerianah[Romanian] (1990)
Lupta aeriana - Translation: Pojedynek [Polish] (1990)
- Translation: Luchtgevecht [Dutch] (1991)
- Translation: Combate aéreo [Spanish] (1994)
Translation: Párharc?Parharc[Hungarian] (1995)
Translation: Поединок?Poedinok[Russian] (1997) [as byУильям Гибсон?Uil'am GibsonandМайкл Суэнвик?Maykl Suenvik]
Snow Job (1985)
Gardner Dozois
also appeared as:
- Translation: Prahom do cilja [Croatian] (1988)
- Translation: Temps de neige [French] (2000)
Covenant of Souls (1986)
also appeared as:
Translation: Le pacte des âmes?Le pacte des ames[French] (1989)
- Translation: Przymierze dusz [Polish] (1991)
- Translation: Die Kirche der göttlichen Verheißung [German] (1998)
Foresight (1987)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Weitsicht [German] (1998)
- The Overcoat (1988)
The Dragon Line (1988)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Drachenlinie [German] (1998)
- Translation: La voie du dragon [French] (1999)
- Variant: The Dragon Line [2] (2025)
A Midwinter's Tale (1988)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Zimska bajka [Croatian] (1989)
- Translation: Um Conto de Inverno [Portuguese] (1991)
- Translation: Conte d'une nuit d'hiver [French] (1992)
- Translation: Ein Wintermärchen [German] (1998)
Snow Angels (1989)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Schnee-Engel [German] (1998)
The Edge of the World (1989)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Rub sveta [Serbian] (1992)
- Translation: Il margine del mondo [Italian] (1995)
- Translation: Der Rand der Welt [German] (1998)
- Translation: Le bord du monde [French] (1998)
- Variant: The Edge of the World [2] (2025)
- U F O (1990)
- Three Scenes from Stations of the Tide (excerpt) (1991)
Griffin's Egg (1991)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Eines Greifen Ei [German] (1993)
- Translation: Jednorogovo jaje [Serbian] (1994) [as by Majkl Svonvik]
- Translation: L'uovo di grifone [Italian] (2001)
- Variant: Griffin's Egg [2] (2025)
- Variant: Griffin's Egg [3] (2025)
- Fantasies (1991) with Tim Sullivan
- The Wireless Folly (1992)
- In Concert (1992)
Picasso Deconstructed: Eleven Still-Lifes (1993)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Picasso Deconstructed (2003)
- Cold Iron (1993)
The Changeling's Tale (1994)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le récit du changelin [French] (2014)
- The Mask (1994)
Walking Out (1995)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Umzug [German] (1996)
- North of Diddy-Wah-Diddy (1995)
Radio Waves (1995)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Radio waves [French] (1997)
- The City of God (1995) with Gardner Dozois
- Ships (1996) with Jack Dann
The Dead (1996)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Mrtvi [Croatian] (1999)
- Translation: La vie des morts [French] (1999)
- Translation: Die Toten [German] (1999)
- Translation: Morti [Italian] (2009)
- Variant: The Dead [2] (2025)
- Variant: The Dead [3] (2025)
- Variant: The Dead [4] (2025)
- Variant: The Dead [5] (2025)
- Variant: The Dead [6] (2025)
- An Abecedary of the Imagination (1996)
Mother Grasshopper (1997)
also appeared as:
Translation: Sauterelle notre mère?Sauterelle notre mere[French] (1999)
- Variant: Mother Grasshopper [2] (2025)
The Wisdom of Old Earth (1997)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La saggezza della vecchia Terra [Italian] (1999)
- Translation: La sagesse de cette bonne vieille Terre [French] (2000)
Translation: Mądrość starej ziemi?Madrosc starej ziemi[Polish] (2000)
- Midnight Express (1998)
The Very Pulse of the Machine (1998)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Puls der Maschine [German] (1998)
