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Уравнения Максвелла?Uravnenie Maksvella(1960)
Мир, в котором я исчез?Mir, v kotorom ya ischez(1962)
Пурпурная мумия?Purpurnaya mumiya(1965) only appeared as:
Variant: Пурпурная мумия?Purpurnaya mumiya(1965) [as byА. Днепров?A. Dneprov]
- Translation: Bíbormúmia [Hungarian] (1969) [as by Alekszandr Dnyeprov]
Формула бессмертия?Formula bessmertiya(1972)
Hullámverés a Marson / Bíbormúmia [Hungarian] (1969) [O]
Дмитрий Биленкин?Dmitri Bilenkin[only as by Dmitrij Bilenkin and Alekszandr Dnyeprov]
Dmitriy Bilenkin
Кораблекрушение?Korablekrusheniye(1958) only appeared as:
- Serializations:
- Translation: Naufragiul (part 1 of 2) [Romanian] (1962) [as by A. Dneprov]
- Translation: Naufragiul (part 2 of 2) [Romanian] (1962) [as by A. Dneprov]
Крабы идут по острову?Kraby idut po ostrovu(1958) also appeared as:
Variant: Крабы идут по острову?Kraby idut po ostrovu(1958) [as byА. Днепров?A. Dneprov]
Translation: Crabii mișună pe insulă?Crabii misuna pe insula[Romanian] (1959) [as by A. Dneprov]
- Translation: Insel der Krebse [German] (1963) [as by Anatolij Dnjeprow]
- Translation: Rákok a szigeten [Hungarian] (1965) [as by A. Dnyeprov]
- Translation: Crabs on the Island [English] (1968) [as by Anatoly Dneprov]
- Translation: Krebse greifen an [German] (1968) [as by Anatoli Dneprow]
- Translation: The Island of the Crabs [English] (1968) [as by Anatoliy Dneprov]
- Translation: The Island of the Crabs [English] (1968) [as by A. Dneprov]
- Translation: Crabs Take Over the Island [English] (1969) [as by Anatoly Dnieprov]
- Translation: Krabben nemen bezit van het eiland [Dutch] (1970) [as by Vladlen Bakhnov]
- Translation: Os Caranguejos Caminham Sobre a Ilha [Portuguese] (1970) [as by Anatoly Dneprov]
- Translation: Die Insel der Krebse [German] (1972) [as by Anatolij Dneprow]
Translation: L'île aux crabes?L'ile aux crabes[French] (1973) [as by Anatoliy Dneprov]
- Translation: Krabbornas ö [Swedish] (1974) [as by Antoli Dnjeprov]
- Translation: Krabben Nemen Bezit van het Eiland [Dutch] (1976) [as by Anatoliy Dneprov]
Translation: Crabii mișună pe insulă?Crabii misuna pe insula[Romanian] (1982) [as by Anatoli Dneprov]
Crabii mishuna pe insula
- Serializations:
- Translation: I granchi dell'isola deserta (Part 1 of 3) [Italian] (1959) [as by A. Dnieprov]
- Translation: I granchi dell'isola deserta (Part 2 of 3) [Italian] (1959) [as by A. Dnieprov]
- Translation: I granchi dell'isola deserta (Part 3 of 3) [Italian] (1959) [as by A. Dnieprov]
Суэма?Suema(1958) also appeared as:
Variant: Суэма?Suema(1958) [as byА. Днепров?A. Dneprov]
- Translation: Méa [French] (1961) [as by Anatoli Dneprov]
- Translation: Siema [English] (1961) [as by Anatoly Dnieprov]
- Translation: Svema [German] (1961) [as by Anatoli Dneprow]
- Translation: Maela [Spanish] (1962) [as by Anatoly Dneprov]
- Translation: Mema [Italian] (1963) [as by Anatolij Dneprov]
Translation: ÖRZSE?OERZSE[Hungarian] (1969) [as by Alekszandr Dnyeprov]
- Translation: Siema [Swedish] (1978) [as by Antatolij Dneprov]
- Translation: Coca [Romanian] (1981) [as by Anatoli Dneprov]
- Serializations:
- Translation: Mela (part 1 of 2) [Romanian] (1961) [as by Anatoli Dneprov]
- Translation: Mela (part 2 of 2) [Romanian] (1961) [as by Anatoli Dneprov]
