Help:How to delete a book

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The ISFDB allows you to delete information about books. There are two things you might want to delete: a publication, and a title.

If you notice that a publication record is a duplicate of another one, there's no way to merge the two together. You can merge the titles of those publications, if necessary, but the publications can't be merged. Instead you have to delete one of them.

You may also want to delete a publication if you discover that it is spurious. Sometimes data for books gets entered from publishers' "Forthcoming Books" lists, and these sometimes contain inaccuracies. Other possible reasons for deleting a publication include a decision that a work is outside the scope of the ISFDB.

In some cases, you will want to delete the publication, but retain the title information, because other publications still exist (or will exist) for this title in the ISFDB. In other cases, you also need to delete the title, for example if the work is agreed to be outside the ISFDB's scope.

To delete a publication, simply display the publication and then click "Delete this Pub" on the left navbar. When a moderator approves this, the publication will disappear from the ISFDB.

To delete a title, you must first delete all the publications associated with it (and those deletions have to have been approved). When the last publication is gone, you can then display the title, and click "Delete this Title" on the left navbar. This will submit the title deletion for approval.