Translation: Wewnętrzne tętno maszyny?Wewnetrzne tetno maszyny[Polish] (2000)
- Translation: Le pouls brutal de la machine [French] (2004)
- Variant: The Very Pulse of the Machine [2] (2025)
- Variant: The Very Pulse of the Machine [3] (2025)
- Variant: The Very Pulse of the Machine [4] (2025)
- Wild Minds (1998)
- 120 Is for Issues (1998)
- Ancestral Voices (1998) with Gardner Dozois
Radiant Doors (1998)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Strahlentore [German] (1999)
Translation: 輝く扉?かがやくとびら[Japanese] (2000) [as by
Kagayaku Tobiraマイクル・スワンウィック?Maikeru Suwanuikku] - Translation: Porte radianti [Italian] (2000)
- Translation: Promienne bramy [Polish] (2000)
- Variant: Radiant Doors [2] (2025)
- Microcosmic Dog (1998)
- Archaic Planets: Nine Excerpts from the Encyclopedia Galactica (1998) with Sean Swanwick
- Green Fire (1999) with Andy Duncan and Eileen Gunn and Pat Murphy
Ancient Engines (1999)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Motori Antichi [Italian] (2003)
- Translation: Uråldriga maskiner [Swedish] (2004)
- Variant: Ancient Engines [2] (2025)
Scherzo with Tyrannosaur (1999)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Scherzo avec tyrannosaure [French] (1999)
- Translation: Scherzo con tiranosaurio [Spanish] (2002)
- Translation: Scherzo vivace (con Tirannosauro) [Italian] (2018)
- Variant: Scherzo with Tyrannosaur [2] (2025)
- Variant: Scherzo with Tyrannosaur [3] (2025)
- Riding the Giganotosaur (1999)
Mickelrede; or, The Slayer and the Staff: A Ghost-Novel (2000)
Avram Davidson
also appeared as:
- Variant: Mickelrede, or, The Slayer and the Staff (2000)
Moon Dogs (2000)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Chasse au clair de lune [French] (2005)
- The Madness of Gordon Van Gelder (2000)
- Letters to the Editor (2001)
- "Hello," Said the Stick (2002)
- Five British Dinosaurs (2002)
- A Great Day for Brontosaurs (2002)
- Dirty Little War (2002)
Slow Life (2002)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Långsamt liv [Swedish] (2004)
- Translation: Vita lenta [Italian] (2006)
Translation: Viață lentă?Viata lenta[Romanian] (2007)
- Variant: Slow Life [2] (2025)
- Variant: Slow Life [3] (2025)
- Bones of the Earth (excerpt) (2003)
- Bones of the Earth (excerpt) (2003)
King Dragon (2003)
also appeared as:
- Variant: King Dragon [2] (2025)
Legions in Time (2003)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Legiones en el tiempo [Spanish] (2004)
- Translation: Les légions du temps [French] (2015)
- Translation: Legioni nel tempo [Italian] (2018)
- Smoke and Mirrors: Four Scenes from the Post-utopian Future (2003)
- A Bicentennial Minute (2003)
- Bastards (2003)
- Ether (2003)
- Glass Soul (2003)
- Stage Direction (2003)
- Xeroxing (2003)
Coyote at the End of History (2003)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Coyote alla fine dei tempi [Italian] (2007)
- Deep in the Woods of Grammarie (2003)
- The Periodic Table of Science Fiction (2003)
- The Last Geek (2004)
- The Word That Sings the Scythe (2004)
Triceratops Summer (2005)
also appeared as:
Translation: Vara triceratropșilor?Vara triceratropsilor[Romanian] (2007)
- Variant: Triceratops Summer [2] (2025)
- Variant: Triceratops Summer [3] (2025)
- Variant: Triceratops Summer [4] (2025)
- Variant: Triceratops Summer [5] (2025)
- The Bordello in Faerie (2006)
- An Episode of Stardust (2006)
Tin Marsh (2006)
also appeared as:
Translation: Mlaștini de tinichea?Mlastini de tinichea[Romanian] (2008)
Translation: Mlaștina de cositor?Mlastina de cositor[Romanian] (2010)
- Variant: Tin Marsh [2] (2025)
- Lord Weary's Empire (2006)
A Small Room in Koboldtown (2007)
also appeared as:
- Variant: A Small Room in Koboldtown [2] (2025)
