Bio:Ren Holton

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This is an ISFDB biography page for Ren Holton. It is intended to contain a relatively brief, neutrally-written, biographical sketch of Ren Holton. Bibliographic comments and notes about the work of Ren Holton should be placed on Author:Ren Holton.

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Ren Holton is the alter ego of another, nicer, writer. Ren is the person people never invite to parties, but always speak to when they want a dubious favour. Despite this, Ren manages an almost autonomous existence and can be found within, but separate to, reality. Recent Ren Holton works have been published in Apex Digest and SciFantastic, Deathgrip: Exit Laughing, Shadow Plays and at the Late Late Show and are forthcoming in North of Infinity and Strange Pleasures #6.