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The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms (2010)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Erbin der Welt [German] (2010)
- Translation: Les cent mille royaumes [French] (2010)
Translation: Sto Tysięcy Królestw?Sto Tysiecy Krolestw[Polish] (2011)
- Translation: Os cem mil reinos [Portuguese] (2021)
The Broken Kingdoms (2010)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Les royaumes déchus [French] (2011)
- Translation: Os reinos partidos [Portuguese] (2022)
The Kingdom of Gods (2011)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le royaume des dieux [French] (2012)
- Translation: O reino dos deuses [Portuguese] (2022)
The Killing Moon (2012)
also appeared as:
Translation: Luna ucigașă?Luna ucigashah[Romanian] (2015)
- Translation: Lua de Sangue [Portuguese] (2022)
The Shadowed Sun (2012)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Soarele umbrit [Romanian] (2017)
- Translation: Sombras do Sol [Portuguese] (2023)
The Fifth Season (2015)
also appeared as:
Translation: Piąta pora roku?Piata pora roku[Polish] (2015)
Translation: La quinta estación?La quinta estacion[Spanish] (2017)
Translation: La cinquième saison?La cinquieme saison[French] (2017)
- Translation: Al cincilea anotimp [Romanian] (2017)
- Translation: A quinta estação [Portuguese] (2017)
Translation: Quinta estação?Quinta estacao[Portuguese] (2018)
- Translation: Zerrissene Erde [German] (2018)
Translation: 第五の季節?だいごのきせつ[Japanese] (2020) [as by
Daigo no KisetsuN・K・ジェミシン?N. K. Jemishin] -
Translation: ฤดูมรณะ?Rưdū mō̜rana[Thai] (2021)
The Obelisk Gate (2016)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La porte de cristal [French] (2018)
- Translation: Poarta obeliscului [Romanian] (2018)
Translation: O portão do obelisco?O portao do obelisco[Portuguese] (2018)
- Translation: O portal dos obeliscos [Portuguese] (2019)
- Translation: Brennender Fels [German] (2020)
- Translation: ประตูจันทรา [Thai] (2022)
The Stone Sky (2017)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Les cieux pétrifiés [French] (2018)
Translation: O céu de pedra?O ceu de pedra[Portuguese] (2019)
Translation: Cerul de piatră?Cerul de piatra[Romanian] (2020)
- Translation: Steinerner Himmel [German] (2020)
Translation: 석조 하늘 [Korean] (2020)
[as by N. K. 제미신?N. K. Jemisin]
Translation: Каменные небеса?Kamennye nebesa[Russian] (2021) [as byН. К. Джемисин?N. K. Dzhemisin]
Translation: ศิลาหาว?Silā hāo[Thai] (2023)
Initiation (2017)
Mac Walters
also appeared as:
- Translation: Feuertaufe [German] (2017)
The City We Became (2020)
also appeared as:
Translation: Nós somos a cidade?Nos somos a cidade[Portuguese] (2021)
Translation: Die Wächterinnen von New York?Die Waechterinnen von New York[German] (2022)
Far Sector (2020) [graphic format]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Setor Final Vol. 01 [Portuguese] (2021)
- Translation: Setor Final Vol. 02 [Portuguese] (2021)
- The World We Make (2022)
- Shades in Shadow: An Inheritance Triptych (2015)
How Long 'til Black Future Month? (2018)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Lumières noires [French] (2019)
- The Awakened Kingdom and Other Stories (2019)
- The Inheritance Trilogy (2014) [O/1,2,3]
- The Dreamblood Duology (2016) [O/1,2]
The Broken Earth Trilogy (2018) [O/1,2,3]
also appeared as:
- Translation: The Broken Earth Box Set [Thai] (2023) [O/1,2,3]
- Systems Fail (2014) with Hiromi Goto
- The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2018 (2018)
- The Awakened Kingdom (2014)
- The City Born Great (2016)
- Emergency Skin (2019)
L'Alchimista (2004)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'alchimista [French] (2019)
Too Many Yesterdays, Not Enough Tomorrows (2004)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Trop d'hiers, manque de demains [French] (2019)
Red Riding-Hood's Child (2005)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Red Riding Hood's Child (2010)