- Congratulations from the Future! (2007)
- The End of All Things (2007) with H. G. Wells
- The Mental Daguerreotype (2007) with Anthony Trollope
- The Skysailor's Tale (2007)
- Urdumheim (2007)
From Babel's Fall'n Glory We Fled... (2008)
also appeared as:
- Variant: From Babel's Fall'n Glory We Fled (2008)
- Variant: From Babel's Fall'n Glory We Fled... [2] (2025)
- Variant: From Babel's Fall'n Glory We Fled... [3] (2025)
- Variant: From Babel's Fall'n Glory We Fled... [4] (2025)
- Variant: From Babel's Fall'n Glory We Fled... [5] (2025)
- "Shed That Guilt! Double Your Productivity Overnight!" (2008) with Eileen Gunn
The Scarecrow's Boy (2008)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Scarecrow's Boy [2] (2025)
- Variant: The Scarecrow's Boy [3] (2025)
- Hush and Hark (2008)
- Metasciencefiction (2008)
- Errata Slip Found in a Copy of the Arkham University Press Trade Paperback Reissue of the Necronomicon (2009)
- The Armies of Elfland (2009) with Eileen Gunn
- The Magaracs: A Family Saga, in Fragments (2009)
Zeppelin City (2009)
Eileen Gunn
also appeared as:
- Variant: Zeppelin City [2] (2025)
- Last Drink Bird Head (2009)
- Invisibility for Beginners (2009)
Goblin Lake (2010)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Lago Gobiin [Portuguese] (2019)
- Variant: Goblin Lake [2] (2025)
- Steadfast Castle (2010)
- Spirits in the Night (2010)
Libertarian Russia (2010)
also appeared as:
Translation: Rusia libertară?Rusia libertara[Romanian] (2014)
- Variant: Libertarian Russia [2] (2025)
- Variant: Libertarian Russia [3] (2025)
- The Trains That Climb the Winter Tree (2010) with Eileen Gunn
- Manger Animals (2011)
- Mrs. Claus (2011)
- Snowflake People (2011)
- The Brain Baron (2011)
- Cold Reading (2011)
An Empty House With Many Doors (2011)
also appeared as:
- Variant: An Empty House With Many Doors [2] (2025)
- Variant: An Empty House With Many Doors [3] (2025)
- The Man in Grey (2011)
The Dala Horse (2011)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Dala Horse [2] (2025)
- Variant: The Dala Horse [3] (2025)
For I Have Lain Me Down on the Stone of Loneliness and I'll Not Be Back Again (2011)
also appeared as:
- Variant: For I Have Lain Me Down on the Stone of Loneliness and I'll Not Be Back Again [2] (2025)
- Variant: For I Have Lain Me Down on the Stone of Loneliness and I'll Not Be Back Again [3] (2025)
- Variant: For I Have Lain Me Down on the Stone of Loneliness and I'll Not Be Back Again [4] (2025)
- Variant: For I Have Lain Me Down on the Stone of Loneliness and I'll Not Be Back Again [5] (2025)
- Adam's Third Wife (2012)
- Cookie Elves (2012)
- Meryons (2012)
- Pushkin the American (2012)
The Woman Who Shook the World-Tree (2012)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Woman Who Shook the World Tree (2013)
- The Year of the Three Monarchs (2012)
- Space Cougar! (2012) with S. Hutson Blount and Peter V. Brett and Erin Cashier and Alan DeNiro and Jackson Juiceely and Jay Lake and Nick Mamatas and Spike Marlowe and Carlton Mellick, III and E. C. Myers and Devin Poore and Christopher Reynaga and Ken Scholes and John Skipp and Peter Straub and Gordon Van Gelder
- Tumbling (2013)
- Bone-Fire Time (2013)
- Interview with a Salamander (2013)
- Mice Discover Fire (2013)
- Ministering Angels (2014)
- One Mile Below (2014)
- Santas of All Nations (2014)
- Straws (2014)
Of Finest Scarlet Was Her Gown (2014)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Of Finest Scarlet Was Her Gown [2] (2025)
Passage of Earth (2014)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Passage of Earth [2] (2025)
- Variant: Passage of Earth [3] (2025)
- Variant: Passage of Earth [4] (2025)
- Variant: Passage of Earth [5] (2025)
