ISFDB Build Process

Revision as of 05:00, 22 November 2010 by JesseW (talk | contribs) (add more)
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The ISFDB software build process is configured by two files: INSTALLDIRS and common/ . The build process is started by running make install in the base directory (i.e. isfdb2/ assuming you checked it out of CVS).

The base directory Makefile simply runs make with two targets (install and LOCAL) in each of the following subdirs: common/, biblio/, edit/, mod/, css/, and rest/. (common/ and css/ don't run LOCAL).

The common/ Makefile creates subdirectories named local/ in the other 4 directories (except css/), then copies nearly all the files in common/ into each of the other directories. It doesn't copy anywhere, and it copies into the local subdirs, as well as copying it into css/ and scripts/. It also doesn't copy about half the files (called CLASS_FILES) into biblio/.

The biblio/ Makefile first creates a file, .TARGETS that defines a list of the contents of the directory, but with local/ prepended, and the .py extension replaced with .cgi. It then runs make on and runs (copied from common/ above) on all the files listed in .TARGETS (i.e. all the files). See below for what does. Then it copies some of the files (called LIBS and MYLIBS) in biblio/ into it's local/ subdirectory.