Author:Michael Connelly

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This is an ISFDB Bibliographic Comments page for the author (or artist or editor) Michael Connelly. This page may be used for bibliographic comments or extended notes about the author, or discussion on how to the author's works are to be recorded . The link above leads to the ISFDB summary record for Michael Connelly. Please use Bio:Michael Connelly for a biographical sketch of this person. To discuss what should go on this page, use the talk page. For more on this and other header templates, see Header templates.

I'd like to nominate Michael Connelly for deletion from ISFDB as I don’t believe he written any speculative fiction works. I just finished The Lincoln Lawyer which while thoroughly enjoyable was a legal thriller set in present day Los Angeles that did not contain any speculative fiction. Per the wikipedia he’s mainly a writer of detective novels and I could not see anything in his works that would seem to qualify as SF and included in ISFDB. Marc Kupper 16:59, 20 Dec 2006 (CST)

Connelly's Web site also suggests that he is a mystery/thriller writer with no crossover appeal. I'd be happy with moving his biblio to Wikipedia (if it can add anything to the existing article), but at the very least we need to change his "Novels" that are currently listed in the ISFDB to "Nongenre". Ahasuerus 17:34, 20 Dec 2006 (CST)

I did an experiment with saving the old data as wikitext (below) prior to deleting it but at the moment it's somewhat painful and I only deleted one publication/title while I think about if there's a better way. Marc Kupper 22:23, 20 Dec 2006 (CST)

I don't think there's anything that can be contributed to wikipedia as they normally don't drill down to individual publications.

Author: Michael Connelly (delete)