Диверсант с «Юпитера»?Diversant s Yupitera(1959) also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Diversant [German] (1962) [as by A. Dneprow]
Машина «ЭС, модель № 1»?Mashina "ES", model' N 1(1959) also appeared as:
Mashina «ES, model' № 1»- Translation: Rob Days phantastische Maschine [German] (1962) [as by A. Dneprow]
- Translation: Maschine "Er", Modell Nr. 1 [German] (1963) [as by Anatolij Dnjeprow]
- Translation: Maschine ER, Modell Nr. I [German] (1966) [as by Anatoli Dneprow]
- Translation: Máquina CE, Modelo N-1 [Portuguese] (1970) [as by Anatoly Dneprov]
Электронный молот?Elektronnyy molot(1959) only appeared as:
Variant: Электронный молот?Elektronnyy molot(1960) [as byА. Днепров?A. Dneprov]
- Translation: Ciocanul electronic [Romanian] (1960) [as by Anatoli Dneprov]
Уравнения Максвелла?Uravneniya Maksvella(1960) also appeared as:
Variant: Уравнение Максвелла?Uravneniya Maksvella(1960) [as byА. Днепров?A. Dneprov]
Variant: Уравнение Максвелла?Uravneniye Maksvella(1960)
Translation: Les équations de Maxwell?Les equations de Maxwell[French] (1962) [as by Anatoli Dneprov]
- Translation: The Maxwell Equations [English] (1963) [as by Anatoly Dnieprov]
- Translation: Le equazioni di Maxvell [Italian] (1964) [as by Anatolij Dneprov]
- Translation: A Maxwell-egyenletek [Hungarian] (1969) [as by Alekszandr Dnyeprov]
- Translation: Maxwells ekvation [Swedish] (1979) [as by Anatolij Dneprov]
- Serializations:
Translation: Ecuațiile lui Maxwell (part 1 of 2)?Ecuatiile lui Maxwell (part 1 of 2)[Romanian] (1961) [as by Anatoli Dneprov]
Translation: Ecuațiile lui Maxwell (part 2 of 2)?Ecuatiile lui Maxwell (part 2 of 2)[Romanian] (1961) [as by Anatoli Dneprov]
Игра?Igra(1961) also appeared as:
Variant: Игра?Igra(1961) [as byА. Днепров?A. Dneprov]
- Translation: Jocul [Romanian] (1963) [as by Anatoli Dneprov]
Translation: Játék?Jatek[Hungarian] (1969) [as by Alekszandr Dnyeprov]
Мир, в котором я исчез?Mir, v kotorom ya ischez(1961) also appeared as:
Variant: Мир, в котором я исчез?Mir, v kotorom ya ischez(1961) [as byА. Днепров?A. Dneprov]
Translation: Le monde que j'avais quitté?Le monde que j'avais quitte[French] (1964) [as by Anatoly Dnieprov]
Translation: Le monde que j'avais quitté?Le monde que j'avais quitte[French] (1964) [as by A. Dnieprov]
- Translation: The World in Which I Vanished [English] (1968) [as by Anatoly Dneprov]
- Translation: The World in Which I Disappeared [English] (1968) [as by Anatoly Dnieprov]
- Translation: The World in Which I Disappeared [English] (1968) [as by A. Dneprov]
- Translation: Das zweite Leben [German] (1970) [as by A. Dnjeprow]
- Translation: O mundo que eu deixava [Portuguese] (1973) [as by A. Dnieprov]
Новое направление?Novoye napravleniye(1961) [only as byА. Днепров?A. Dneprov]
Полосатый Боб?Polosatyy Bob(1961) [also as byА. Днепров?A. Dneprov]
Пятое состояние?Pyatoye sostoyaniye(1961)
Фактор времени?Faktor vremeni(1961) only appeared as:
- Translation: Factorul timp [Romanian] (1962) [as by A. Dneprov]
Эксперименты профессора Леонозова?Eksperimenty professora Leonozova(1961) only appeared as:
Translation: Experiențele profesorului Leonozov?Experientele profesorului Leonozov[Romanian] (1962) [as by A. Dneprov]
Пурпурная мумия?Purpurnaya mumiya(1961) only appeared as:
Variant: Пурпурная мумия?Purpurnaya mumiya(1961) [as byА. Днепров?A. Dneprov]