- Six Untitled Tales Written in Mark Twain's Library (2014)
- 3 A.M. in the Mesozoic Bar (2014)
Universe Box (2016)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Universo in scatola [Italian] (2018)
- Starlight Express (2017)
- Eighteen Songs by Debussy (2019)
- Ghost Ships (2019)
- Cloud (2019)
- Dragon Slayer (2020)
- Artificial People (2020)
- The Last Days of Old Night (2020)
- Dream Atlas (2021)
- Dreadnought (2021)
- Huginn and Muninn—and What Came After (2021)
- The Beast of Tara (2022)
- The White Leopard (2022)
- Nirvana or Bust (2022)
- Reservoir Ice (2022)
- The Star-Bear (2023)
- Timothy: An Oral History (2023)
- Unquiet Graves (2024)
- Hooray for Eileen! (1994)
- Cigar-Box Faust (2003)
- Asimov's Editorials
- A Farewell to Fantasy (1993)
- Never Say "Rather Unlikely" Again (2018) with Sheila Williams
- Brief Lives
- 1 Brief Lives: Jack Woodford (2008)
- 2 Brief Lives: Edward Scott Woodley (2011)
- 3 Brief Lives: Judith Merrill (2011)
- 4 Brief Lives: William Fitzgerald Jenkins (2011)
- 5 Brief Lives: Anna Quinsland (2012)
- Curiosities (essays)
- Gallery (Science Fiction Age)
- Time Traveler (1998)
- Read This
- Viewpoint
A User's Guide to the Postmoderns (1986)
also appeared as:
Translation: Vodič za postmodernizam (I)?Vodic za postmodernizam (I)[Croatian] (1987)
Vodich za postmodernizam (I) -
Translation: Vodič za postmodernizam (II)?Vodic za postmodernizam (II)[Croatian] (1987)
Vodich za postmodernizam (II) - Translation: Postmoderne: Neue Strömungen in der Science Fiction [German] (1988)
"In the Tradition ..." (1994)
also appeared as:
- Variant: In the Tradition ... (1994)
- Translation: Dans la tradition... [French] (1998)
A User's Guide to the Postmoderns (1986)
also appeared as:
Comments by the Nominees for the 1985 Nebula Awards (1986)
Brian W. Aldiss
Greg Bear
Michael Bishop
James P. Blaylock
David Brin
Orson Scott Card
Harlan Ellison
Joe Haldeman
Nancy Kress
Barry N. Malzberg
Tim Powers
Lucius Shepard
Bruce Sterling
S. C. Sykes
Howard Waldrop
William F. Wu
Roger Zelazny
only appeared as:
- Variant: Comments by the Nominees (1986)
- Letter (Locus #319) (1987)
- Letter (Science Fiction Eye #2) (1987)
- Letter (Science Fiction Chronicle #96) (1987)
- Recommended Reading (1987) (1988)
- Eight Short Fiction Reviews (1988)
- Three Short Fiction Reviews (Kim Stanley Robinson's "The Lunatics", Lucius Shepard's "Life of Buddha", Eileen Gunn's "Stable Strategies for Middle Management") (1989)
- Response to "The New Generation Gap" (1989)
- The Amateur Demographer Goes to the Bookstore (1989)
- Letter (Short Form, October 1989) (1989)
- Three Short Fiction Reviews (Ian McDonald's "Unfinished Portraits of the King of Pain by Van Gogh", Phillip C. Jennings's "Messiah", Judith Moffett's "Tiny Tango") (1989)
- "Ode to Be a Blurber!" (1990)
- Two Short Fiction Reviews (Zoe Fairbairns' "Relics", Joe R. Lansdale's "On the Far Side of the Cadillac Desert with Dead Folks") (1990)
- It Doesn't Get Any Better (1990)
- One Thousand Stories (1991)
- "Cruising the Metagenre": Short Fiction in 1990 (1991)
- Four Short Fiction Reviews (Terry Bisson's "Over Flat Mountain"; "The Coon Suit"; "The Two Janets"; "Bears Discover Fire") (1991)
Introduction: Despair and the Duck Lady (1992)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Despair and the Duck Lady (1992)
- Nine Short Fiction Reviews (Part 1 of 2) (1992)
- Letter (Analog, April 1992) (1992)
- Nine Short Fiction Reviews (Part 2 of 2) (1992)
- Fritz Leiber Appreciation (1992)
- Corrupting the Mainstream (1993)
- Involution Ocean (1993)
- An Appreciation (Avram Davidson) (1993)
- Galileo's Finger (1993)
- Men, Women, and Writers (1993)
- Letter (Locus #393) (1993)
- The Strange Case of Raphael Aloysius Lafferty (1993)