Cloud Dragon Skies (2005)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Nuages dragons [French] (2019)
- Bittersweet (2007)
The Narcomancer (2007)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le narcomancien [French] (2019)
The Brides of Heaven (2007)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Les épouses du ciel [French] (2019)
The You Train (2007)
also appeared as:
- Translation: MétrO [French] (2019)
- Playing Nice with God's Bowling Ball (2008) [also as by N. K. Jemison]
Non-Zero Probabilities (2009)
also appeared as:
Translation: Probabilități non-zero?Probabilitati non-zero[Romanian] (2012)
- Translation: Probabilités non nulles [French] (2019)
Translation: 可能性はゼロじゃない?かのうせい は ぜろ じゃ ない[Japanese] (2020) [as by
Kanousei wa Zero Ja NaiN・K・ジェミシン?N. K. Jemishin]
- The Broken Kingdoms (excerpt) (2010)
Sinners, Saints, Dragons, and Haints, in the City Beneath the Still Waters (2010)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Pécheurs, saints, spectres et dragons - la cité aengloutie sous les eaux immobiles [French] (2019)
On the Banks of the River Lex (2010)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Les berges de la Lex [French] (2019)
The Trojan Girl (2011)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La fille de Troie [French] (2019)
The Effluent Engine (2011)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le moteur à effluent [French] (2019)
- 1929: The Singular Taffy Puller (2011)
- The Kingdom of Gods (excerpt) (2011)
- Not the End (2011)
- The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms (excerpt) (2012)
- The Killing Moon (excerpt) (2012)
- From The Killing Moon (excerpt) (2012)
- The Dancer's War (2012)
Valedictorian (2012)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Major de promotion [French] (2019)
- The Awakened Kingdom (2014)
Walking Awake (2014)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Vigilambule [French] (2019)
Stone Hunger (2014)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Avide de pierre [French] (2019)
- The God Without a Name (2015)
- The Third Why (2015)
- The Wild Boy (2015)
- Sunshine Ninety-Nine (2015)
- Excerpt from The Fifth Season (2015)
- The Broken Earth Book Three (excerpt) (2016)
The City Born Great (2016)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The City, Born Great (2016)
- Translation: Grandeur naissante [French] (2019)
Red Dirt Witch (2016)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La sorcière de la terre rouge [French] (2019)
The Evaluators (2017)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Les évaluateurs [French] (2019)
Henosis (2017)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Henôsis [French] (2019)
Cuisine des Mémoires (2018)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Cuisine des Mémoires [French] (2019)
The Elevator Dancer (2018)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La danseuse de l'ascenseur [French] (2019)
The Ones Who Stay and Fight (2018)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ceux qui restent et qui luttent [French] (2019)
The Storyteller's Replacement (2018)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le remplaçant du conteur [French] (2019)
- Give Me Cornbread or Give Me Death (2019)
Emergency Skin (2019)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Pele de Emergência [Portuguese] (2021)
- Reckless Eyeballing (2023)
- WisCon Blogs: Documents of Conversation and Struggle (2012) with Saladin Ahmed and K. Tempest Bradford and Amal El-Mohtar and Woodrow Jarvis Hill and Shweta Narayan and Shveta Thakrar
- How Long 'Til Black Future Month? The Toxins of Speculative Fiction, and the Antidote That Is Janelle Monáe (2013)
- Dreaming Awake (2014)
- Fantastic Profanity (2014)
- Guest of Honor Speech for Continuum IX (2014)
- There's No Such Thing as a Good Stereotype (2014)
- Time to Pick a Side (2014)
- Why I Think RaceFail Was the Bestest Thing Evar for SFF (2014)
- Wiscon 38 Guest of Honor Speech (2015)