- Translation: Mumia purpurie [Romanian] (1962) [as by A. Dneprov]
- Translation: The Purple Mummy [English] (1966) [as by Anatoly Dneprov]
Translation: Bíbormúmia?Bibormumia[Hungarian] (1969) [as by Alekszandr Dnyeprov]
Импульс «Д»?Impuls «D»(1962) only appeared as:
Variant: Импульс «Д»?Impuls «D»(1962) [as byА. Днепров?A. Dneprov]
- Translation: A D-impulzusok [Hungarian] (1969) [as by Alekszandr Dnyeprov]
Когда задают вопросы ...?Kogda zadayut voprosy ...(1962) also appeared as:
Kogda zadayut voprosy...-
Variant: Когда задают вопросы...?Kogda zadayut voprosy...(1962) [as byА. Днепров?A. Dneprov]
- Translation: When Questions Are Asked [English] (1963) [as by Anatoly Dneprov]
- Translation: Csak kérdezni kell [Hungarian] (1977) [as by Anatolij Dnyeprov]
Лицом к стене?Litsom k stene(1962)
Подвиг?Podvig(1962) also appeared as:
- Translation: Un act de eroism [Romanian] (1962) [as by Anatoli Dneprov]
Variant: Подвиг?Podvig(1964) [as byА. Днепров?A. Dneprov]
- Translation: The Heroic Feat [English] (1968) [as by Anatole Dnieprov]
Формула бессмертия?Formula bessmertiya(1962) also appeared as:
- Translation: Formula of Immortality [English] (1963) [as by Anatoly Dneprov]
- Translation: Formula nemuririi [Romanian] (1967) [as by A. Dneprov]
- Translation: Formula for Immortality [English] (1979) [as by Anatoly Dneprov]
- Translation: Formula nemuririi [Romanian] (1981) [as by Anatoli Dneprov]
Глиняный бог?Glinyanyy bog(1963)
Перпетуум мобиле?Perpetuum mobile(1963) [only as byА. Днепров?A. Dneprov]
Прямое доказательство?Pryamoye dokazatelstvo(1963) only appeared as:
Variant: Прямое доказательство?Pryamoye dokazatelstvo(1963) [as byА. Днепров?A. Dneprov]
Translation: Közvetlen bizonyíték?Kozvetlen bizonyitek[Hungarian] (1969) [as by Alekszandr Dnyeprov]
Koezvetlen bizonyiiteek
Банка без наклейки?Banka bez nakleyki(1964) only appeared as:
- Translation: El bote sin etiqueta [Spanish] (2016) [as by Anatoly Dneprov]
Интервью с регулировщиком Уличного Движения?Interv'yu s Regulirovshchikom Ulichnogo Dvizheniya(1964) only appeared as:
Translation: Discuție cu un agent de circulație?Discutie cu un agent de circulatie[Romanian] (1966) [as by Anatoli Dneprov]
- Translation: Interview mit einem Verkehrsposten [German] (1969) [as by Anatoli Dneprow]
- Translation: Interview with a Traffic Policeman [English] (1970) [as by Anatoliy Dneprov]
- Translation: Unterhaltung mit einem Verkehrspolizisten [German] (1972) [as by Anatolij Dneprow]
- Translation: Gesprek met een Verkeersagent [Dutch] (1976) [as by Anatoliy Dneprov]
Translation: Razgovor sa saobraćajcem?Razgovor sa saobracajcem[Serbian] (1976) [as by Anatolij Dnjeprov]
Случайный выстрел?Sluchaynyy vystrel(1964) [only as byА. Днепров?A. Dneprov]
Ферма "Станлю"?Ferma "Stanlyu"(1964) only appeared as:
Variant: Ферма "Станлю"?Ferma "Stanlyu"(1964) [as byА. Днепров?A. Dneprov]
- Translation: The S*T*A*P*L*E Farm [English] (1970) [as by Anatoliy Dneprov]
- Translation: The S*t*a*p*l*e Farm [English] (1970) [as by Anatoliy Dneprov]
- Translation: Die STA-MEN-Farm [German] (1972) [as by Anatolij Dneprow]
- Translation: De Stamhoeve [Dutch] (1976) [as by Anatoliy Dneprov]
Otchłań?Otchlan[Polish] (1970) [only as by Anatolij Dnieprow]
Юмор без микроскопа?Yumor bez mikroskopa(1965)