- My Career as a Poet (1993)
- Pere Ubu's Ascot (1993)
- And God Made Fans (1993)
- The Death of the Magus: Two Myths (1994)
- The Other Patrick McGrath (1994)
- Superman (1994)
- Letter (NYRSF, April 1994) (1994)
- Ruthenia (1994)
- Writing in My Sleep (1994)
Memories and Visions: Fans and Fellow Writers Remember Philip K. Dick: Eight Takes on Kindred Themes (1994)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Eight Takes on Kindred Themes (2003)
- The Year in Science Fiction and Fantasy: A Symposium (1995) with Eleanor Arnason and Gregory Benford and Paul Di Filippo and Maureen F. McHugh and Rebecca Ore and Robert J. Sawyer and Norman Spinrad
- Foreword (Voyages by Starlight) (1996)
- Lot's Children (1996)
- They Fell Like Wheat (1996)
- Author Profile: Michael Swanwick (1997)
- The Hagiography of Saint Dozois (1997)
- Growing Up in the Future (1997)
- Amos Tutuola: An Appreciation (1997)
- Letter (NYRSF, September 1997) (1997)
- A Tale of Two Essays (1997)
- Letter (NYRSF, November 1997) (1997)
- Jane Swanwick and the Search for Identity (1998)
- Strange Inhabitants and Unknown Boundaries (1998)
- Strange Inhabitants and Unknown Boundaries (The Boss in the Wall) (1998)
- Introduction: The Slovo Stove (1998)
- Letter (NYRSF, December 1998) (1998)
- Taken Gently By The Hand: James Morrow's "Arms and the Woman" (1999)
- Baubles from the Magpie's Nest: Short Fiction in 1998 (1999)
- Letter (Ansible 139) (1999)
- James Turner: An Appreciation (1999)
- Letter (Ansible 151) (2000)
- Looking Backward from the Year Two Thousand: 1999 in Short Fiction (2000)
- Letter (Ansible 152) (2000)
- Paul J. McAuley: Compleat Radical (2000)
- Brits Triumphant, Name Brand Writers, and the Last Great Fantasy Story of the Millennium: The Year 2000 in Short Fiction (2001)
- Letter (NYRSF, February 2001) (2001)
- Letter (Ansible 165) (2001)
- Futures: Twenty-Three Short-Short Fiction Reviews (2001)
- Review of the exhibition "Space 2001: To the Moon and Beyond" (2001)
- David G. Hartwell (2001)
- Lord Vacant on the Boulevard of Naked Angels: Extracts from the Dream Diary of Michael Swanwick (2001)
- Introduction to Executive Clemency (2001)
- Introduction to Snow Job (2001)
- Introduction: The Strange and Fabulous Journey of Gardner Dozois (2001)
- Laughing at the Edge of the Abyss (2001)
- Three Tales by Ursula K. Le Guin (2001)
A Changeling Returns (2001)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ein Wechselbalg kehrt zurück [German] (2002)
- Translation: Retour d'un changelin [French] (2003)
- Sex, Magic, Television: How I Wrote Stations of the Tide (2001)
- Mushrooms, Lobsters, Ambitious Failures, and Things That Eat Books in the Night: The Year 2001 in Short Fiction (2002)
- Introduction (My Aunt, Hope Mirrlees) (2002)
- Introduction: The Comprehending Strangeness of Jeffrey Ford (2002)
- Three Names Offered Up to God (2002)
- Letter (Locus #500) (2002)
- Introduction (Mutiny in Space) (2002)
- Hope-in-the-Mist (2003)
- Nachwort (Flucht ins Feenland) [German] (2003)
- Notes of a Random Reader: 2002 in Science Fiction (2003)
- Una carta desde los Estados Unidos [Spanish] (2003)
- Sing, Goddess, of the Virtue of Small Things... (2003)
- The Poets' Corner (2003)
- Six Things I Brought Home from Finland (2003)
- The View from the Top of the Mountain (2003)
- Preface (Another Green World) (2003)
- Slipstream, Metafiction, and Minds on Fire: A Brief and Disorganized Look at Short Fiction in 2003 (2004)
- Introduction (Trujillo and Other Stories) (2004)
- Amos Tutuola, hommage à la magie d'un griot [French] (2004)
- Letter (Ansible 206) (2004)
Introduction (Her Smoke Rose Up Forever) (2004)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Introduction to Her Smoke Rose Up Forever (2015)