- Otherworldly (January 3, 2016) (2016)
- Otherworldly: Science Fiction and Fantasy (The New York Times Book Review, January 3, 2016) (2016)
- The Latest in Science Fiction and Fantasy (2016)
- Otherworldly: Science Fiction and Fantasy (The New York Times Book Review, March 26, 2017) (2017)
- Otherworldly: Science Fiction and Fantasy (The New York Times Book Review, November 5, 2017) (2017)
- Otherworldly: Science Fiction and Fantasy (The New York Times Book Review, December 12, 2017) (2017)
- Introduction (The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2018) (2018)
Introduction (How Long 'til Black Future Month?) (2018)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Introduction (Lumières noires) [French] (2019)
Three Sisters, an Island and an Apocalyptic Tale of Survival (2019)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Fantasy Island (2019)
Discurso de N. K. Jemisin: cerimônia de premiação do Hugo WorldCon de 2018?Discurso de N. K. Jemisin: cerimonia de premiacao do Hugo WorldCon de 2018[Portuguese] (2019)
- Acknowledgements (The City We Became) (2020)
- There's a Reason (2023)
- All the Birds in the Sky (2016) by Charlie Jane Anders
- All the Birds in the Sky (2016) by Charlie Jane Anders
- Planetfall (2016) by Emma Newman
- Planetfall (2016) by Emma Newman
This Census-Taker (2016)
China Miéville?China Mieville
This Census-Taker (2016)
China Miéville?China Mieville
- Travelers Rest (2016) by Keith Lee Morris
- Travelers Rest (2016) by Keith Lee Morris
- Just Over the Horizon (2016) by Greg Bear
- The Edge of Worlds (2016) by Martha Wells
- The Fireman (2016) by Joe Hill
- Will Do Magic for Small Change (2016) by Andrea Hairston
Agents of Dreamland (2017)
Caitlín R. Kiernan?Caitlin R. Kiernan
- New York 2140 (2017) by Kim Stanley Robinson
- The Djinn Falls in Love: and Other Stories (2017) by Mahvesh Murad and Jared Shurin
- An Unkindness of Magicians (2017) by Kat Howard
- Artemis (2017) by Andy Weir
- Rebel Seoul (2017) by Axie Oh
- Seventh Decimate (2017) by Stephen R. Donaldson
- Frankenstein: The 1818 Text (2017) by Mary Shelley
- Heartland (2017) by Ana Simo
- Winter of Ice and Iron (2017) by Rachel Neumeier
- Year One (2017) by Nora Roberts
- The Water Cure (2019) by Sophie Mackintosh
- N. K. Jemisin: Rites of Passage (2010) with N. K. Jemisin
- Interview (The Killing Moon) (2012) with N. K. Jemisin
- Mammals Underfoot! An Interview with Emerging Writers (2009) by Jeff VanderMeer (co-interviewed with Genevieve Valentine and Angela Slatter and Tessa Kum and Meghan McCarron and Jeremy C. Shipp and Shweta Narayan and Jesse Bullington)
- Interview (The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms) (2010) by uncredited
- Peculiar Notes of Contradiction: A Conversation with N. K. Jemisin (2010) by Jeremy L. C. Jones
- Even the Best Stories Have Flaws: Inside Altered Fluid (2010) by Jeremy L. C. Jones (co-interviewed with Saladin Ahmed and Paul M. Berger and Kris Dikeman and Alaya Dawn Johnson and Rajan Khanna and Matthew Kressel and E. C. Myers and Devin Poore and Mercurio D. Rivera and Greer Woodward)
- N. K. Jemisin: Rites of Passage (2010) by N. K. Jemisin
- Feature Interview: Sky's (Not) the Limit: The Ascension of N. K. Jemisin (2011) by Paul Goat Allen
- Interview (The Killing Moon) (2012) by N. K. Jemisin
- Interview (The Hunderd Thousand Kingdoms) (2014) by uncredited
- N.K. Jemisin Interviewed by Karen Burnham (2014) by Karen Burnham
- Author Spotlight: N. K. Jemisin (2014) by Laurel Amberdine
- Author Spotlight: N. K. Jemisin (2014) by Jude Griffin
- Interview: N. K. Jemisin (2015) by David Barr Kirtley
- Out There (2016) by uncredited
- Volcanoes, Obelisks, and Spam Sushi: A Conversation with N.K. Jemisin (2016) by Chris Urie
- Author Spotlight: N. K. Jemisin (Fantasy Magazine, December 2016) (2016) by Christian A. Coleman
- The WD Interview: N.K. Jemisin (2019) by Jera Brown
- Interview: N. K. Jemisin (2021) by Arley Sorg
- Inside the List: N. K. Jemisin (2023) by Elisabeth Egan