- Author: Christina Rossetti Author Record # 118364
- Legal Name: Rossetti, Christina Georgina
- Birthplace: Charlotte Street, St Giles, Middlesex, England, UK
- Birthdate: 5 December 1830
- Deathdate: 29 December 1894
- Language: English
- Webpages: Books and Writers, Encyclopedia of Fantasy, IMDB, Library of Congress, victorianweb.org, Wikipedia-EN
- Used These Alternate Names:
Ellen Alleyn, クリスティーナ・ロセッティ?Kurisutīna Rosetti, Christina Georgina Rossetti, Christina G. Rossetti
Kurisutina Rosetti - Note: Sister of Dante Gabriel Rossetti.
Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
Goblin Market and Other Poems (1862)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Goblin Market & Other Poems (2022)
- The Prince's Progress and Other Poems (1866)
- Commonplace and Other Short Stories (1870) [only as by Christina G. Rossetti]
- Goblin Market (2015)
- Poems (1866) [O]
- Goblin Market (1893)
The Story of Nick (1857)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Nick (1870)
- Variant: Nick (1870) [as by Christina G. Rossetti]
- Translation: Nick [Polish] (2021)
A Safe Investment (1870)
only appeared as:
- Variant: A Safe Investment (1870) [as by Christina G. Rossetti]
- Translation: Bezpieczna inwestycja [Polish] (2021)
- Commonplace (1870) [only as by Christina G. Rossetti]
Hero (1870)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Hero (1870) [as by Christina G. Rossetti]
- Translation: Metamorfozy [Polish] (2021)
- Pros and Cons (1870) [only as by Christina G. Rossetti]
- The Lost Titian (1870) [only as by Christina G. Rossetti]
- The Waves of This Troublesome World (1870) [only as by Christina G. Rossetti]
- Vanna's Twins (1870) [only as by Christina G. Rossetti]
Speaking Likenesses (1873)
also appeared as:
Translation: Niby-Świat i jego mieszkańcy?Niby-Swiat i jego mieszkancy[Polish] (2021)
- Speaking Likenesses (excerpt) (1997)
- Dream Land (1850) [also as by uncredited]
- Repining (1850) [only as by Ellen Alleyn]
- After Death (1862)
- At Home (1862)
Goblin Market (1862)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Goblin Market (1973) [as by Christina Georgina Rossetti]
Translation: 小鬼の市?こおにのいち[Japanese] (1979) [as by
Kooni no Ichiクリスティーナ・ロセッティ?Kurisutīna Rosetti]
Kurisutina Rosetti - Variant: Goblin Market [2] (2016)
- Translation: Jarmark goblinów [Polish] (2021)
- The Hour and the Ghost (1862)
- Before the Paling of the Stars (1864)
- After this the Judgment (1866)
- Despised and Rejected (1866)
- Dost Thou Not Care? (1866)
- Good Friday (1866)
- If Only (1866)
- Long Barren (1866)
- Martyrs' Song (1866)
- The Ghost's Petition (1866)
- The Lowest Place (1866)
- The Poor Ghost (1866)
- Weary in Well-Doing (1866)
- Hopping Frog (1872)
- A Christmas Carol (1872)
- A Dirge (1874)
- An Old-World Thicket (1881)
- One Sea-Side Grave (1884) [only as by Christina Georgina Rossetti]
- A Frog's Fate (1885)
- Babylon the Great (1892)
- A Nightmare (1896)
- In an Artist's Studio (1896)
- On Keats (1896)
- The Dead Princess (1909)
- Song (1910)
- A Coast-Nightmare (1973)
- from Goblin Market (1985)
- Who Has Seen the Wind? (1996)
- Nursery Rhymes from Sing-Song (unknown)
Non-Genre Titles
- A Pause of Thought (1850) [also as by Ellen Alleyn]
- A Testimony (1850) [only as by Ellen Alleyn]
Song (Oh! roses for the flush of youth) (1850)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Song (Oh! roses for the flush of youth) (1850) [as by Ellen Alleyn]
- Variant: Song (Oh roses for the flush of youth) (1862)
- Sweet Death (1850) [only as by Ellen Alleyn]
- A Birthday (1862)
- A Peal of Bells (1862)
- A Summer Wish (1862)
- A Triad (1862)
- Advent (1862)
- An Apple Gathering (1862)
- An End (1862)
- Another Spring (1862)
- Bitter for Sweet (1862)
- Cousin Kate (1862)
- Dead Before Death (1862)
- Echo (1862)
- Fata Morgana (1862)
In the Round Tower at Jahnsi, June 8, 1857 (1862)
also appeared as:
- Variant: In the Round Tower at Jahnsi: June 8, 1857 (Indian Mutiny) (1910)
- Love from the North (1862)
- Maude Clare (1862)
- May (1862)
- Mirage (1862)
- My Dream (1862)
- My Secret (1862)
- Noble Sisters (1862)
- Remember (1862)
- Rest (1862)
- Shut Out (1862)
- Sister Maude (1862)
Song (She sat and sang alway) (1862)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Song (She sat and sang away) (unknown)
- Song (Two doves upon the selfsame branch) (1862)
- Song (When I am dead, my dearest) (1862)
- Sound Sleep (1862)
- Spring (1862)
- Sweet Death (1862)
- The Convent Threshold (1862)
- The First Spring Day (1862)
- The Lambs of Grasmere, 1860 (1862)
- The World (1862)
- Three Seasons (1862)
- Twilight Calm (1862)
- Up-Hill (1862)
- Wife to Husband (1862)
- Winter Rain (1862)
- A Bird's-Eye View (1866)
- A Chill (1866)
- A Dream (1866)
- A Farm Walk (1866)
- A Portrait (1866)
- A Ring Posy (1866)
- A Royal Princess (1866)
- A Year's Windfalls (1866)
- Autumn (1866)
- Beauty Is Vain (1866)
- Bird or Beast? (1866)
- Child's Talk in April (1866)
- Dream-Love (1866)
- Eve (1866)
- Gone for Ever (1866)
- Grown and Flown (1866)
- Jessie Cameron (1866)
- L. E. L. (1866)
- Lady Maggie (1866)
- Life and Death (1866)
- Light Love (1866)
- Maiden-Song (1866)
- Memory (1866)
- One Day (1866)
- Shall I Forget? (1866)
- Somewhere or Other (1866)
- Songs in a Cornfield (1866)
- Spring Quiet (1866)
- Summer (1866)
- The Bourne (1866)
- The Prince's Progress (1866)
- The Queen of Hearts (1866)
- Twice (1866)
- Under the Rose (1866)
- Vanity of Vanities (1866)
- What Would I Give? (1866)