- Russia: Aelita Conference (2004)
- Letter (Locus #527) (2004)
- Letter to a Young Science Fiction Writer (2004)
- A Celebration, an Appreciation, a Meditation and Possibly Even a Shamelessly Blatant Promotion But by No Means a Review of Eileen Gunn's Stable Strategies and Others (2005)
- A Lexicon of Lud: In respect to Lud-in-the-Mist by Hope Mirrlees (2005)
- Afterword (The Periodic Table of Science Fiction) (2005)
- Henry Darger's Fabulous Novel (2005)
- Collect This (2005)
- Introduction (Alien Bootlegger) (2005)
- Robert Sheckley (2006)
- Letter (NYRSF, July 2006) (2006)
- What Can Be Saved from the Wreckage?: James Branch Cabell in the Twenty-First Century (2007)
- Jack (2007)
- Fantastic Cities Panel Interaction 2005 (2007) with Jeffrey Ford and Ian R. MacLeod and Claire Weaver
- A Cloudish Word-Hoard (2007)
- The Wolf in the Labyrinth (2007)
- A Nettlesome Term That Has Long Outlived Its Welcome (2007)
- An American Writer in China (2007)
- Janet Kagan (2008)
- Introduction: The Economy of Jack (2008)
- A Dizzy Celebration of Being Somewhere Wonderful: Reading Rhetorics of Fantasy in the Real World (2008)
- Introduction (The Best of Michael Swanwick) (2008)
- The View from the Wharf Rat: A Letter from Otakon 2006 in Baltimore (2009)
- Review of the play "William Shakespeare's Land of the Dead" by John Helmbuch (2009)
- The Awfulness of Hope (2009)
- A Lexicon of Lud (2009)
David Hartwell (2009)
also appeared as:
- Translation: David Hartwell [French] (2009)
Where I Write (2009)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Where I Write [French] (2009)
- David Hartwell's Neckties (2009)
- Reality and Hyperreality at the Franklin Institute (2009)
- Sun Ra and the Bahaman Space Program at the ICA (2009)
- Terry Pratchett: The Most Serious Man in the World (2010)
- The Inimitable George Scithers (2010)
- Review of the shortfiction work "Dougal Discarnate" by William Gibson (2010)
- Review of the shortfiction work "Survivor" by Douglas Coupland (2010)
- The Philip Klass Memorial (2010)
- Brief Essays: Murray Leinster's Submarine (2011)
- Review of the play "Ray Bradbury's 2116: The Musical" by Ray Bradbury, Steve Josephson, and John Hoke (2011)
- Review of the play "The Man Who Was Thursday" by the Jam Theater Collective (2011)
- How to Run a Con: Part 1 (2011)
- How to Run a Con: Part 2 (2011)
- How to Run a Con: Part 3 (2011)
- How to Run a Con: Part 4 (2011)
- How to Run a Con: Part 5 (2011)
- How to Run a Con: Part 6 (2011)
- How to Run a Con: Part 7 (2011)
- Impossible Russias (2011)
- How to Run a Con: Part 8 (2011)
- How to Run a Con: Part 9 (2011)
- Paris, a Poem by Hope Mirrlees (2011)
- Will Jenkins's Greatest Invention (2011)
- Introduction (Lost Tales, Vol. 1) (2012)
- This Writing Business (2012) with Keith Brooke and Kim Lakin-Smith and Linda Nagata and Jeff Noon and Steven Savile and Lisa Tuttle
- Jim Young, Pursuer of Dreams (2012)
- Introduction to "The 43 Antarean Dynasties" (2012)
- A Life in Fandom (2012)
- An Exchange (2013) with Tom Purdom
- Eight Words from the Most Wonderful Writer in the World (2013)
- Introduction (Lovers & Fighters, Starships & Dragons) (2014)
- Four Short Fiction and Essay Reviews (2014)
- Introduction (Hunting the Phoenix) (2015)
- Meditations on Meditations on Oysters (2015)
- American Authors in China (2015) with Ellen Datlow and Eileen Gunn
- On My First Reading of The Einstein Intersection (2015)
- An Interview With Gardner Dozois (2015)
- Introduction (Other Stories) (2015)
- David Hartwell's Secret History of Science Fiction (2016)
- Introduction: Where I am now, I think (2016)
- Foreword (Out of the Dead City) (2016)
- R. A. Lafferty and the New Wave (2017)
- Introduction (Up the Rainbow: The Complete Short Fiction of Susan Casper) (2017)
- A Few Words with Sergei Lukyanenko (2017)
- A Special Kind of Morning (2018)
- From A to Z with Gardner Dozois (2018)
- Will Jenkins, Writing As Himself (2018)
- Two Terrors and the Myth of Solitude (2018)
- In Memoriam, Gardner Dozois: 1947-2018 (2019)
- Introduction (Narrow Valley) (2019)
- Nightfall on Kirinyaga (2020)
- Introdcuction to Appendix: A Little Smoke and a Mirror or Three (2020)
- Introduction: Mother Goose's Errant Sons (2020)
- A Memory of Two Great Men (2020)
- "Everything I've Ever Written..." (2021)
- Singular Interviews: Henry Wessells (2021)
- Introduction (Dune) (2021)
- Introduction (Mythago Wood) (2022)
- Introduction: The Apple Tree, The Vacuum Tubes, And All The World Besides (2023)
- Introduction (The Shockwave Rider) (2024)
- Introduction: Trouble (2024)
- How to Run a Con (2025)
- The Rise of Ambition, the Fall of the Future (2025)
- Hunting the Phoenix (2015)
- On the High Marsh (2001) by Ursula K. Le Guin
- The Bones of the Earth (2001) by Ursula K. Le Guin
- The Finder (2001) by Ursula K. Le Guin
- Blood Sport (2005) by Robert F. Jones
- TH.2058 (2009) by Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster
- The Kosher Guide to Imaginary Animals (2010) by Ann VanderMeer and Jeff VanderMeer
- The Search for Philip K. Dick (2011) by Anne R. Dick
- 1923—a Fantasy (2014) by Zhao Haihong
- Close Encounters (2014) by Andy Duncan
- The Timpanist of the Berlin Philharmonic, 1942 (2014) by Kim Stanley Robinson
- The Wailing of the Gaulish Dead (2014) by Avram Davidson
- Singular Interviews: John Crowley (1999) with John Crowley
- Singular Interviews: Tom Purdom (1999) with Tom Purdom
- Inside Jack Daw's Pack (2001) with Greer Gilman
- An Interview with Gardner Dozois (2002) with Gardner Dozois
- Gardner Dozois: 25 Years of "The Year's Best" (2003) with Gardner Dozois
- Singular Interviews: Gregory Frost (2005) with Gregory Frost
- Singlular Interviews: Paul Park (2005) with Paul Park
- Singular Interviews: Karl Schroeder (2008) with Karl Schroeder
- Singular Interview: David G. Hartwell (2011) with David G. Hartwell
- "Everything Happens for a Reason": A Conversation with Kaja and Phil Foglio (2015) with Kaja Foglio and Phil Foglio
- An Interview with Gardner Dozois (2018) with Gardner Dozois
- Strange Notions (1992) by Stan Nicholls
- Michael Swanwick: Writing to Last (1992) by uncredited
- Michael Swanwick: Has Strange Notions (1993) by Stan Nicholls
- Interview with Michael Swanwick (1995) by Darrell Schweitzer
- Michael Swanwick: Of All Plausible Worlds (1998) by uncredited
- Interview: Michael Swanwick: Twenty Questions from Lynne Jamneck (2003) by Lynne Jamneck
- Michael Swanwick: Dinosaur Dreams (2004) by Michael Swanwick
- An Interview with Michael Swanwick (2008) by Lucius Shepard
- Michael Swanwick: God Reached Down and Flicked a Switch (2009) by Michael Swanwick
- An Interview with Michael Swanwick (2009) by Rick Kleffel
- Michael Swanwick (2010) by James L. Sutter
- Author Spotlight: Michael Swanwick (2012) by Erin Stocks
- Author Spotlight: Eileen Gunn and Michael Swanwick (2014) by Jude Griffin (co-interviewed with Eileen Gunn)
- Author Spotlight: Michael Swanwick (2016) by Moshe Siegel
- Talkative Creatures and a Mesozoic Cocktail: A Conversation with Michael Swanwick (2016) by Chris Urie
- Twitterview with Michael Swanwick (2017) by Stephen Case
- Interview with Michael Swanwick (2018) by William Squirrell
- The Galaxy's Edge Interview (Galaxy's Edge, Issue 35: November 2018) (2018) by Joy Ward
- From Bleak to Upbeat in Three Parts: A Conversation with Michael Swanwick (2020) by Arley Sorg
Non-Genre Titles